RISK ASSESSMENTMen’s FootballNovember 2017Assessed by: Linda Farrall Jack Benden

Activities usually carried out by the Football Club:

Training: Oxstalls Sports Park / Oxstalls Strength & Conditioning Suite

Matches: various locations

Tour: none

Hazard Description / Persons exposed / Risk Control Measures Currently in Place / Risk Level / Action Required / Action complete
Road traffic incident / Students / See generic ‘SU General Sports Fixtures Travel risk assessment’ / Low
Unsuitable grass pitch conditionse.g. uneven ground, potholes, ice
and extreme cold, pitch floodingetc,
which could lead to a greaterchance of injury / Students / Speak to the resident groundsperson prior to trainingor matches. If necessary cancel or find alternatevenue. If the groundsperson passes the pitch fit forplay on the morning of the game, the final decisionrests with the referee should weather conditionsworsen.
Ensure the correct footwear is used for theconditions & the ground being played upon: e.g. pimples or moulded for hard ground.
The referee will check the pitch before each game for animal faeces, sharp objects and other litter.
Captains to check the state oftraining ground before commencement of training. / Low
Goalposts (bothpermanent and
temporary): danger of goals collapsing or injuries from
implements used to secure goals / Students / Goalposts on pitch should be checked by refereesbefore each match.
All goals must comply with FA advice:
/ Low / Follow FA and BSI guidelines whenpurchasing any further goals
Conduct of players e.g.
dangerous tackling leading to injuries / Students / Players should follow the rules of the game and play‘in the spirit of the game’. Captains should beresponsible for the actions of the players. Abide by thereferee’s decisions. Captains to communicate with any playerwho appears to be behaving in a manner that putsothers at risk. / Low - Med / Ensure that players wear shin pads.
Ensure that players adhere to F.A. conductguidelines.
F.A. sanctions re: yellow and red cards.
Specific to matches: dangerous play / Students / Referee must be qualified & act under F.A. Guidelines. / Low
Inappropriate kit, especiallyfootwear, which can lead to injuriesto lower limbs. / Students / Any inappropriate footwear should be pointed out.
Only trainers or astroturf shoes should be worn on Oxstalls astroturf (no barefoot, studs, blades or moulded). / Low / Shin pads must be worn at all practices andmatches.
Jewellery – causing injury toothers or the wearer. / Students / Insist all jewellery is taped over or removed.
Referees will check this before each game. / Low / Players responsible for removing sharp jewellery.
Spectators encroaching onto the field of play and collision with officials and players. / Students, officials & spectators / Referee to keep spectators outside touchlines / Low
Flag posts, being too close to pitch on half way line, under 5 foothigh, or with pointed top. / Students / Low / Captain and referee to check prior to match / training
Anti Social Behaviour / Students / All players have agreed to the code of conduct at membership purchase / Low
Injury associated with normal play / training / Students / Players should warm up and cool down properly before matches and training.
A first aid kit is taken to each match (and restocked regularly).
A first aider must be present at each match.
Players must wear shin pads.
Coverage by SU insurance.
Captains to familiarise themselves with: / Low
Assault / medical emergency / Students / All players have been asked to declare medical conditions when joining club. Captains are provided with accident report forms and have been instructed on what to do with these forms. Club Captains have security’s main telephone number in case of emergencies / Low / All students must be members of the Club (those who are not are not insured)
Specific to Tours: / Students / All the control measures mentioned above should apply but a clear ‘safety plan’ regarding procedures to follow in the case of emergencies abroad should be in place. Emergency Contact Numbers, First Aiders and First Aid kits etc should be known and in the possession of the Tour leader / Low / All tour participants must be insured.

For the purpose of this risk assessment, the following definitions shall be used:

Hazard – The potential for harm or injury arising from an activity including the use of tools or methods needed to carry out that activity

Risk – The likelihood of harm or injury occurring due to that hazard


LowCan be performed unsupervised following basic training

MediumCan be performed with supervision following training

HighMust be qualified and trained; special supervision arrangements must be made

Very HighRequires specialist expertise, do not proceed with activity


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