Rise of Totalitarian States (P. 668)

Rise of Totalitarian States (P. 668)


Rise of Totalitarian States (p. 668)

Section 1: Revolution in Russia

  1. Why was World War I a disaster for the Russians?
  1. Who was Grigori Rasputin and how did he gain influence?
  1. What prophecy did Rasputin give the czarina?
  1. What happened when in March 1917, hungry rioters looted bakeries?
  1. List four major challenges facing the Provisional Government of Russia.
  1. Name two leaders of the Provisional Government.
  1. Define soviets:
  1. What did the soviets do in the countryside of Russia by 1917?
  1. Why did the German government want to help transport Lenin to Russia?
  1. Who’s works did Lenin read as a student?
  1. Who did Lenin hope would rise up and support socialist revolution in Russia?
  1. What party did Lenin join?
  1. Who did the Petrograd soviet choose as its chairman?
  1. After taking control of the weak Provisional Government in Russia, what did Lenin immediately promise to do?
  1. How many rival groups sought to oust the Communists from power?
  1. What two general groups were fighting against each other in the civil war?
  1. Who organized an efficient Red Army that turned the tide of the war?
  1. Why were the czar and his family executed by Lenin?
  1. Define Cheka:
  1. What was the effect of the civil war on Russia?
  1. What was Lenin’s “New Economic Policy” (NEP) designed to do?
  1. Describe 6 major improvements made early on by Lenin.







Section 2: The Soviet Union Under Stalin

  1. What two major contenders for Lenin’s position were there after his death?
  1. What does “Stalin” mean?
  1. What position did Stalin use to build up support for himself in Russia?
  2. After Stalin won control of Russia, where did Trotsky go and what eventually happened to him?
  1. What was Stalin’s first 5 year plan designed to do?
  1. What did he do in 1933 and 1938?
  1. What positive effect did Stalin’s reforms have?
  1. What negative impact did Stalin’s reforms have on the people of Russia?
  1. What did Stalin impose on factories in Russia?
  1. Define collective farms:
  1. What four goals did collectivization have?
  1. Define kulaks:
  1. What did Stalin do to kulaks and where was the impact greatest?
  1. What compromise did Stalin make to Russian peasants?
  1. Define totalitarian state:
  1. What is the difference between a totalitarian state and absolute monarchies?
  1. What major tool did Stalin use to persuade the masses of people to support his cause?
  1. What happened during the “Great Purge”?
  1. What did Russian women win after the Russian Revolution of 1917?
  1. Read “Builders and Shapers” and answer the following:
  1. Why did some of the Old Bolsheviks confess to crimes they had not committed?
  1. Trials like this are called “Show Trials”—what is the difference between this and a regular trial?
  1. What finally allowed the Soviet Union to be recognized by the United States and join the League of Nations?

Section 3: Fascism in Italy

  1. Why was Italy unhappy with the Versailles Treaty?
  1. What political force was asserting itself in Italy in 1919-1920?
  1. What did Mussolini use to inspire patriotism and obedience to authority in Italy?
  1. Why did fascists condemn democracy?
  1. How did fascists feel about socialism and communism?
  1. What were two other strong characteristics of fascism?
  1. What were Mussolini’s followers called?
  1. Explain how Mussolini’s “March on Rome” earned him power?
  1. What motto was used to promote Mussolini and his government?
  1. What American development had a severe impact on Italy?
  1. What foreign policy move made by Mussolini illustrated the severe weaknesses of the League of Nations?

Section 4: The Rise of Nazi Germany

  1. Why did many Germans hate the Weimar Republic?
  1. Who did Germans think “stabbed them in the back”?
  1. What two things “swelled the ranks of the discontented” during the 1920s?
  1. What party did Hitler gain control of by 1921?
  1. By 1923, how many members did the Nazi party have?
  1. What happened to Hitler after trying to start a general revolt in 1923?
  1. What does Mein Kampf mean?
  1. Who did Hitler blame for Germany’s economic problems in Mein Kampf?
  1. How did the Great Depression help the Nazi party?
  1. What fateful decision was made by Paul von Hindenburg in 1933?
  1. What did Hitler do to the Reichstag building before elections could be held?
  1. For how long was Hitler given dictatorial power in Germany?
  1. Define the title “Fuhrer”:
  1. How long was the third Holy Roman Empire (Reich) supposed to last?
  1. Name Hitler’s secret police.
  1. Who was Hitler’s minister of propaganda?
  1. Describe the actions of the “Hitler Youth.”
  1. What did many Jews do after the Nuremberg Laws were instituted?
  1. What did Jews have to wear on their clothing
  1. Read “Builders and Shapers”—Do you think Hitler was displeased by the victories of black Americans at the Olympic games? How might he have justified their success?
  1. What two major promises did Hitler make to Germany?
  1. Give 4 examples of how Hitler was able to successfully turn the economy of Germany around.
  1. Who did Hitler believe was destined to rule the world?
  1. Describe the increase in size of the German army between 1921 and Hitler’s reign.
  1. How did France and respond to this massive buildup in Germany?