Rim Communities Resource Network

April 9, 2014, 2:00pm

Crestline Library, Community Room

Penny, RCRN Chair, started the meeting and asked the group for brief introductions. Please see the sign in sheet for a complete list of attendees.

Attendees: Melissa Astle and friend Donna Beveridge, Miki Carpenter Sherr Fairbanks, Dave Golder, Glenda Harvey, Carol Kinzel, Alice Kirk, Mary McElhone, Colleen Myers, Christopher Opliger, Tim Seibert, Dave Stuart, Steve Tilden, Robin Ronkes and Penny Shubnell.

Motion was made and passed to approve the Minutes from March meeting (Melissa 1st, Dave G. 2nd).

Robin Ronkes, from the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, gave a presentation on the Summer Food Service Program. She has been in discussion with the ROW Unified School District to see if this summer program could be initiated. The Summer Food Service Program is a reimbursable federally funded program that seeks to provide free, nutritious meals and snacks targeting children (18 years and under) from low-income areas and households during the “out of school” summer months. Sponsors or sites may include nonprofit organizations (including churches), public and private schools and city or county governments.

If you have further questions, click on this link:


The Give BIG Launch Event will be held on April 18th. At 7:30 am at the Thousand Pines Christian Camp. Breakfast will be served and the cost is $15 at the door. Leisure Shores has Give BIG T-Shirts for sale for $15. If you have this T-shirt, please wear it to the Breakfast. Supervisor Rutherford will kick off the Give BIG for the West end of the Mountains. Thirteen nonprofits have signed up for this event from the west end of the mountain.

Give BIG Event will be held on May 8th from 7am to 7am May 9th. There will be a Taco Bar Night at Leisure Shores on May 8 from 5-8pm. There will be tacos, Flautas, wine, margaritas and beer with live music, dancing and computers! Come have a bite to eat and web surf your way to Give BIG!

Miki provided a report on the Strategies Grant. This capacity building grant has helped with providing funds for the Network to become more independent and function as a membership agency. Some of the funds can include the use of training. There are other funds that were specified to be used for Network technology needs such as the website or licensing for a results based accountability software package. For instance, the domain name has already been renewed; however, Hearts & Lives paid the expense when the Network could on its own. This will be an agenda item at a future RCRN meeting. Finally, funds from the Strategy grant also help to support partially the Health Fair. Although the fair falls this year after the last date of the term of the Strategies grant, Leda has stated we can still have the Fair on May 17th, but all receipts and invoices must be turned in by May 9th to Hearts and Lives.

Carol reported on the health fair which will be on May 17th from 10am to 3pm. She distributed the flyers along with community partner letters as well as vendor sign-up sheets. Carol indicated that additional donations are being solicited, whatever size. Even drinks will help as donations as they can be added to baskets of healthy goodies as opportunity drawing

Melissa, DOVES, indicated that she has confirmed that Interact and National Honor Society are coming. Steve indicated that he could use the help of a student or two to help with his area. All booths must be set up by 9am. Kids should be told to arrive at 7:30am.

Colleen, Rim Family Services, reviewed the POCKET (Protect Our Community Kids Every Time) Awards which are designed to encourage the community to protect kids. The more protective factors in their lives, the less chance they will use substances in the future. She is now calling for nominations for people who do not get paid to protect kids. Get the nomination form from Colleen for more information. The POCKET Awards ceremony will be held at noon at center stage and cake will be served.

Melissa, DOVES, reported that Mountain News and Alpenhorn have been contacted, hoping for free advertising for the Health Fair. Joan Moseley will also be asked to blog about the Health Fair. She will also send a flyer to the newspapers and will give Penny’s name as key contact for the health fair, to help promote as well.

Melissa introduced her friend, Donna. Donna announced that her organization provides outreach and education and to get people signed up for health insurance. She asked people to provide their contact information if they wished to know more.

Dave Golder, Mountain Pregnancy, reported that his church dropped off two truckloads of clothes infant to 24 month range to Hearts & Lives as a donation. He expects another set of donated items in 6 months. People have been very generous with new clothes. Clothing is still being packaged by sizes for distributions. Client numbers are increasing. David said Ira Maser has joined his Board of Directors and he is helping with getting things going and grants. RCRN has been a good resource for networking.

Colleen reported that the Rim Communities Coalition has gathered data in the community to find the top three problems in community for youth include marijuana, alcohol, and prescription drugs, in that order. The Coalition will be working on these three priority areas, and focus on reducing access. Coalition working hard to get social host ordinance passed in county. To focus on reducing youth access to prescription drugs, she is working with the Sherriff’s Department where there will be a drop box M-F, 8:30-5pm at the front desk for National Take Back Days. This date is coming up but no drop off location on this side of the mountain. The Coalition is working so that the drop box in the Sherriff’s station will be bolted to the floor. It costs $1000 to have, and will be an additional drop box to the one in Big Bear and in Highland. Thank you certificates from the CHP were received for participating in the Designated Driver Program, and they were handed out at the last community night at MPH. The May 6th Community Night at MPH will focus on youth substance abuse trends, with displays drug paraphernalia and the June 3rd community night will now be a Town Hall Meeting about underage drinking.

On Tuesday, April 15th, the Coalition will also have a noon luncheon tea, held at Mountains Community Hospital in the Professional Bldg., 2nd floor conference room. Contact Carol or Colleen if you are interested.

Mary, Hearts and Lives, deferred her report to Dave. Dave reported that he has spoken with Officer Chen from CHP, and all of the car seats they have, were recalled, so that impacts the number they will be able to bring to the health fair. However, they still plan to do the car seat check, and bring whatever they are able to in the way of car seats. Western University will be having eye exams by appointment only and will sign up through Hearts and Lives. Miki was the contact for Western and will send the appointment form to Mary.

Dave also reported that the Inland Empire Community Collaborative (IECC) includes all the graduates of the San Bernardino Capacity Building Academy, funded by First 5. IECC Collaborative members are working jointly to hold the Lake Arrowhead Triathlon on September 13, 2014.

Steve, Boys and Girls Club, reported that for the kids, this is spring break tome. April 19th is the egg hunt, and he also reminded everyone to buy duck derby tickets. Proceeds go toward the Jamboree days. Also there is a Resource Fair for kids held by the Lutheran Early Childhood Development Center on May 10th. They are now taking reservations. Event will be held at Lake Arrowhead Resort, 5-9pm, $65 per person or $600 for table of 10. The Cedar Glen Thrift Store was taken over as of March 1st with remodeling and grand opening in May. Now open Thursdays and Mondays, however on Tues/Wed it is a good idea to call first. Hours are 11am – 6pm. There are great deals right now with the old labels at 50% off.

Glenda, Head Start, reported that there will be early signups and Hearts & Lives will be recruiting and will take sign ups. Now they can take 0-5 year olds, so please if anyone knows people who can benefit please let them know. New flyers to come and will be provided to Mary at Hearts and Lives next week.

Tim, Children & Family Services, expressed that he enjoys the relationship with the RCRN and will also participate in the fair. He also announced that there is a need for foster parents still in the Rim Communities. They strive to find foster parents so that kids can stay in their own community, to minimize the trauma to the child. If anyone has an interest in foster care, please contact him. Dave added that the program at Hearts & Lives include behavioral health services offered by licensed staff to provide early intervention and identification services.

Robin collaborates with Cal Fresh and WIC and requested that a blurb be used in any of our publications, which she can provide, in order to raise awareness about the services offered and increase participation.

Christopher, Family Service Agency, reported that at the Food Bank last week there was a big influx of recipients, and still need food for Friday’s give out.

Carol reported that she has met with Spencer Pike, from Lake Gregory Recreation Company, that is now the concessionaire for Lake Greggory, and that there is planned to be a Lake Gregory Environmental Education Nature Center in the room behind the fireplace in the San Moritz Lodge. California Parks is funding $2000 to open it, and programming will be based on Common Core and Environmental Educational initiatives to encourage more schools to participate.

Sherr, Friends of the Library, reported that for the health fair, seed starters in egg shells for will be a hands-on activity. She has the potting soil and will have access to tomato seeds, but if anyone has egg shells (hollowed out) to provide, she will take them. There is a Master Gardner program on Saturday, April 12 at 9:30am, but check the paper for the exact time.

It was also reported that the Lake Gregory Improvement Committee will also meet Sat, April 12 at 11am.

Melissa reported that Soroptomist has chosen DOVES as the recipient for their Day of Service. Stater Bros and Goodwins are both donating and things like food and gift cards are very much appreciated. She noted that they feel very privileged to get selected for this support this year.

With no further business, meeting was adjourned at 3:35pm.

Minutes submitted by Miki Carpenter and Penny Shubnell