August 2015

Hello John D. Burlie Club Pioneers!

It’s hard to believe that I’ll be finishing my second year as the club president at the end of this year, time flies so fast. I want to thank everyone for their support with the club’s activities and Pioneering in general.

For those of you who have not been able to attend our luncheons, we have missed you and hope you will be able to attend soon. It’s wonderful to be able to share a meal and fellowship with others that you’ve known at Western Electric, Lucent Technologies and Alcatel. This group covers anyone who worked for the company in the area (which includes the Dublin based training center) and family and friends that would like to participate in our projects.

If not having a ride is keeping you from attending luncheons, give me a call or email and we’ll find you a ride. My contact information is: 614 861-5022 (home), 614 620 1088 (cell) or email at .

If you have changed your mailing address, email and/or phone number, please let us know. We’re trying to reduce mailing costs for the newsletter, so if you have email, we’d like to send it electronically in the future. You’ll also receive email updates on our luncheons and projects so you can more easily stay in touch with us.

Martha Terry has been tracking those of our members who have passed away and those that are ill. Please let her know at 614-866-8871 if you hear of others that are ill or have passed so we can share the information at the luncheons and in our newsletter.

A copy of the 2015 reporting sheet for volunteer hours is included in this newsletter. Please share your volunteer activities … we want to keep the Pioneers as the largest volunteer organization in the world! Even if your hours aren’t a Pioneer project, we’d like to collect all the volunteering of our members.

Thanks for all you do!

Bobbie Hall-Refinati – Burlie Club President

Elaine Housley comments:

Pioneering continues to evolve. We no longer use a telecommunications identifier in our name, but are known as Pioneers … A volunteer network.

The headquarters group in Denver has been very active in reducing costs. Last year their financial audit ran almost $90,000 and took close to two months to complete. By moving all the clubs to a single banking organization, this year costs ran around $50,000 and turnaround was reduced to two weeks. The Columbus club was one of the first to transition their accounts and was a role model in the process. Also the staff has been reorganized to make the organization more agile in the future.

Earlier this year, I was able to represent New Outlook Pioneers in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan at a national officer’s conference where several worthwhile discussions were held on the strategic direction of the Pioneers. You’ve probably seen some of our partnering with the AT&T Pioneers locally where we’ve had adjacent tents at the Special Olympics in June, and members attending luncheons and fundraising events in each other’s home ground. You’ll see more cooperation in the future with more joint events.

The Pioneer board of directors (with two representatives from New Outlook - our group) will be meeting in November to discuss their 3-year plan. As information becomes available, I’ll share it through our emailing.

With that in mind, we have been requested to complete our initiation of officers before the end of the year (so local elections will need to be completed along with the 2016 budget by mid-November). If you’re interested in an office, please let us know.

The corporate “Dish it up” project is being held between October 16th and November 7th to coincide with Pioneer’s Week. Locally we’ll be accepting food donations and monies at both our September and October luncheons. Food donations will go to the local food pantries where our members volunteer, and monetary donations will go to the Central Ohio Food Bank since they have the best buying power and distribute food and supplies across a large part of Ohio.

By the way, if Pioneer headquarters has a current mailing address for you, you should have recently received the 2016 calendar. If you look at January, New Outlook Pioneers was referenced, and most of the projects mentioned were those within our chapter, including our local club. If you would like to send a contribution for the calendar, it would be appreciated. The direct marketing campaign is on target, and it would reduce the billing to the local areas if headquarter costs are covered by direct marketing collections.

Remember to put in your volunteer hours for 2015. Gather what you’ve completed so far and send them to me by email, phone or regular mail. We’ll gather hours at luncheons also, but would like to have all reporting by the end of the calendar year.

I’m so proud of our local results, let’s continue to be a role model for the organization!

Elaine Housley, Chapter 135 President, New Outlook Pioneers

Lunch is Served! Social Hour 11 a.m. – Lunch Noon

Please pay at the door $14.50

You may cancel up to two days PRIOR to luncheon

If reservation is not cancelled, you still owe for that lunch

September 9Chicken Parmesan or Fish



Coffee or Tea

Spumoni Ice Cream

October 14Meat Balls or Fish

Au Gratin Potatoes


Coffee or Tea

Carrot Cake

November 11Turkey & Dressing or Fish


Coffee or TeaLuncheons are at Berwick Manor Party House, 3250 Refugee

Pumpkin PieRoad, Columbus, 43232, noon on the second Wednesday.

The December luncheon will be on the first Friday of December

December 4 (Friday)to allow time for everyone to enjoy his or her family

Red Parsley Potatoesactivities over the holidays.


Coffee or Tea

Boston Cream Pie

Important note for September Luncheon: the club has limited funds since we’re still living off the donations from furniture sales, etc. from the days when Lucent Technologies helped to fund our group. We’ll be meeting after the luncheon in September to plan our 2016 calendar. You are welcome to the discussion whether you are on the board or not. A couple of considerations are - to reduce the number of luncheons (and/or raise the price of the meals) and to reduce the number of activities and charities that we support. We’ll be looking at aligning activities with other local Pioneer groups also. Please share your views.



Hal Smith … was one of 13 older adults honored at the 40th Central Ohio Sr. Citizen’s Hall of

Fame ceremony on May 20th hosted by Colleen Marshall of NBC4. The event was held at the

Martin Janis Center in Columbus. “Central Ohio has more than its share of dynamic,

\ engaged senior citizens who are redefining the role of the older generation,” states the

Central Ohio Senior Times . “There has been no slowing down at an arbitrary age. They

Proved that seniors are active contributors who are helping to share the future of their communities.

Martha Terry … as of May 2015, Martha has volunteered as a Port Columbus

Ambassador for 25 years – over 6,400 hours of volunteering! She received the

Presidential Service Award which recognizes the important contributions Americans

make by serving their communities. Martha’s late husband, Tom, received this

award a few years ago. Thank you, Martha!

Elaine Housley … I’m hearing that some members that don’t go to the luncheons have never seen me so am including a photo from this week when I completed donating my 24th gallon of blood to the American Red Cross … yes that’s 192 pints! I was a heavy donor when Western Electric/Lucent Technologies had onsite drives and continue to donate. Hope to hit 25 gallons (another year or two) before my donations stop!




DUBLIN, OH 43017

Our Mission

Pioneers is a network of volunteers who effect immediate, tangible change in local communities, in partnership with their sponsors.

Our Vision

Our Vision is to be recognized as a world-class leader in volunteerism. To be respected and valued by our members, strategic partners, global community and our industry. We are committed to the diversity and

growth of our members and strategic partners in improving the quality of life in our community.

(Pioneer “Remembrances” and 50/50 Winners list not available – will be in next newsletter)