Sandra EdwardsKara Aaron

Basil JulianLisa Reynolds

Irma Nelson Bruce Davis (rep by Dr. Janet Ford)

Terry Sheeler

Dickie Walker


Teresa Doan (left due to emergency)Harold Brewer

Bill JohnsonJim Hill (absent due to illness)

DHS Representative: None

Attorney General’s Office Representative: None

Governor’s Office Representative: None

DSB Staff Present: Crystal Anderson, Tony Brown, Kandy Cayce, Mary Douglas, Lisa Fore, Rhonda Garmon, Runar Jensen, Christy Lamas, Jim McCune, Ginny McWilliams, Katy Morris, Debra Newton, Jim Pearson, Kena Sabb, Lou Talley, Coral Virden, Henry Washington, Liz Whitaker, Cassondra Williams

CALL TO ORDER. Chairman Mrs. Terry Sheeler called the meeting to order.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA. Motion was made by Mr. Dickie Walker to approve the agenda. Ms. Irma Nelson seconded the motion. Motion passed.

APPROVAL OF 12/12/2014 MINUTES. Ms. Sandra Edwards noted that the draft minutes contained an error referencing ‘Arkansas Council for the Blind’, which should read “Arkansas Council of the Blind”. Mrs. Katy Morris noted that the amount of federal funding reflected in the minutes for the Older Blind program should read $300,000 instead of $200,000. Motion was made by Dickie Walker to approve the December 12, 2014 minutes with the above two corrections. Mr. Basil Julian seconded the motion. Motionpassed.

INTRODUCTIONS. All persons in attendance introduced themselves.

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Mrs. Morris noted that the staff would attempt to be succinct and keep the presentations moving, since the Public Forum was scheduled to occur immediately after the board meeting.She expressed her appreciation to everyonewho came to the December Recognition Program and noted how well received it appeared to be.

There have been a lot of changes for DSB since the December board meeting. One of the very sad changes is the loss of Little Rock VR Counselor Terry Ross, who died suddenly in January. We reported in Decemberthat Terryhad stepped forward to assist VR Counselors across the nation, during WSB’s financial reorganization. He took the lead to handle the financial and program logistics of shipping the belongings of WSB trainees home over Christmas Break to arrive at the same time the trainees did, so there would be as little disruption to their lives as possible. Another sad change occurred even more recently when DSB Braillist Charlie Cain-Davis lost her mother.


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity ACT (WIOA)–DSB is still waiting on the WIOA regulations to be released by RSA,which will make the public forum difficult to conduct. We will be limited to reporting as much as we do know of the act, and then call for input.

Participation in National Dialogue. In late April, Chairman Terry Sheeler will represent Arkansas at the National Coalition of State Rehabilitation CouncilsConference in Bethesda, Md. At the same site, I will meet together with other members of the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) and the other members of the National Council of State Agencies for the Blind (NCSAB). Early that week, a summit on WIOA is scheduled at the White House, and I am privileged to be invited to the meeting.


Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS). As you may know, ARS has a newly hired Commissioner, Mr. Alan McClain. I visited with Commissioner McClain briefly this week and was glad to learn that he has a strong background in disability issues, and other state matters. He was the head of the Workers’ Compensation Commission for several years and has been an ardent advocate on behalf of persons with disabilities for decades. Alan shared with me that he is the parent of a person with a disability and has learned first- hand from both sides of the service delivery system.

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The 2015 General Assembly.

Arkansas ABLE Act. The federal ABLE Act that was signed into law the end of December is being implemented through corresponding state laws. Representative Julie Mayberry has filed an Arkansas version of the federal ABLE Act as House Bill 1239. HB1239 would allow persons with disabilities to set up tax-sheltered savings accounts for expenses related to their disability (similar to the 529 plans for college savings). Interested parties could contribute to cover expenses such as education, housing, transportation and assistive technology, etc.,without endangering the other types of benefits for which the individual might be eligible.

Study to Reorganize State Government. Senate Bill 382 calls for a study to bring about thecomplete reorganization of state government.By law, the upcoming 2016 session will address fiscal, rather than general legislative issues as currently being considered by the 2015 General Assembly. So it would be 2017 before the recommendations resulting from the study could be considered and passed. As I’ve noted in previous board meetings, this reorganization is not unexpected. The changes are occurring at the federal level and this reorganization, if passed, would just be a natural progression of those federal changes. I think it will definitely happen, but I don’t anticipate that it is going to be a negative thing for DSB clients or staff. It depends on how the agency is transferred and to what department. I think DSB is a good fit in DHS. Personally, I don’t want to leave DHS,and don’t want DSB to leave DHS, but I imagine that will indeed happen. The2017 General Assembly will likely create a much larger workforce-centered department, and I expect that both ARS and DSB will be transferred into that department. I guess we will see how good of a forecaster I am in 2017.

Clarification of Structure of Arkansas Career Education. Another related bill is SB368, whichclarifies language,organizational titles, and other issuesin regard to ARSand the Arkansas Department of Career Education. It does contain a clause specifically excludingDSB from the effect of SB368.

Other Legislation. Another bill, HB1476,changes the visual requirements for acquiring an Arkansas Driver’s License, effectively increasing the number of visually impaired persons who maybe allowed to drive under Arkansas law. This bill is sponsored by Representative Steve Magie, who is an ophthalmologist. Additionally, HB1729 creates a sunset law to periodically review state agencies and their efficiency. Other states routinely do this every three to tenyears. The General Assembly will conduct a review and produce a report of DSB and other identified state agencies,and there may be a time where comments need to be made regarding the value of separate state agencies for the blind. At this stage I am not anticipating a problem with the proposed sunset review.

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Business and Technology Report– Jim Pearson, Administrator

Technology Lab. Mr. Pearson reported that the Tech Lab is in the process of upgrading and adding newequipment and software for training clients and doing demonstrations. A portion of the support for this initiative comes from the $2.1M in incentive funds mentioned earlier that DSB has available through September 30, 2015.

The VFP Program. VFPwas audited by Legislative Audit recently and AuditrequiredDSB to make two minor changes dealing with our form for receiving and depositing funds weekly on our miscellaneous deposits. We were using the right forms, but did not have procedures in place to requiresecondary signatureson them. Thesetwo minor issues are now resolved. The VFP Program also manages the DSB agency inventory which was auditedby Legislative Audit at the same time. No discrepancies were found. Various

Business and Technology staff members have been interacting with Legislative Audit staff for the last couple of months as the audit was conducted, and we reallyappreciate the assistance of DSB Chief Fiscal Officer Jimmy McCune and his staffin this process.

VFP Locations. Some of the 2014 incentive fundsmentioned previously are being used to upgradeequipment in certain VFP locations. Normally, location upgrades are paid from the 11% of vendor net profit that is set aside for that purpose.This is a good boost for the VFP program and enables itget some much-needed facility, equipment and fixture upgrades.

Retirement of Jeff Ruple. Jeff Ruple, who has been with the DSB Technology Program about 30 years (and with the state for 34 years), is retiring April 30. We are all going to miss Jeffand I wish him well.

End of Business and Technology Report

Operations Report– Cassondra Williams, DSB Assistant Director

Closeout of the State Fiscal Year 6/30/2015. Ms. Williams noted that the agency is nearing the end of state fiscal year 2015 and staff are working to make sure the division responsibly expends all of itsstate revenue.

Closeout of the Federal Fiscal Year 9/30/2015. Also, the federal fiscal year ends September 30,and we are managing expenditures, state matching funds, and the closeout process on the front end in order to be in a good position to closeout the federal grant awards September 30 in a timely manner.

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Personnel Recruitment and Development. We are in the process ofinterviewing and hiring five Transition Coordinators across the state and one Benefits Counselor. DSB also employs Rehabilitation Counselor Interns periodically, which Field Administrator Christy Lamas will elaborate on shortly. We have been fortunate to receive incentive funds from RSA which have allowed us to expand the SFY2015 training budget in order to develop and retain qualified staff. These funds have allowed us to expand opportunities to educate and train staff in order to improvetheir specialized knowledge and the quality of services they provide to clients.

Quarterly Budget Report. The quarterly budget report is included in your board packet. If you have any related questions,please contact us.

End of Operations Report

WINGS Graduation. In reference to staff training opportunities, Mrs. Morris added that she will be going to Norman, Oklahoma March 25, for the graduation of DSB Licensed Professional Counselor Carla Hiebsch and DSB Rehabilitation Counselor Jacob Grace, both of the Harrison Office. They will graduate for the “Wicked Innovations Next Generations Solutions (WINGS)” intensive leadership program sponsored through a partnership between Oklahoma and Arkansas and facilitated by the University of Arkansas CURRENTS program.You may recall that four DSB staff membersgraduated from WINGS last year.

DSB also hasother staff accepted into national leadership training. Assistant Director Cassondra Williams just finished the National Rehabilitation Leadership Training Institute sponsored out of San Diego State University last year. Christy Lamas is currently participating in the same intensive course right now. This and the other opportunitiesenable DSB to offerspecialized training in the field of Vocational Rehabilitationto staff throughout the organization, which is crucial to the present and future strength of DSB as an organization.

Field Services Report – Christy Lamas, Administrator

VR Statistics – Right now, since October 1, we have 151 individuals who have gone through our program and found employment, as a result of counselor intervention.This puts us on a par with the 150 closures DSB Counselors had realized at this same period last year for the federal fiscal year.

Small Business – The DSB small business program is growing. Pine Bluff Counselor Audrey Veasey recommends the business plan for “Sew Pieceful Quilting”, which has received committee approval. We anticipate the Chamber of Commerce grand opening celebration sometime in April. Mrs. Susan Harris Austin is with us today in the audience. Mrs. Austin is in the planning stages seeking to establish a small business selling home décor and specialty gifts, which shows great promise. From the Batesville area, Counselor Darline Tucker supports a consumer idea to market a mobile DJ Business. The plan is

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complete and we are very excited to be movinginto the implementation stage. From Jonesboro, we see a consumer proposal to build and market bird houses, both from standard and custom designs. We are in the first stages of a feasibility study and financial projections,then we can move on to a business plan for that venture. For me, the most exciting one comes from Counselor Jessie Thomas in Lou Talley’s area of El Dorado. The consumer proposes to operate a retail store that markets to hunters and fishermen. The idea is brand new, so we are in stage one feasibility study, but the consumer has the advantage of extensive retail experience.

Transition – Transition is a key focus within WIOA. DSB will place five transition counselorsstrategically throughout the state to serve Transition-age youth. The position in Northwest Arkansas is already hired and the other positions are in the recruitment process.

Jump Start - Little Rock Counselor Ebony Kelly is taking the lead for DSB’s role in Jump Start again this year.Jump Start is held in partnership with Arkansas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Itstarts June 7 and will run through June 26 on ASBVI campus. The application deadline for Jump Start is March 31. Ginny McWilliams is the DSB Field Supervisor responsible for Jump Start.

Parent Summit – The next DSBParent Summit will be in south Arkansas. Area Supervisor Lou Talley is targeting late summer for the students, along with their parents, to come together and get some extensive training on the next stages after high school.

Benefits Counseling. We are approaching the hiring stage forour Benefits Counselor and look forward to that assistance to clients and counselors.

Rehabilitation Counselor Interns – Currently we have three interns serving the division, all from Northeast Arkansas. They are under the supervision of Runar Jensen Area Supervisor for Eastern Arkansas. Runar has really good connections with the University of Memphis and Arkansas State University.

Older Individuals who are Blind (OIB) – The OIB statistics for the state fiscal year are: 350 referrals, 100 intakes completed, 100 plans, and 52 rehab closures for the federal fiscal year (100 if we go back to July 1 for the state fiscal year). World Services for the Blind (WSB) is scheduled to provide a complete report later on the agenda.

End of Field Services Report

End of Director’s Report

BY-LAWS COMMITTEE REPORT – Mrs. Kara Aaron reported on behalf of Committee Chair Bill Johnson. Mr. Johnson had looked over the constitution and by-laws that needed to be updated and shared proposed changes with committee members Teresa Doan and Kara Aaron. The members read over the changes that Mr. Johnson suggested and

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discussed it with Katy Morris before today’s board meeting. The committee proposes to update the portions of the constitution and by-laws and send them out, with proper notice, before the next board meeting in June, so the board members will be able to review those changes. Basically, the proposed change isto modify the constitution and by-laws, where allowed by law,to better reflect the actual practices of the board.

Mrs. Morriselaborated that the 1984 by-laws allow only the votingboard members to serve on committees, and DSB never has had enough board members to fill all the committee positions.Over the years, ex-officio board members were appointed to committees and sub-committees and allowed to vote in committee, which is permissible under the law. That was our practice even though that is not what the by-laws said.The proposed amendment aligns the by-laws to current practice. The change will be sent out for next meeting, so that each member can analyze the proposal, and be prepared to vote on it in June.

DRIVER COMPENSATION RATE – Mrs. Morris followed up on Mr. Walker’s question from last meeting regarding the compensation rate for drivers. She reiterated that the rate allowable for reimbursement to qualified board members is the same rate as that allowable for reimbursement to qualified staff. She reported that the OPM rules on raising the rate paid a state employee driver requires DSB to demonstrate that no qualified drivers are willing to take the job at the allowed rate. Mrs. Morris committed to recruiting drivers through the normal process to demonstrate the difficulty in attracting them at the approved rate.Chairman Sheeler asked that this task be completed timely so that the higher rate, if approved, can be paid soon, because it is overdue.


WSB representative Dr. Janet Ford, Director of the Older Blind Project, reported thatthe waiting list for those most at-risk for losing their independence, is down to 207, and these individuals are expected to be served prior to June 30. The waiting list for general services is down to 502 people. As of this morning WSB had received 172 new referrals to be considered for services.