Suzanne Quattlebaum

Team 6-A

Rising Starr Middle School


The grammar, composition, and literature objectives follow the Middle School English Curriculum Guide published by the Fayette County Schools as well as the Georgia Performance Standards mandated by the state of Georgia.


My goal is to encourage the highest personal development of communication skills for each student through written expression, verbal expression, viewing analysis, reading fluency, and reading comprehension and to appreciate the core values central to becoming a literate person in today’s society.


Texts:Elements of Language, Introductory Course

Elements of Literature, Introductory Course

Supplemental: 500 SAT Words and How to Remember Them Forever

Additional teacher-selected materials

Teacher-made materials


Three divider tabs

Pencils with erasers

Black pen

Red pen



Grades will be determined using a point system. Each assignment will be given a specific point value. Assignments such as homework, quizzes, and other daily activities will be assigned lower point values that tests, major writing assignments, and projects.

Infinite Campus will be used to inform parents of grades. This is an online source that provides current average and results of graded work.


There will be a weekly Daily Grammar or Language/Analogy/Spelling/SAT (DASS) quiz unless otherwise announced.

Other tests/quizzes will be given as each unit of study is completed.

Students will copy the homework assignments daily in their planner.

Students that do not complete a homework assignment will have a note written in the planner. Please check planners on a regular basis.

Students must follow the procedure for makeup work as outlined on page 9 of the student planner.

Students should have three divider tabs set up in their team binder for English class. These should be labeled as follows: Warm-Up, Notebook, Important Papers. Students are to keep all papers in the appropriate section unless told to discard by the teacher.

Extra help is available upon request. Before school and after school study sessions provide academic assistance as needed. Please give a minimum one day notice.

I look forward to working with you and your child at Rising Starr Middle School. If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at ., write a note in your child’s planner, or leave a voice mail message at (770) 486-2721, ext. 8083.