Minutes for CR Meeting - March 11, 2015
Minutes of the last meeting were accepted.
JILL: OUSU rep – we don’t have four votes at OUSU – we only have 3.
QIFENG: Sunday brunch was free – 40 people attended. We found that itwas popular so we charged at the next event and attendees dropped. CNY was successful – 111 people signed up (65 non-Linacre). Hugh's Hall exchange was at the end of 6th week, it went well – they are coming over on the 7th of May for the Linacre leg of the event. The Ceilidh happened. There will be a common room party at the end of this week. If you have any events you want to host next term please email the CR social sec account. Any DJs ditto.
ENVIRONMENT: Matt Shepard put out a green pledge – commit to doing four sustainable things. Filling it out goes toward points for your building in inter-building green competition. Link is on the green and environment page. Environment page on Linacre website is done (and looks great).
Talking to housing about signage in kitchens bathrooms and laundry – use the express settings etc. Look out for those in trinity term.
Food waste bins – if you don’t have one and want one let Louis know – if you’re out of bags, let your cleaner know.
JAMES: There will be a sports dinner next term, Dominique and James sorting a philanthropy football tournament next term. Thinking about moving the football field away from Oriel next year, use another closer colleges fields.
ADAM: Budget updates. The 2014/15 budget was agreed upon in October. Social secretaries have been active, note that those who are running a deficit will be getting money back from
Head residents – spend your budgets on your residents. Do it before 31st July.
Charities – Madagascar motion was approved to agree to an amount of no more than £350 – eventually decided £80 from the surplus.
From the recreation fund, budget was raised for photo club and budget added for the rugby club.
What happens to the money at the end of the year? Can go into CRendowment which pays for funding students conference attendance etc. Doesn’t get sucked up by the college. The money will not disappear because you did not spend it, its just nice to spend it. Financial year ends July 31st but will still be funding up until 3rd week of Michaelmas. Stop pidging Adam your reimbursement forms – he is not the treasurer any more – send them to Taryn. Taryn will be away for a week – if you need a significant amount reimbursed in this time – email her and she will try to get it done asap. Otherwise she will be back on March 22nd.
LINES: Has finally made it to the publisher.
KIRON: Trying to meet with all the extant Linacre clubs. Trying to put up events, stats, message from the captain etc. on teams websites.
LINACRE BALL COMMITTEE: Committee has been busy. Tickets are now open to non-Linacre people – publicity push underway. Highly encourage people to organise groups from courses, societies etc. Tickets are now £75 as early bird window is closed. Group of ten or more, tickets are £70 instead.
WELFARE: getting a healthy food vending machine – college want a poll to assess interest: 22/3.
CHARITIES: Charities has been unstructured for last few years, money is raised, list of charities, officer magically allocates that money. Do you think the cr should have more say on who the money goes to on an annual basis and how much each charity gets? Will send a poll out for cr members to vote on number of charities, how much they get: 12 for more structured, 3 for don’t care.
Could change the by-laws to make it more formal? Will send out survey first, depends on results.
Is there funds left over in recreation budget rather than the cr surplus?
Yes there should be.
They are a new club and they only asked for a £250 budget. Should perhaps have asked for a bigger budget. Adam asked that someone from the club be present at the renewal of the club.
Money would cover just the entry fee – competition is in Oxford. 8 week competition. 7 Linacrites involved on the team. GTC are also looking to help fund. Seems a little unfair to be paying the whole amount. Would it be possible to do contributions just for Linacre members? Linacre touch rugby team, all have to wear Linacre kit, support Linacre.
Deadline is 10th April when the fee goes up.
Dansie: Amend the motion to take funds from recreation budget not cr budget – seconded by Adam.
For: 22
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
Voting on the amended motion:
For: 25
Against: 0
Abstain: 0
Motion passes.
It’s a mixed team, come join if you want.
Students who responded said 85%, learning satisfaction 84, support 94, etc. see the email Kiron sent round.
Thanked Philly for her time as president. She said good luck to Kiron.