Ridgeview II Annual Meeting Minutes
Sunday, November 3,2013 2pm
Introduction of 2013/2014 officers and appointed positions by Joe
- Board of Directors – Mike Farrel, John Fraser, and John Seek
- President – Joe Benefield
- Treasurer – Claudia Wickman
- Secretary – Amy Leland
- Architecture Committee – Roger Schoessel, Steve Kern, David Gibson
- Webmaster – Brian Forth
Incoming BOD ballots showed that the unopposed BODs were retained for another year.
A proposed budget was distributed to all attendees.
Old Business – work performed in 2013 presented by Joe
- Ground the sidewalks along Ridgeview Drive for safety
- Continued landscaping of common areas including mowing, leaf blowing, and weed control
- Replaced a few trees
- Removed cattails in the small pond
- Joint Garage sale in May with Ridgeview I and Nisqually Bluff
- There were 6 permits approved by the architectural review committee
- 2 roofs
- 1 paint
- 2 structural additional
- 1 shed
New Business presented by Joe
- There has been increased criminal activity in the neighborhood. Within the last 6 months, the following were reported to the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office
- 3 burglaries
- 3 thefts
- 2 car prowls
- 1 malicious mischief
- The Sheriff is coming to the Nisqually Bluff HOA meeting to cover Neighborhood Watch / Crime Stoppers. Their meeting will be on Thursday, January 16th at 7pm at River Ridge High School. Ridgeview II has been invited to attend this meeting.
- The Steilacoom Ridge Development seems to be moving farther along and a public hearing was held on November 4th at 10am. This development is across Steilacoom and they are planning on dividing 96 acres into 298 single family lots.
- We are acquiring bids to remove some dead trees in the green belt between Ridgeview and Nisqually Bluff
- Sidewalk panel replacement was moved to the 2015 budget
- Barking has also been deferred to 2015
- Continue upkeep of common area landscaping
- Dues have been increased by $10 to $250. This was voted on by the BOD.
The 2013 cashflow and the 2014 budget were shown to the homeowners, and explained by Joe.
Larry mentioned that we may need to fix the drainage issue between the South greenbelt and the property lines. There have been a few “sink holes” that the homeowners have been working to fix.
John Fraser asked if there was more that is wanted from the HOA, such as a yearly chipper rental for all personal debris. All in attendance thought this would be a good idea.
It was mentioned that it would be nice to have a communication place for all homeowners; in particular addressing security issues. Our website was mentioned as a possible location for this communication. We will ask Brian if there is a way to send notices to all homeowners (who have given their email addresses) when needed.
Speeding within the neighborhood is still a problem. Our posted speed is 25mph, and some homeowners have seen cars speed through at twice this speed. A reminder will be placed in the newsletter.
The number for the Thurston County dispatch was shared with all the homeowners. This is a good number to have on hand, especially in light of our recent security issues.
Thurston County dispatch:360-704-2740
A request was made to remind all homeowners that the greenbelts and open spaces are not for personal yard waste. Yard waste should be placed in the blue bins or on the homeowner’s property.
Rick gave Amy a copy of House Bill 1370, which amends RCW 64.38.035. This bill allows electronic transmission of Annual Meeting notices for HOAs. We will utilize the ability to send notices via email.
Our neighborhood website:
Meeting adjourned