Present:Lady Captain -Paulette Morris Past Captain - Val Holdnall Secretary - Sally Weaver Handicap Secretary - Ann Holland Treasurer - Jenny Cousins Committee - Kim Lumley Committee - Bel Baker Committee - Dorothy White Committee- Sandy Beech

Apologies: Committee - Suzanne Shimmin

2. Approval of the Minutes: The Minutesfrom the previous Meeting were approved and signed. They will be posted on the members’ website and a hard copy put on the notice board in the ladies’ locker room.

3. Matters Arising: 3.1 (10.3) Jean Brayshay has taken the thinking of you card and gift to Sylvia Sheldon.

3.2 (3.1) The fashion show scheduled for 3rd October at Patshull Park has now sold out with 190 tickets sold.

3.3 (4.1) AH asked if a date had been organised for the day out at the Staffordshire G.C. (formerly Swindon) as a few ladies have shown interest in going. LC said she would arrange a date and put a notice up.

3.4 (3.7) A Texas Scramble has been organised with the senior men for Friday 28th October. LC will put up an entry sheet in the ladies’ locker room.

4. Correspondence: 4.1 SW has received a thank you card from the Midlands North Region County Representative, Lesley Taylor. She wanted to thank all the Worfield ladies for their help on the day with the Queen of Clubs’ Competition. There were two cheques enclosed one made payable to the PLC for £350 to cover the green fees on that day which was passed on to TarniaOsbourne in the shop and a second one for £50 made payable to the Ladies’ Section in appreciation for the above.

5. Financial Report: 5.1 Report attached

5.2 JC made a valid comment about the payment for this year’s away break. In past years the away break money has been collected through the ladies’ holiday account but this year LC had paid the deposit and balance monies personally as she could use her loyalty points with YourGolfTravel and therefore obtain a better deal for the ladies. JC reminded the Committee why all money relating to WGC ladies should go through the appropriate accounts.

1.Safety of the members’ money- We have three signatories on all accounts. Any two are required to sign to release money. So in the event that one person is incapacitated in any way there are still two people to sign. 2.The audit trail - We should be able to trace all monies through the audit trail but this year the holiday account will show no entries.

Itwas agreed that although the process of booking this year’s away break had been only in the best interest of the ladies, all future breaks should be arranged using the ladies’ holiday account.

5.3 LC said that the Charity Day had raised £4,889 bringing the total for the year so far to £7,366.20 for the Air Ambulance. Everyone agreed it was a great achievement.

6. Social: 6.1 At present there are no future social dates planned. We should perhaps organise something sooner rather than later as people were very enthusiastic about the anniversary celebrations and the weekend was a major success. Late November would be a good time or maybe a Christmas Party in December.

6.2 The Seniors are having a Christmas Bash on 16th December. This will be golf followed by a meal. The golf will be a mixed competition and partners are invited to the meal too.

7. Handicaps and Competitions 7.1 Report attached

7.2 SW said there had been some confusion about which card to use for the White Tee Competition and although it seems quite obvious that the Mens’ card should be used SW suggested there should be some reference to it in the Green Rules folder. AH to update

8. County:

8.1 No report but the next executive meeting is due to be held on Monday 19th September which unfortunately clashes with the away break. SW has sent her apologies and has informed the County that there will be no representation from Worfield that day due to everyone being away.

9. Lady Captain’s Report: 9.1 Report attached.

10. Any Other Business 10.1LC announced with great pleasure that Kim Lumley has accepted the position as Vice Captain for 2016/2017 and therefore will be taking on the role as Lady Captain for 2017/2018. LC will make a formal announcement to the ladies at the away break on 18th September.

10.2 Congratulations to Jenny Cousins for winning the 3rd Division at the County Autumn Meeting held at Shrewsbury G.C and also to Kim Lumley who was runner up in Division 1.

Meeting Closed at 6.15 pm

Next Meeting to be held on Thursday 27th October 2016 at 5 pm

Signed…Paulette Morris……….. Date…27th October 2016………




Medals £42.50 Stablefords £70.00 Blankstone Trophy £24.00 Eclectic £2.00 Interest £0.11

Total Income £138.61


Locker Keys £9.00

Total Expenditure £9.00

(Deficit) surplus £129.61

Fund Surplus B/fwd 31.07.2016 £3,384.00

Bank Balance as at 31.08.2016 £3,513.61

Represented by:

Lloyds Deposit A/C £2,825.66 Lloyds Current A/C £687.95

Worfield Golf Club – Ladies’ Section

Handicap Report Meeting – Thursday 15th September 2016

Competition Results for August:-

Medals: 15 & 16 (played 1st & 6th) - 17players

Divisions: 1 J Brayshay 86 - 15 – 71 2 M Cates 96 - 23- 73 3 B Baker 105 - 30– 77

Stableford 7: (played 8th13th ) – 16 players

Division:1S Weaver37 pts 2 S Beech 33 pts 3 D White 34 pts

Stableford 8: (played 20th22nd ) – 12 players

Division:1P Morris37 pts 2 J Cousins 30 pts 3 D White 34 pts

Handicap Changes: August

Decreases:P Morris17 – 16 S Weaver 20 - 19

Ann Holland Handicap Secretary 7th September 2016

Lady Captains Report – August 2016

Our Ladies Invitation Day held on Monday 15th August turned out to be a very enjoyable day, seeing as the week before it was nearly cancelled due to lack of Numbers. 18 Ladies played in glorious sunshine, the course was superb as usual & Kelly provided a lovely afternoon tea. The winners Bel Baker & past member Sue Jarman won the competition on count back, to beat Sandy and past member Carol Bailey, with an amazing score of 45. My Partner Linda Robson & I came in 3rd with 42.

We had our Charity Day on Thursday 18th, what a great turnout, 67 men but unfortunately only 4 Ladies. A great day was had by all, the sun shone again, the course was perfect and the buffet food provided by Kelly went down a treat afterwards. The Day raised an amazing £4360 thanks to the help, support & generosity of everyone involved. It was great to have the Club House overflowing with people having a great time. Unfortunately, our Ladies Team failed to repeat our winning success of last year!


The Mixed Open went ahead with 11 Teams entering, which is a poor show when compared too other club’s entry numbers, however I do believe the date clashed with various other golfing events in the County including 40 or so of our Men playing away in Oswestry’s am am. Perhaps next year we can review the date in the Diary.

“25th Anniversary Weekend- what a weekend it was!!! Europe V USA neck & neck over the two days resulting in only 1 point to see Europe take the Cup.So lovely to see so many members & their families having such a good time. The atmosphere was just buzzing, everyone chattering over a drink and tucking into a great BBQ and the kids enjoying Face Painting, Treasure Hunt, sweets & cakes. Unfortunately, the weather changed after the golf on Saturday therefore we had to cancel the Trick Shot Golfer display. Sunday saw another great day’s golf and the day finished with the Summer Ball, Hog Roast & entertainment with Dayton, and of course Mr Captain Stuart. This weekend would not have been such a success without the help & support that Stuart & I received, thanks go especially Sally who organised the Ryder Cup Draw, Flags & Bunting singlehandedly, and to a great bunch of people who helped out during the build up to and over the weekend itself, thank you! It was such a success that members have been asking if we can repeat this sort of Event annually & bi annually for the Ryder Cup. I think it is a great idea.

Just to let you know the Trick shot Golfer has been rebooked to follow the Perpetual Bowl Competition on Saturday 1st October 2016, approx. 4.30 p.m.

I must say August has been extremely busy but equally enjoyable, and I am now halfway through my year.

September has started with incredibly favourable golfing weather – let’s hope it continues!! On the 2nd we held our Past Captains Trophy, Bel won beating her mate Sally on Countback followed by a very pleasant Lunch prepared by Kelly. On the 4th was the Inaugural Medal the winner of which was Dorothy, retaining the Trophy from last year, well done. The Pelloby came next, again Dorothy collecting the Trophy with Cathy Grey as Runner up. Congratulations Dorothy.

Congratulations to Kim on winning the White Tee Competition held last Sunday with Chris Morley as runner up.

This weekend I am looking forward to our visit to the Forest of Arden where I am sure we will have good Golf, a good laugh and probable a few drinks, let’s just hope the weather holds out (PLEASE)


Lady Captain