Rising Powers Bibliography
Rising Powers and Global Governance
Abdoolcarim, Z. (2011) ‘The ChIndian Century’, TIME, 10 November
Acharya, A. (2011) ‘Can Asia Lead? PowerAmbitions and Global Governance in the Twenty-first Century’,International Affairs, 87(4) pp. 851-869
Allouche, J. and Lind, J. (2014) ‘Beyond the New Deal: Global Collaboration and Peacebuilding with BRICSCountries’,Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 59, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Armijo, L, E.and Roberts, C. (2014) ‘Rising Powers and Global Governance why the BRICS Matter’, in Looney, R, E.(ed.)Handbook of Emerging Economies (Oxon and New York: Routledge)
Asian Development Bank. (2011) Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century (Manilla: ADB)
Beeson, M. (2013) ‘Can China lead?’,Third World Quarterly, 34(2)pp. 233-250
Bergsten, C, F., Gill, B., Lardy, N, R. and Mitchel, D, J. (2006) ‘China: The Balance Sheet- What the World Needs to Know About Emerging Superpower’,(New York, PublicAffairs)
Biscop, S. and Renard, T. (2012) The European Union and Emerging Powers in the 21st Century: How Europe Can Shape a New Global Order,(Farnham and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company)
Breslin, S. (2013) ‘China and the Global Order: Signalling Threat or Friendship?’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp. 615-634
Carmody, P. (2012), ‘Another BRIC in the Wall? South Africa’s Developmental Impact and Contradictory Rise in Africa and Beyond’, European Journal of Development Research, (24) pp. 223-241
Carnegie Council. (2014) ‘Rising Powers: Rise of the Rest’, Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
CFR. (2010) ‘CFR Symposium: Rising Powers and Global Institutions’, Second Annual Symposium of the International Institutions and Global Governance (IIGG) program, Council on Foreign Relations, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chan, L., Lee, P. K., Chan, G. (2008) 'Rethinking Global Governance: A China Model in the Making?', Contemporary Politics,(14) pp. 3-19
Chan, G., Lee, P. K. and Chan, L. (2012) China Engages Global Governance: A New World Order in the Making? (Routledge, Abington)
Contributors. (2013) ‘Special Issue: Negotiating the Rise of New Powers’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp. 561-792
Cooper, A., F. and Antkiewicz, A. (eds.) (2008) Emerging Powers in Global Governance: Lessons from the Heiligendamm Process, (Waterloo: The Centre for International Governance Innovation and Wilfrid Laurier University Press)
Eldis. (2014) ‘Rising Powers in International Development’, Eldis, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Emmott, B. (2008) Rivals: How the Power Struggle Between China, India and Japan Will Shape our Next Decade (Orlando: Harcourt).
Foot, R. and Walter, A. (2011)China, the United States, and Global Order(Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press)
Foresight. (2011), ‘Charting New Directions: Brazil’s Role in a Multi-Polar World’, Policy Network, Brazil Foresight Conference, Online: [Accessed 09/11/2014]
Friedman, E. and Gilley, B. (2005) Asia’s Giants: Comparing China and India (New York: Palgrave).
Gaskarth, J. (ed) (2015) China, India and the Future of International Society, London: Rowman and Littlefield
GPPI (2014) Global Public Policy Institute, Online [Accessed 02/11/2014]
Gray, K. and Murphy, C, N. (2013) ‘Introduction: Rising Powers and the Future of Global Governance’,Third World Quarterly, 34 (2) pp. 183-193
Gray, K. and Murphy, C, N. (eds.) (2013) Rising Powers and the Future of Global Governance, Thirdworlds Routledge: London
Gu, J. and Humphrey, J. (2008) ‘Global Governance and Developing Countries: The Implications of the Rise of China’, World Development, 36(2) pp. 274-292
Hampson, F, O. and Heinbecker, P. (2011) ‘Global Insights: The “New” Multilateralism of Twenty-First Century’, Global Governance, 17(3) pp. 299-310
Hoge, J, F. (2004) ‘A Global Power Shift in the Making’, Foreign Affairs, 83(4) pp. 2-7
Huang,X. and Patman, R, G.(2013) China and the International System: Becoming a World Power, (Oxon and New York: Routledge)
Hui, S. (2011), ‘Engaging an Emerging Superpower: Understanding China as a Foreign Policy Actor’, Asia Programme Paper ASP 2011/05, Chatham House: London, Online: [Accessed 09/11/2014]
Humphrey, J. and Messner, D. (2006) ‘China and India as Emerging Global Governance Actors: Challenges for Developing and Developed Countries’, Institute of Development Studies, 37(1) pp. 107-114
Hurrell, A. and Sengupta, S. (2012) ‘Emerging Powers, North–South Relations
and Global Climate Politics’,International Affairs, 88(3) pp. 463–484
Ikenberry, G, J. (2008) ‘The Rise of China and the Future of the West Can the Liberal System Survive?’, Foreign Affairs,87(1) pp. 23–37
Ikenberry, G, J. and Wright, T. (2008) ‘Rising Powers and Global Institutions: A Century Foundation Report’, The Century Foundation, New York, Online: [Accessed 11/11/2014]
Jacques, M. (2009) When China Rules the World: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom and the End of the Western World (New York: Penguin)
Jaffrelot, C. (2008) The Emerging States: The Wellspring of a New World Order (London: Hurst)
Kahler, M. (2013) ‘Rising Powers and Global Governance: Negotiating Change in a Resilient Status Quo’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp.711-729
Lesage, D. and Van de Graaf, T. (eds.) (forthcoming 2015) Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions, (Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan)
Li, M. (2011) ‘Rising from Within: China’s Search for a Multilateral World and Its Implications for Sino-US Relations’, Global Governance, 17(3) pp. 331-351
Li, M. (ed.) (2012) China Joins Global Governance: Cooperation and Contentions (Plymouth: Lexington Books)
McGuire, S. (2013) ‘Multinationals and NGOs amid a Changing Balance of Power’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp. 695-710
Mukherjee, R. and Malone, D, M. (2011) ‘From High Ground to High Table: The Evolution of Indian Multilateralism’, Global Governance, 17(3) 311-329
Murphy, C. (2000) ‘Global Governance: Poorly Done and Poorly Understood’, International Affairs, 76(4) pp. 789-803
Murphy, C, N. (2013) ‘Introduction: Rising Powers and the Future of Global Governance’, Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 183-193
Narlikar, A. (2011) ‘Is India a Responsible Great Power?’ Third World Quarterly, 32(9) pp. 1607-1621
Narlikar, A. (2013) ‘Negotiating the Rise of New Powers’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp. 561-576
Palat, R, A. (2010) ‘World Turned Upside Down? Rise of the Global South and the Contemporary Global Financial Turbulence’, Third World Quarterly, 31(3) pp. 365-384
Rachman, G. (2011) ‘American Decline: This Time It’s for Real’, Foreign Policy, No. 184 (January/February), pp. 59–65.
Schweller, R. (2011) ‘Global Insights: Emerging Powers in an Age of Disorder’, Global Governance, 17(3) pp. 285-297
Scott, D. (2008) The Chinese Century? The Challenge to Global Order (Basingstoke: Palgrave).
Shaffer, T. C. (2009) ‘The United States, India and Global Governance: Can They Work Together?’, The Washington Quarterly, 32(3) pp. 71-87
Sharma, R. (2005) India and Emerging Asia, (New Delhi: Sage Publications India)
Steinberg, J, B. (2010) ‘Rising Powers and Global Institutions: World Order in the 21st Century’, Remarks at The Council on Foreign Relations, US Department of State, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Stephen, M. (2012), ‘Rising Regional Powers and International Institutions: The Foreign Policy Orientations of India, Brazil and South Africa’, Global Society, 26(3) pp. 289-309
Stephen, M, D. (2014) ‘Rising Powers, Global Capitalism and Liberal Global Governance: A Historical Materialist Account of the BRIC’s Challenge’, European Journal of International Relations, DOI: 10.1177/1354066114523655, Online:
Stuenkel, O. (2014) India-Brazil-South Africa Dialogue Forum (IBSA): The Rise of the Global South, Volume 89 of Global Institutions Series, (London: Routledge)
Subramanian, A. (2011) ‘The Inevitable Superpower: Why China’s Rise is a Sure Thing’,Foreign Affairs, 90(5) pp. 66-78
The Stanley Foundation. (2014) ‘Rising Powers: The New Global Reality’, The Stanley Foundation, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
The University of Manchester. (2014) ‘Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures’, The University of Manchester, Supported by the ESRC, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
University of Cambridge. (2014) ‘Centre for Rising Powers’, University of Cambridge, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Vezirgiannidou, S. (2013) ‘The United States and Rising Powers in a Post-hegemonic Global Order’, International Affairs, 89(3) pp. 635-651
Wang, H. and Rosena, J, N. (2009) 'China and Global Governance’ Asian Perspective, 33(3) pp.5-39
Rising Powers and Power Transitions
Acharya, A. (2014) The End of American World Order (Cambridge and Malden: Polity Press)
Agrawal, S. (2007) ‘Emerging Donors in International Development Assistance: The India Case’, International Development Research Center, Online: [Accessed 09/11/2014]
Alden, C. (2012), ‘China and Africa: The Relationship Matures’, Strategic Analysis, 36(5) pp. 701-707
Alexandroff, A, S. and Cooper, A. F. (eds.) (2008) Rising States, Rising Institutions: Challenges for Global Governance, (Waterloo: The Centre for International Governance Innovation and Wilfrid Laurier University Press)
Antoniades, A. (2013) ‘Recasting the Power Politics of Debt: Structural Power, Hegemonic Stabilisers and Change’, Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 214-232
Bank, A. and Karadag, R. (2013) ‘The ‘Ankara Moment’: The Politics of Turkey’s Regional Power in the Middle East, 2007–11’, Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 287-304
Beausang, F. (2012), Globalization and the BRICs: Why the BRICs Will Not Rule the World for Long, (London:Palgrave Macmillan)
Beeson, M. (2013) ‘Can China Lead?’, Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 233-250
Berenskoetter, F. and Williams, M, J. (2007) Power in World Politics (London: Routledge).
Berenson, M, P., Larionova, M. and Rakhmangulov, M. (2014) ‘Promoting Greater Cooperation Between Russia and OECD Donors’, Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 53, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Bloom, G., Paes de Sousa, R., Pillay, Y., Xiulan, Z. and Constantine, J. (2014) ‘Building Mutual Understanding for Effective Development’, Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 66, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Bond, P. (2013) ‘Sub-imperialism as Lubricant of Neoliberalism: South African ‘Deputy Sheriff’ Duty within BRICS’, Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 251-270
Breslin, S. (2011) ‘The Soft Notion of China’s ‘Soft Power’, Asia Programme Paper ASP PP 2011/03,Chatham House: London, Online: [Accessed, 09/11/2014]
Brooks, S, G. and Wohlforth, W. (2008) World Out of Balance: International Relations and the Challenge of American Primacy (Princeton: Princeton University Press)
Callahan, W. and Barabantseva, E. (eds.) (2012) China Orders theWorld: Normative Soft Power and Foreign Policy (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press)
Chan, S. (2008) China, the US and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique (Oxon and New York: Routledge)
Chaturvedi, S., Chenoy, A., Chopra, D., Joshi, A. and Lagdhyan, K, H. (2014) ‘Indian Development Cooperation: The State of the Debate’, Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 95, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chaturvedi, S., Chenoy, A., Chopra, D., Joshi, A. and Lagdhiyan, K. H. (2014) ‘Learning from India's Development Cooperation’,Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 70, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chaturvedi, S., Fues, T. and Sidiropoulos, E. (eds.) (2012) Development Cooperation and Emerging Powers: New Partners or Old Patterns?,(London: Zed Books)
Chaudhary, A., Narain, A., Krishna, C. and Sagar, A. (2014) ‘Who Shapes Climate Action in India? Insights from the Wind and Solar Energy Sectors’,Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 56, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chen, Y. (2014) ‘Rising Powers in International Development’, Institute of Development, Advisory Council Seminar VI, Evidence Report No. 96, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chen, Y. and Wilson, E. (2014) ‘Five Fingers or One Hand? The BRICS in Development Cooperation’, Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 69, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Chin, G. and Thakur, R. (2010) ‘Will China Change the Rules of Global Order?’ The Washington Quarterly, 33(4)pp.119-138
Chin, G. and Quadir, F. (2012), ‘Introduction: Rising States, Rising Donors and the Global Aid Regime’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 25(4) pp. 493-506
Cirera, X. (2013) ‘The Economic Engagement Footprint of Rising Powers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Trade, FDI and Aid Flows’,Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 43, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Cirera, X. and Younis, M. (2014) ‘What is the Economic Engagement Footprint of Rising Powers in Africa?’,Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 41, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Constantine, J. (2013) ‘Learning Event on the Rising Powers for DFID Advisors, April-May 2012’, Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 40, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Contributors. (2013) ‘Special Issue: Foreign Policy Strategies of Emerging Powers in a Multipolar World’, Third World Quarterly, 34(6) pp. 943-1144
Contributors. (2013) Third World Quarterly, 34(2) pp. 183-355
Costa Leite, I., Suyama, B., Trajber Waisbich, L., Pomeroy, M., Constantine, J., Navas-Alemán, L., Shankland, A. and Younis, M. (2014) ‘Brazil's Engagement in International Development Cooperation: The State of the Debate’,Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 59, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Cox, M. (2012) 'Kenneth N. Waltz Lecture: Power Shifts, Economic Change and the Decline of the West?'International Relations, 26(4) 369–388
Drezner, D.W. (2007) 'The New New World Order', Foreign Affairs, 86 (March/April) pp. 34–46
Emmott, B. (2008) Rivals: how the power struggle between China, India and Japan will shape our next decadeOrlando: Harcourt.
Eyben, R. (2013) ‘Building Relationships in Development Cooperation: Traditional Donors and the Rising Powers’, Institute of Development, Policy Briefing Issue 36, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
Friedman, E. and Gilley, B. (2005) Asia’s Giants: Comparing China and India New York: Palgrave.
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Goldstein, A. (2005)Rising to the Challenge: China's Grand Strategy and International Security(Stanford:Stanford University Press)
Grigas, A. (2012), ‘Legacies, Coercion and Soft Power: Russian Influence in the Baltic States’, The Means and Ends of Russian Influence Abroad Series, Briefing Paper, Chatham House: London, Online: [Accessed 09/11/2014]
Grobbelaar, N. (2014) ‘Rising Powers in International Development: The State of the Debate in South Africa’, Institute of Development, Evidence Report No. 91, Online: [Accessed 06/11/2014]
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Hoge, J.F. (2004) ‘A Global Power Shift in the Making’ Foreign Affairs, 83,4, July/August, 2-7
Hurrell, A. (2006) ‘Hegemony, Liberalism and Global Order: What Space for Would-be Great Powers?’ International Affairs, 82(1) pp. 1-19
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Rachman, G. (2011) ‘American Decline: This Time It’s for Real’ Foreign Policy, No. 184 (January/February), 59–65.
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Stuenkel, O. (2013) 'Rising Powers and the Future of Democracy Promotion: The Case of Brazil and India', Third World Quarterly, 34(2)pp. 339-355
Subramanian, A. (2011) ‘The Inevitable Superpower: Why China’s Rise Is a Sure Thing’ Foreign Affairs, 90,5 (September/October), 66–78.
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