Project/Job No: Generic Name: Dermot Cotter Process/Activity*: Liquid CO2 transfer.* see final page for detail /
ThornliebankInd Estate, Glasgow G46 8JW
Tel: 0141 638 7916 Fax: 0141 638 8111
No / Hazard Description / Who could be harmed? / Current controls / Risk Rating with current controls / Further work required to give acceptable level of risk/Other assessments applicable / Risk Rating with additional controls / Action by / Completion date if applicable
L / S / RR / L / S / RR
1. / Explosion of portable CO2 cylinder / Star Staff/ Customer staff/ subcontractors and general public / Keep the CO2 cylinder out of direct sunlight.
Store cylinders safely – away from traffic routes & heat sources
Before applying heat to the liquid CO2 cylinder, ensure that the cylinder has been opened to the system for at least 2 minutes.
Thermostatically control the cylinder heater to a maximum of 50oC.
Electric heat may only be applied to cylinders when they are supervised
Secure the cylinder upright. / 1 / 3 / 3
2. / Explosion of portable CO2 system / Star Staff/ Customer staff/ subcontractors and general public / System shall have relief valve fitted & open to section being charged / 1 / 3 / 3
2. / Asphyxiation due to uncontrolled or careless release of CO2 liquid or gas. / Star Staff/ customer staff / Ensure space available for safe cylinder storage.
Ensure correct quality charging hose is available.
Only CO2 trained persons charge CO2
Charging in a well ventilated area / 1 / 3 / 3
3. / Refrigerant liquid burns. / Star Staff / Use impervious gloves
Follow detailed method statement.
Use approved charging lines / 2 / 2 / 4
4. / Manual handling injury when moving cylinders. / Star Staff/ Subcontractors / Adopt safe manual handling techniques as trained and ensure pathway to & from storage area remains clear of obstacles. / 1 / 2 / 2
5. / Burns from heater jacket. / Star Staff / Heater jackets thermostatically controlled & set to 500C max / 1 / 2 / 2
6. / Electric shock from heater jacket. / Star Staff / Heater jackets to have PAT certification available for inspection
Jackets are 110 volt and transformer is fed from an RCD / 1 / 3 / 3
7 / Eye injury due to due to uncontrolled or careless release of CO2 liquid or gas when charging. / Star Staff / Wear Goggles whilst charging CO2 liquid or gas / 1 / 2 / 2
Process/Work Activity Detail:
- Move the CO2 cylinders from storage area to charge zone and stand vertically local to charge point. Weigh and log each CO2 cylinder
- Transfer CO2 refrigerant as described in method statement MS004
- Once established all cylinders are empty by weighing, switch off heater, close cylinder valves & disconnect hoses
- Weigh & log each empty cylinder
- PPE - Goggles to BS EN 166-349B, Impervious gloves & Star overalls
- Under no circumstances shall heat be applied to CO2 cylinders by other means
- Ensure emergency exits are maintained & clear of obstacles.
- When charging CO2 liquid refrigerant, disconnect charge lines slowly in case liquid remains in the charge line (frost on the charge line may indicate that liquid is present)
- Accurately log amount of refrigerant charged
- Emergency procedure - Isolate electrical power to cylinder heater jackets.
-If isolation is not possible, evacuate area and follow site emergency plan
-Treatment of injuries should be in accordance with the COSHH or material data sheet
Issue / Notes / Name / Signature / Position/Company / Date / Date for Review
A / First issue after creation / Dermot Cotter / Design Manager / 18/10/07 / 18/10/08
B / Reviewed – no changes / Dermot Cotter / Design Manager / 27/10/08 / 27/10/13
Low (1) / = Unlikely / Low (1) / = First Aid Injury / 1= Trivial Risk / 6 = Substantial Risk
Medium (2) / = Possibly / Medium (2) / = Major injury or over 3 days off work / 2 = Tolerable Risk / 9 = Intolerable Risk
High (3) / = Likely / High (3) / = Permanent incapacity or death / 3 or 4 – Moderate Risk
C:\Documents and Settings\chaslam\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK1A3\RA000 - A Liquid CO2 transfer from cylinders.doc