College Prep 12th Grade British Literature and Composition
Collaborating Teachers:Phyllis Copeland—
Lisa Simmons—
CatoosaCounty Vision: CCPS will be a nationally recognized learning community whose graduates are prepared for tomorrow’s challenges.
“Expectation Graduation”
School Mission: It is the mission of RinggoldHigh School to empower our students through academic excellence.
“Welcome to 2013”
Course Description: The study of British literature in the twelfth grade begins with selections from Anglo-Saxon and Medieval texts and proceeds chronologically through Modern and post-Modern works. Our semester will be divided into four units:
Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Texts, including narrative poetry, poetic structure and form, nonfiction, and prose
Renaissance and Neo-Classical Texts, including poetic structure and form, drama, and expository writing
Romantic and Victorian Texts, including poetic structure and form, development of the short story, and expository writing
Modern and Postmodern Texts, including poetic structure, nonfiction, development of the novel, expository writing, and media literacy
Over the course of the semester, we will read and analyze various works of fiction, non-fiction, drama, and poetry. A primary focus will be completing a variety of performance tasks to demonstrate understanding of the standards. We will concentrate on using various writing techniques and on reinforcing skills learned previously. Class activities will employ paired and group work, oral presentation, and student art, music, and drama. Many of our assessments will be based on student driven learning, differentiated learning assignments, and use of graphic organizers as a springboard for writing and as study aids.
Required Materials:Students should secure notebook paper, a three-ring binder, blue or black ink pens (no other colors accepted on work to be turned in), pencils, lined3X5 index cards, and occasional access to a computer with Microsoft Word, as well as a printer. Students also need a flash or zip drive, if at all possible.
Homework:British literature texts will be maintained in the classroom, but students should expect some homework several times each week. This frequently will be vocabulary review, independent reading, and writing or revising composition. All assignments will have adequate allotted time for completion; therefore, any work turned in late should be accompanied with an explanation of extenuating circumstances.
Outside Reading:Students are expected to engage in independent reading, in addition to in-class reading. Library time is provided for students to select materials. Students are expected to clear any financial obligations to the library quickly, so that they are able to use the privilege of checking out books.
Writing Portfolio:Students will be required to produce a variety of writing samples which will be used to measure their achievement. These samples are to be maintained in the writing portfolios in each classroom.
Pre and Post Tests: Each student will be pre-tested at the beginning of the course in the form of a diagnostic writing assessment. Additional assessments of student writing will occur mid-semester, followed by a post test at the conclusion of the course.
Make-up Work: All make-up work is the responsibility of the student and must be completed in accordance with the policies set forth by the Catoosa County Board of Education (see handbook).
Grading Specifics:Tests/Major Compositions/Group Projects = 50%
Quizzes/Daily Work/Participation = 50%
Final Exam=15% of Total Semester Average
Parent Notification:Parents have access to Infinite Campus, which serves as an avenue for “constant contact.” It is imperative that parents have access to this valuable resource. In addition, parents are free to contact teachers, using the address on the first page of this syllabus.
Attendance:Students are expected to be present each day. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to see that students are in class each day. Achievement and success in the class are unlikely without extremely regular attendance.
Remember: The “Destination is Graduation.”