School: / Activity: / Controlling Spread of Infectious DiseaseAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Exposure to communicable disease / Cleaning Staff / Potential hazardous waste, e.g. vomit/bodily fluids must be disposed of correctly and surfaces properly disinfected
Disposable gloves and aprons used for all activities that may result in contamination of clothing with blood, body fluids or faeces
Such PPE is double bagged and disposed of appropriately after a single use
Use of bodily fluid dispoal kits
School: / Activity: / Lone WorkingAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Accident, injury, assault
Working in isolated loations
Delayed assistance in an emergency during locking or unlocking the building
Manual Handling, sprains, strains, musculoskeletal injuries etc
Unforseen and sudden onset illness / Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff / All electrical equipment ‘user checked’ prior to use and subject to PAT regime
PPE worn as directed
Building is secured as soon as possible at end of the school day and and controlled access to the school building through coded doors. Unknown visitors challenged if safe
Lines of communiucation during lone working are pre-arranged to ensure the situation is monitored (e.g. visits, telephone call, radio contact by building supervisor)
Lone working is only permitted where the person is medically fit and suitably experienced to work alone / Consideration given to the use of a two way radio to remain in contact/call during working hoours
Consideration given to devices designed to raise the alarm automatically in the event of an emergency / Principal/Manager
Principal/Manager / Immediately, if shown required in specific risk assessment
If shown in specific risk assessment
School: / Activity: / Lone WorkingAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Fire or emergency situation
Slips, trips, falls resulting in bruising, breaks etc
Electrocution / Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Staff / Access to first aid facilities available
Building keyholders strictly controlled and numbers kept to a minimum
Use of personal mobile phone in emergency
No working at height permitted
Notify staff on site of location/estimated duration of task if working on site remote from others. Notify Manager of start/finishing time
Manual Handling operations are avoided where possible. Work re-scheduled to time when assistance is available.
School: / Activity: / Lone WorkingAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Any necessary equipment used during lone working can be safely handled by one person. Only Manual Handling operations within the individual’s capability are carried out. Manual Handling training provided.
Cleaners are aware of action on fire or emergency situation
School: / Activity: / Manual Handling for Cleaning StaffAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Back injury
Sprains and Musculoskeletal injuries
Abrasions / Staff
Staff / Manual Handling Training should be given to all Cleaning Staff
Manual Handling should be minimised
Make use of Mechanicals Aids such as Trucks, Trolleys, Hoists and Lifts etc, to reduce Manual Handling
Check for damaged Floor Surfaces, Stairs, Steps such as dips, rises or holes and report immediately
Check for and deal with immediately Slip Hazards such as wet floors, spillages and loose debris, before carrying out Mandling Handling / Training in specific Lifting and Carrying Techniques should be provided for Specialised Tasks
Cleaning Chemicals supplied in small pack sizes
Make use of Ramped Floors and Walkways when transporting loads
School: / Activity: / Manual Handling of Cleaning StaffAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Check for Tripping Hazards such as trailing cables, loose mats or carpets, make safe if possible before Manual Handling
Assess for weight, stability, centre of gravity, condition and size before Manual Handling
Heavy items stored at waist level / Cut resistant gloves should be worn if lifting or carrying loads with sharp edges, corners or rough surfaces. Appropriate protective footwear should be worn. Make use of help from other staff if available
School: / Activity: / Manual Handling of Cleaning StaffAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Awkward heavy equipment moved when Building Users, Public/Visitors not in room/area
Specific Manual Handling Assessments to be carried out for all Cleaning Tasks and Procedures involving lifting or carrying and the identified control measures implemented / Cut resistant gloves should be worn if lifting or carrying loads with sharp edges, corners or rough surfaces. Appropriate protective footwear should be worn. Make use of help from other staff if available
Training in specific lifting and carrying techniques should be provided for specialised tasks / Principal/Area Cleaning Manager/Cleaning Supervisor/Building Supervisor / Immediately if indicated in Risk
School: / Activity: / Use of Electrical EquipmentAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Incorrect use of electric equipment (fixed and portable) and extension leads leading to electric shock, burns, body injury, fire
Overloading sockets
External use
Trip hazard due to trailing leads
Exposure to faulty equipment leading to bodily injury, electrocution / Cleaners, Pupils, Staff, Premise Users
Cleaners, Pupils, Staff, Premise Users
Cleaners / Portable appliance testing is carried out. All tested appliances labelled showing date tested, due date. System for reporting faults and taking equipment out of service
Repairs to be carried out by competent persons and equipment retested (PAT) prior to use
Fixed installations tested every 5 years (minimum) and remedial work actioned
Ensure all connections are properly fixed
Pre-use visual inspection carried out / Consider battery operated machines in high risk areas
School: / Activity: / Use of Electrical EquipmentAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Unauthorised use of electric equipment with the potential of bodily injury or damage
Use of defective electrical equipment / Unauthorised User, Subsequent User, Persons in Vicinity
Cleaners / A residual current device is used in higher risk situations e.g. equipment used in wet conditions and for equipment where there is a risk of cables being severed
No one permitted to bring personal electrical equipment on the premises
Extension leads are only used where necessary and staff are aware how to use safely and how to avoid overloading
All electrical equipment to be unplugged prior to routine cleaning or maintenance
Use of electrical equipment scheduled where possible to times of low occupancy
School: / Activity: / Use of Electrical EquipmentAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Electrical equipment to be securely stored when not in use to prevent unauthorised access
Staff trained in use of electrical equipment and Health & Safety issues arising
School: / Activity: / StorageAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Unauthorised access to cleaning chemicals or electrical equipment leading to various injuries from contact
Inappropriate storage of cleaning chemicals or electrical equipment leading to potential release of gas/fumes damage to leads / Unauthorsied Users, Cleaners, Pupils
Cleaners, Cleaning Supervisors, Authorised Users / Stores kept securely locked at all times when not in use
Hazardous substances stored in line with safety data sheets in original containers. Chemicals dispensed only to manufacturer labelled bottles. Safety data sheets easily accessible on site
Managers liaise with Principals/H&S Officers/Architects to ensure adequate storage provision. Supervisors spot checks for unauthorised storage
Least harmful substances in use. Incompatible chemicals segregated / DE reviewing building handbook re increased cleaner storage
School: / Activity: / StorageAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Inadequate or restricted storage space leading to storage of chemicals, consumables in non designated stores with consequent risk of fire or injury
Poor housekeeping resulting in slips, trips and falls
Inadequate ventilation for battery charging leading to release of gas / Cleaners, Pupils, Staff, Visitors
Cleaners, Supervisors
Cleaners, Supervisors, Building Users near store / Secure shelving, not overloaded. Heavy objects at lower levels
Electrical equipment isolated from water
Appropriate ventilation. Gel batteries where feasible
Supervisor and Management spot checks
School: / Activity: / StorageAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Combustable waste/litter stored overnight causing fire risk
School: / Activity: / Waste DisposalAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Back/musculoskeletal injuries, strains, sprains etc
Sharps/sharp edges/broken glass/etc causing puntures and cuts
Slips, trips or falls due to liquid spillage or overflowing rubbish
Bodily fluid spillage resulting in infection or disease / Cleaners
Cleaners, Staff and Pupils
Cleaners, Staff and Pupils
Cleaners, Staff and Pupils / Manual Handling Operations 1992 apply to all employees required to undertake Manual Handling. Where significant Manual Handling risk is identified a Manual Handling risk assessment is required. Two or more people to move heavy material. Assistance provided if required. Suitable Manual Handling Training has been provided
Cleaning staff check weight of bags before lifting and follow Manual Handling principles
Waste bags are not to be overfilled or compressed by hand prior to lifting
Sharp and sharp edges are placed into sharp bins / Consider waste carts or trollies for removal of waste to bin compound
Signs on ordinary bins should indicate sharps or heavy objects / Principal/Building Supervisor/Clenaing Manager
Principal/Building Supervisor/Clenaing Manager / As and when problem is identified and then asap thereafter
School: / Activity: / Waste DisposalAssessment carried out by: / Date: / Date of Review:
What are the Hazards / Who might be harmed and how? / Existing Control Measures
What are you already doing? / What further action is necessary? / Action by who? / Action by when? / Completed
Correct PPE, e.g. protective gloves to be worn if emptying bins by hand. Sharp/broken glass etc must always be picked up with dust pan and brush, never with hands
Signs on bins state: NO LIQUIDS and suitable PPE, hazard signs and spill kits are available to deal with spills
Bodily fluid spill kits available with instruction on use provided
HSC Public Health Agency Guidance on Infection Control in school and other childcare setting on display in general office and referred to if necessary. Staff advised of any risks, e.g. avoid contact with chickenpox between 13-20 weeks of pregnancy.