Wild Recovery

January 19, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Rick B. OPENS meeting with the SERENITY PRAYER

Minutes from October 6th meeting were approved unanimously.


Tom D. informs us of the error on the flyer in regards to the Pinnacles hike that he has taken over from Rich S. per his request.

**Parking is at SHALOM PEAK not at Bear Gulch.

Because ShalomPeak parking is before the other, it is suggested that people be diverted into the correct location with the use of the Wild Recovery Sign.

Angel L. and Keith note that the sign is taken by the park rangers if left behind after hikers depart.

Jimmy C. informs us that if we are to call ahead of time to obtain a permit, the sign can remain on park grounds.

Jennifer suggests that we use word of mouth at meetings to call attention to the error and she proposes another solution in which those attending meetings where the flyer is at can cross out the incorrect info and replace it with the ShalomPeak parking.

Eric asks if there was another error on the flyer which states that Philip S. is the carpool person.

Keith informs us that he had to step down due to scheduling conflicts that make it impossible for him to participate in all the hikes and that Philip S agreed to continue as carpool information

Jennifer N. asks that the webpage change position to “alternate” from “assistant GSR”

John is to start phone list again to call people to tell the when and where of meetings


Anna J. reports that we are in the black. Passed around the report rather than printing a bunch, in a valiant effort to save the trees.

Diane inquires about the retreats being paid for or not?

February retreat is paid up.

June retreat is not.

In order for treasury position to be officially handed over to newly elected Todd P., the bank needs to see the meeting minutes.


+Angel L. reports that we are nearly out of flyers.

Anna J. makes a motion for 500 more to be printed, and Dianne seconds.

Jimmy C. will make corrections to the new flyers in regards to Pinnacles.

+He reminds us of the importance of SERVICE and informs us that he has the Help Wanted page in his car at all times, for those that are interested.

+There is a need for people to work with inmates.

+Music Fest is being discussed and they are hopeful that it will happen this year.


Angel L. steps down as assistant treasurer due to an already overload of service commitments.

Diane is elected as assistant treasurer.

Keith addresses the changes in insurance policy coverage and what this means for Wild Recovery.

*NA covers the Meetings since they are in the meeting guides, however they require that there are no animals AT MEETING.

*Issue of insurance is to and from the meeting place.

*Question of whether hiking is considered a sporting event.

*Application needs to be filled out and returned to region, given to Anna J.

*Rick B. sets limit of discussion of the waivers to ten minutes.

Kent says that his group requires that hikers sign waiver, thereby settling the liability issue.

Armando brings up question of signatures being kept on record versus having to sign every time.

Todd P. and Jennifer agree that waivers should be signed at every hike.

John motions that the responsibility of implementing waivers be given to secretary, Tom. All but two abstentions agree with and second motion.

Kent is later given the responsibility to help clarify the waiver issue.

New Retreats 2007

1. JUNE 2ND Sequoia/Kings CanyonTom D.

2. SEPTEMBER 8th Big Sur/Julia PfeifferJennifer & Jeanie

3. NOVEMBER 17th Death ValleyAnna J & Andrea

New Hikes 2007

  1. May 19, Russian Ridge-Jennifer N.
  2. June 2, Retreat
  3. June 16, Pogonip/Santa Cruz City Park-John & Diane
  4. June 30, Moonlight Hike/Henry Coe-Tom D.
  5. July 14, Mt Madonna/ conjunction w/ So Cal-Diane
  6. July 28, Sanborn Skyline-Martin
  7. August 11, Redwood Regional-Kent
  8. August 25, HalfMoonBay TBD-Andrea

Next business meeting set for April 22nd at 11am at Tom D’s kitchen.

Meeting closes with the third step prayer.