Risley Residential College

for the Creative and Performing Arts

Housing Application For 2012-2013 Year

General Information
First Name: Last Name:
Current Address:
Current Phone:
E-Mail: CU ID#: Gender: Man Woman
Year at Cornell: Sophomore Junior Senior Grad
Room Request (check one): Single Double Either One
Roommate Preference:
(Please provide the name of person you want to room with you. They must either already be a house member or applying to become a house member. This person also needs to request you as a roommate.)
Please indicate the house(s) you are applying for and your order of preference, if applicable.
Remember to email a separate application for each house to which you are applying.
...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Akwe:kon...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Ecology House
...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Just About Music (JAM)...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Holland International Living Center (HILC)
...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8LatinoLiving Center (LLC)...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Risley Residential College
...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Ujamaa...Preference #1Preference #2Preference #3Preference #4Preference #5Preference #6Preference #7Preference #8Multicultural Living Learning Unit (McLLU)
For more information or a new application form for each of these houses, please follow the links above or visit: programhouses.campuslife.cornell.edu

New House Member
NOTE: Only full time enrolled students are eligible to live in university undergraduate housing
NOTE: No smoking is allowed in any university undergraduate housing
Permanent Address:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact Information:
Cell Phone:
Relationship to Applicant:
Special Interests:
I am interested in being an individual shop manager.
The shop(s) I am interested in:
Jewelry Shop Recording Studio
Stained Glass ShopLetter Press Shop
Wood & Metal ShopDark Room (Photography)
Art Studio Pottery/Ceramics Studio
Sewing Shop Digital Video Studio
I am interested in being involved with Risley Theatre.
I am interested in getting involved in the following aspects of the Risley Theatre.
I am interested in being involved in the planning of Risley’s Traditional Programs.
The program(s) I am interested in:
Masquerave Rocky Horror Picture Show
Handel’s Messiah A Night at Hogwarts
Bye Bye BBQ Life Drawing
Lost Coffee Eat This!
RisBrunch Tammany Night Club
Sex on the Table Faculty Fellow Programs
Various Music Ensembles Risley Orientation Committee (RisOC) V-D Ball Spring Faire
Cultural Dinners in RisDining
Most of the floors and restrooms in Risley are gender-neutral, however there is limited space on single-sex floors:
I would prefer to live on a single-sex floor, if available
I will only live on a single-sex floor
Please answer the following questions with thoughtfulness and creativity:
(alternate means of answering these questions are welcome: email for how)
Why do you want to become a resident of Risley Residential College?
If you could have any superpower what would it be? Why?
What programs would you like to initiate and/or participate in as a member of Risley?
Have you ever attended any programs in Risley or sponsored by Risley?
Returning House Member
NOTE: Only full time enrolled students are eligible to live in university undergraduate housing
NOTE: No smoking is allowed in any university undergraduate housing
Permanent Address:
Cell Phone:
Emergency Contact Information:
Cell Phone:
Relationship to Applicant:
Special Interests:
I am interested in being an individual Shop Manager.
The shop(s) I am interested in:
Jewelry Shop Recording Studio
Stained Glass ShopPrintmaking Shop
Wood & Metal ShopDark Room (Photography)
Art Studio Pottery/Ceramics Studio
Sewing Shop Digital Video Studio
I am interested in being involved with Risley Theatre.
I am interested in being involved in the planning of Risley’s Traditional Programs.
The program(s) I am interested in:
Masquerave Rocky Horror Picture Show
Handel’s Messiah A Night at Hogwarts
Bye Bye BBQ Life Drawing
Lost Coffee Eat This!
RisBrunch Tammany Night Club
Sex on the Table Faculty Fellow Programs
Various Music Ensembles Risley Orientation Committee (RisOC) V-D Ball Spring Faire
Cultural Dinners in RisDining
Most of the floors and restrooms in Risley are gender-neutral, however there is limited space on single-sex floors:
I would prefer to live on a single-sex floor, if available
I will only live on a single-sex floor
Please answer the following questions thoroughly:
What did you learn living in the Risley community this past year?
What did you contribute to the Risley community this past year? What programs did you participate in? Why did you like or participate in those programs?
What programs or activities would you like to see take place in Risley next year?
I intend to keep (squat) my current room assignment for the 2012-13 academic year?