To be heldat



Sunday 2nd August2015



Classes:SeniorPrelimTeam-BRCD3-2014SeniorOpenTeam - Novce24 - 2010



Elementary 45-2010Senior MediumIndividual - Medium61 - 2002

Senior Team Rider Test -BRC Prelim RiderTest

BRC Novice RiderTest

Junior DressageTeam-BRC D1 -2014




Junior Elementary Individual-Elementary45-2010Junior Rider TestTeam - BRC Prelim RiderTestSenior / JuniorPairs - BRC Pairs5 - 2014

Senior DTM

Novice(0pts)BD Novice Freestyle toMusic2012Novice(124ps) BD Novice Freestyle toMusic 2012Elementary BDElementaryFreestyle to Music 2012Pick aTest BD Medium / BD AdvancedMedium


PrelimBDPrelimFreestyle toMusic2012Pairs DTM BRC Pairs Dressage toMusic 2014(All DTM Classes will be run in 60m x 20marenas)

AREA ENTRY FEE: £60 perteam

£15 perIndividual

Please make sure you state if your Teams are Qualifying or Non Qualifyingonthe Area Entry Form (NON Qualifying Teams / Individualsdonot pay Prelim Entries toHQ)

ENTRIESTO:Mrs AmyPett,TrojanStudBrynlluan,Porthyrhyd,Carmarthen.SA328PR

Telephone: 07836 733542Email:

AREA ENTRIES BY: Friday 17th July2015

Please note that Preliminary entries on the official forms mustbeat BRC HQ, Stoneleigh by 30th June 2015. Only fullmemberswho have been declared to BRC HQ by this date are eligibletocompete.

TIMES AVAILABLE: Wednesday 29th July 2015,from

Area 21 Website

Towy Valley Website Website

Or telephone on Thursday 30th July 2015 – 07836 733542

between 19:00 –20:30

ON THEDAY:Team Managers will be required to declare their team onarrival,and no later than 30 minutes before the start of theclass,using the official Declaration Forms supplied by BRCHQ.

Each horse will have their Flu Vaccination Certificate/Passport checked on the day. Any horse with acertificatefound to be incorrect may be allowed to enter H.C. atthediscretion of the Official Steward, but this countsasdisqualification, so they may not be replaced in their team,eitherat the qualifier or at the finals, should the teamqualify.

Hat and tack inspection will be Inhand

Note:Pleasepark where instructed as parking islimited!

1British Riding Clubs 2015 rules apply to all officialclasses.

2Savefordeathorpersonalinjurycausedbythenegligenceoftheorganisersoranyoneforwhomtheyareinlawresponsible,neithertheorganisersoftheeventstowhichtheserulesapply, nor the British Horse Society, nor any agent, employee or representative of thesebodiesacceptsanyliabilityforanyaccident,loss,damage,injuryorillnesstohorses,owners,riders,spectators, land, vehicles, their contents and accessories or any other person orpropertywhatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any otherwaywhatsoever.The organisers have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the healthandsafetyofeveryonepresent.Forthesemeasurestobeeffectiveeveryonemustinturntakeallreasonableprecautionstoavoidandpreventaccidentsoccurringandmustobeytheinstructions of the organisers and their officials andstewards.

3Correctridingdressmustbeworninthering.Allridersmustwearhardhatswhenmounted.We recommend hats to PAS015 or BS EN1384 or a superiorstandard.

4No misuse of whips, spurs, equipment or practice jumps isallowed.

5Any objection must be made in writing within 30 minutes of the incident, accompanied by a£10deposit which will be forfeited if the objection is notsubstantiated.

6Horses can easily be frightened and can be dangerous. Members of the public are requestedtousepedestrianwalkwayswhereprovidedandtokeepclearofhorseareasandhorselanesandtoavoidbehaviourwhichmightalarmhorses.Dogsmustbeundercontrolonleadsatalltimes.

7“Senior”includesallcompetitorsaged18oroveron1stJanuary2015.“Junior”includesallcompetitors aged 17 or under on 1st January2015.

9The judges’ decision is final. Riders must obey stewards and otherofficials.

As a rule of entrance, each Area 21 Riding Club who wishes to enter an AreaQualifierteam must supply the name and contact number of one person per team willing tohelpof theday.

STORM Photography will be in attendance. If you don’t wish to have yourphotographtaken please inform the Photographer on theday

Please send this with AreaEntries:

Name ofClub:

Name ofChef:Telephone:

No. ofTeams:

No. ofIndividuals:

Name ofHelper:Telephone:

Name ofHelper:Telephone:

Name ofHelper:Telephone:

Name ofHelper:Telephone: