Richmond SHRM Monthly Status Report

Board Member Name: / Title:
Ken Robertson / VP-Community Leadership
Directors/Committee(s): / Time Period:
Pam Cavedo, Community Collaborations
Jack Harsh, Support for Transitioning Veterans
Todd Nobel, HR Strategist of the Year
Elyse Johnson, Sterling Awards
Tom Baker, Legislative Affairs
Rush Paul, HR Basics with Mike Leonard support from Greater Richmond Chamber / November 2012
Key Accomplishments:
·  2012 HR Strategist of the Year Awards presented at the 2012 Strategic Leadership Conference October 11.
·  Richmond SHRM hosted a Workforce Development Roundtable November 8 at Willow Oaks CC, with key stakeholders attending.
Upcoming activities
·  Sterling Awards Committee met November 5. The Sterling Awards deadline was moved a second time to 12/31/12. The awards process was simplified, with an easy to complete application and one employee survey to all employees of organizations who apply. Two Committee members are actively working with Radford University I/O Psychology Department on the Sterling Awards surveys. However, five Committee members will have a role in approving the final survey questions. Facilities are booked at the University of Richmond for the 2013 and 2014 Sterling Awards: An Evening of Accolades, with the 2013 event scheduled Wednesday, May 22.
• Legislative AffairsTom Baker proposed and is working to finalize two National Legislative Advocacy Team Captains from the Richmond SHRM group:
A-Team captain for Eric Cantor's district (northern Richmond area)
A-Team captain for Randy Forbes district (southern Richmond area)
National SHRM is finalizing their review of our two local candidates and will finish and give their final endorsement soon.
Strategic Alliances Director, Pam Cavedo
Workforce development
Goal: Identify other member organizations and recruit their leaders to create an advisory council to get businesses engaged to align their (business) strategy with workforce makeup and projections.
-  Objective: To ensure the Greater Richmond business community is acutely aware of local workforce development issues, knowledgeable of the resources available within the system, and committed to taking actions that will make a difference.
-  Richmond SHRM seeks to convene, connect, and learn from the participants at the Roundtable and Planning Session, so that we can serve as a conduit to our members who are Human Resource professionals. Participants at Thursday’s session were comprised of area workforce and economic development organizations. We want to work with them to develop a vision and purpose and to learn their common concerns and issues among employers, so that integrated workforce development efforts lead to productive outcomes for all stakeholders, particularly those in the business, non-profit and government communities.
-  Pam Cavedo attended the Resource Business Solutions Retreat in September to meet the Resource Team and determine how Richmond SHRM can assist them in their challenges to:
·  Communicate their services to the business community
·  Communicate like services to other agencies
·  Assist in the development of a communications plan to the SHRM and business community
·  Team an HR member in each targeted business sector
·  Further align with the Partnership's business sectors to have a team of HR professionals in each of the following sectors to reach out to when they’re working with (business) clients in:
o  Advanced Manufacturing
o  Finance and Insurance
o  Supply Chain Logistics
o  Professional Business Services
o  Health and Life Sciences
Transitioning Military Committee (VETS Smart) Last meeting October 10.
Committee Goal: Take an active role in assisting the military transitioning into civilian jobs and educate local businesses on recruitment, training and hiring issues/opportunities.
·  We agreed we would conduct a brief survey of local employers to develop a database of veteran hiring and retention practices. Our goal is to get 50 employers to participate so we have a good summary of practices and then to follow up with individual interviews with 6-10 or so to build more qualitative info to share with our RSHRM members.
·  Draft survey questions Developed. RSHRM uses a basic version of Survey Monkey. Also for info are the suggested interview questions for later, but these will be revisited after we get the survey results.
Here is the timing suggested for our next steps. Contact all of companies with calls completed by November 6. Will target to send surveys out by November 9 for return not later than November 30. Our next meeting would shoot for early December to share the survey data and decide on next steps/preparation of a report. Interviews would be targeted for January/February time-frame.
·  Committee Members: Jack Harsh (Chair), Jim Godwin, John Cates, Roy McCloud, Dave Ambruster, Charlie Wood
Strategic Initiative Update - Status: Green – Yellow – Red
·  SAC green
·  HR Strategist of the Year green
·  Legislative Committee green
·  Military Transition green
·  HR Basics green
·  Workforce Development and Strategic Alliances green
Issues for Board discussion: (action needed: support, input, approval, resources)
·  Sterling Workplace Awards and the HR Strategist of the Year Potential Merger in 2014