RIE Pinnacle Report Cards 2015-2016

v  Make sure the correct report card is used according to grade level.


v  (Grades 1 & 2) Numbers listed in the “Key” should be used to identify each area

v  Primary- all areas under English Language Arts must have grades.

(Through Common Core all areas should be taught, nothing in isolation.)

(Grades 3, 4 &5) Letter grades should be written/typed in the boxes marked “Grade”

v  Reading/Language Arts (Grades 3-5) If a students has been placed in above level, on level, or below level in Journey’s, the current grade level of the student should be entered “AT/ABOVE GRADE LEVEL” box for the appropriate quarter. If a student has been placed in Reading Tools Kit (Grades (1-3) or Literacy Tool Kit (Grades 4-5) for reading, the appropriate instructional grade level should be entered in the “BELOW GRADE LEVEL” box for the appropriate quarter.


(Grades 3-5) Reading and Language Arts instructional levels should be the same (i.e., If you entered “3” in the BELOW GRADE LEVEL on the report card for Reading, the same should be done for Language Arts and vice versa).

(Grades K-2) A check mark is to be placed in the appropriate box for a student’s instructional level “AT/ABOVE GRADE LEVEL” or “BELOW GRADE LEVEL” for the appropriate quarter.

MATHEMATICS- Based on the GoMath beginning of the year test, if a student has been identified, as on level, the current grade level of the student should be listed in the “AT/ABOVE GRADE LEVEL” for the appropriate quarter. If a student has been identified as a struggling math student, the appropriate instructional grade level should be listed in the “BELOW GRADE LEVEL” for the appropriate quarter.

SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES- grades should be entered for each (minimum of nine grades) of course more is acceptable.

ESOL- students should have (X) placed in the appropriate quarter box next to RECEIVING ESOL SERVICES.

IEP- Place an (X) in the subject(s) for students that meet the AIP criteria.

PMP-Students who are on progress monitoring plan should have (X) next to reading/math

Attendance- should include the total number of days for the quarter.

Quarter I= 41 days

Quarter 2= 40 days

Quarter 3= 47 days

Quarter 4= 52 days

Grades: there should be a minimum of nine grades per subject area and at least 3 grades per category.

INTERIM/CONFERENCE- Interim/Conference documentation should be provided for any “3”s, “D’s, “F”s, or 2 or more letter grade drops in the Core Subject or Study Skills columns.