DECEMBER 8, 2014
Attendance: David Drouin, Bill Preston, Richard Mellor, Phil Simeone and Albert Lefebvre
Call To Order: David called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Albert Lefebvre was introduced as a new member to the Rindge Conservation Commission, hereinafter “RCC”.
1.0 Old Business Gates were discussed briefly; David said this was a pending item. Clearing the brush piles were discussed and decided to hold off until there are minimal amounts of snow.
Pearly Pond: A requisition was signed by the commission, in the amount of $160.00, for the Pearly Pond invoice regarding another water sampling. Bill and Phil gave an update on the last meeting saying it was a review of the BMP’s . There was a slide presentation and open house at Franklin Pierce University. Phil has a copy of it and can email to other members. Bill handed out to members copies of the “Save Pearly Pond” brochure.
2.0 New Business On Saturday, Dec. 13th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the Mason Conservation Commission has invited the RCC to attend their meeting about the pipeline. The meeting will be held at the Mason Elementary School and pre-registration is required. Information can be accessed on the town’s website.
On Dec. 15th, the Town of Fitzwilliam has invited the “RCC” to attend their meeting about the pipeline.
Dave and Bill reported on the Town of Milford meeting they attended regarding the pipeline and shared what was discussed. The commission received verbal comments and concerns from two women who attended the meeting. They added that maps were available on the FERC website. David clarified the “RCC’s” responsibility saying the conservation commission has a public responsibility to protect resources bound by the constraints of state law. Any requests in writing will be considered by the “RCC.” Bill introduced a motion regarding the Kinder Morgan Tennessee Natural Gas Pipeline proposal (see attached) that the “RCC” oppose the Northeast Energy Direct project. This was discussed and seconded by Albert. David called the vote: 5-0. Motion carried unanimously.
3.0 Minutes of the Previous Meeting: November 10, 2014 were reviewed by the “RCC.” Motion made by Phil, seconded by Bill to approve the minutes as drafted. Albert abstained. Motion carried 4-0.
Next Meeting: Monday, January 12, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at Town Office
Adjournment: Albert motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:32 p.m., seconded by Phil. Motion unanimous.
Respectfully submitted, Nancy Perry, Clerk