
4th grade Homework(week of Nov. 28th-Dec. 2nd)

*If there are any changes made to the daily assignments, I will let students know during class.*

Monday 11-28
*Homework Club available 3-3:30pm / Math: Division Speed Test (remember these are the opposite of your multiplication facts so work backwards). Go as fast as you can and put your time at the top of your test. Also have your parent correct your work and sign your test.
Spelling: 1st worksheet of the spelling packet (the first 10 sentences are part of Friday’s test)
Nightly Reading: Read 20 minutes and practice your Christmas play lines and songs Parent signature______
Tuesday 11-29
*Homework Club available 3-3:30pm / Math: Page 78 in your On-Core book (if not completed during class)
Spelling: 2nd worksheet of the spelling packet (the first 10 sentences are part of Friday’s test)
Religion: Review for tomorrow’s chapter 4 test. Use your chapter review and “big” questions to help you prepare.
Nightly Reading: Read 20 minutes and practice your Christmas play lines and songs Parent signature______
Wed. 11-30
*No Homework Club today / Math: Preparing for Long Division worksheet
Spelling: 3rd worksheet of the spelling packet (the first 10 sentences are part of Friday’s test)
Nightly Reading: Read 20 minutes and practice your Christmas play lines and songs Parent signature______
Thursday 12-1
*Homework Club available 3-3:30pm / Math: Finding Division Remainders worksheet…we will start this in class.
Spelling: Take a practice test at home and write any missed words 5 times. Write in your neatest cursive. **Have the adult who gave you the test correct and sign your pretest paper** All spelling assignments are due tomorrow. Remember to be prepared to take the spelling test tomorrow morning...the first 10 sentences will be part of tomorrow’s test, so include them on your pretest!!!!
Nightly Reading: Read 20 minutes and practice your Christmas play lines and songs Parent signature______
Friday 12-2 /
  • Your Homework sheets with reading signatures are due today.
  • All spelling assignments are also due today and you will be taking your spelling test!!
  • Friday Folders will be sent home today. Please look through the work, and have your parent sign and return anything stamped. Friday Folders are due back to class Monday. Thank You

Our Christmas Performance is Thursday, Dec, 15th at 6:30pm. 4th Grade students need to arrive at the classroom by 5:45pm to get into costumes and make last minute preparations before the show.