MAY 27, 2015


Call to order by President Rauschenberger at 7:06 pm

  1. New Special Education model at Briarwood
  1. For the next school year, 2015-2016, there will be 2 teachers (a full time regular education teacher, and a special education teacher) collaborating in the integrated classrooms in Briarwood. In the past, the special education teacher split between 2 classrooms
  2. This has worked well in Brooklake, and now looking to model this at Briarwood.
  1. Curriculum and Instruction Website
  1. Resource for parents and information from common core curriculum are now up on the district website. To access:
  1. go to website: fpks.org
  2. choose the dropdown: district
  3. choose: curriculum & instruction
  4. parent workshops videos & handouts
  5. then choose grade level
  1. these are the parent workshops that were presented in the fall 2014 (math, ELA)
  2. in addition, there are links to think central & other resources for parents
  1. RMS update – Mr. Silkensen also read a statement from RMS principal, Peter Christ
  1. Thank you for the assembly “The Brain Show” – it was a hit!
  2. RMS just had their spring concert & their school play, “Annie” – both were a success
  3. Tri-county solar sprints – concluded 5/28
  4. 6/4 – a busy day at RMS. 5th grade move up / 6th grade orientation, learning fair
  5. 6/11 – field day / picnic (rain date – 6/18)
  6. 6/12 – 8th grade dance
  1. Smart Music software – presented by Matthew Testa, music teacher at RMS.
  1. This is a new software that is being recommended. Music curriculum through a method book. Entire book loaded onto system (computer or iPad) with exercises
  2. Student practices & records. Student selects instrument & song. Individual music or band exercises
  3. Connection of the student practicing at home to the teacher because the teacher can review the practice. Listening for pitch, timing, errors in notes.
  4. Mistakes are recorded & student can click onto the mistaken note & feedback is given on exact hand placement so student can self-correct
  5. Full access on line – saves in class time, so teach can focus on practice & progression and not spend time assessing & reviewing. Also, music teacher can give homework practice
  1. New Executive Slate for 2015-2016
  1. Nominees for the 2015-2016 PTA board presented:
  1. Kathy Henning – VP Brooklake
  2. Jennifer Casola – VP Brooklake
  3. Sarah Iodice – Corresponding Secretary
  4. Kristen Fox – Treasurer
  1. Membership unanimously voted in all 4 nominees
  1. Thank you Jennifer, Hannah, Joan & Tracey! – President Rauschenberger thanked the outgoing board members presented them with flowers
  2. Spring Meet & Greet 6/1 – at the library from 9:45-11:30 am. Light refreshments, all welcomed including incoming kindergarten families
  3. Volunteering Opportunities for Next Year / Open Coordinator Positions – descriptions & signups are on the PTA website
  1. Carnival Committee Chair
  2. Prize Party Committee
  3. BWD Book Fair Coordinator - involved primarily manningthe cash register during the two fairs
  4. Lunch coordinators
  1. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 6/2 at 6:30 at BWD. Thank you catered dinner for our wonderful volunteers. Please RSVP, so we can get a headcount for ordering food.
  2. Discussion Forum – Suggestion Box
  1. Request from a member that the person speaking introduce themselves & their title
  2. Meet and greet with Dr. Melissa Varley, the new superintendent, at RMS Media Center on Monday, June 15th at 7:30pm
  3. Discussion on teacher negotiations, a member asked where the process is. At this time, both sides have presented to the fact finder. Fact finder has 30 days to review – due to give feedback mid-June
  4. BOE letter – received by families in district. Teachers are in the process of writing a response to this letter
  1. Correspondence Secretary – cards, notes

Thank you notes read that were received by various teachers thanking for teacher appreciation, from Mrs. Nester, BKL secretary, for hanging plant for secretary’s day, and from Mrs. Gilligan for the PTA support of the jump a thon.

Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Kelly Ewing

Recording Secretary