Thursday, April 26, 2007

7:00 p.m.


0.0 Executive Session 6:00 p.m.: MRSA Title I Section 405 Sub Sec 6.-Legal

1.0 Call to Order-Chairman Jim Pearson called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

2.0 Pledge of Allegiance

2.1 Moment of Silence

Roll Call-Members present were Chairman Jim Pearson, Vice Chairman Dave Thompson, Leighton Carver, Burt Batty and Richard Goodall. Others present were Town Manager, Tom Fortier, Laurisa Loon, Darryl Sterling, Amanda Walker, Jeff Snedden, Connie Hartley, Molly Bishop, Tracy Blagden and Glenn Dewitt.

3.0 Request to approve Board of Selectmen minutes of April 12, 2007.

Dave Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of April 12, 2007, Leighton Carver seconded, motion passed (3-0-1).

4.0 Appointments, Resignations, Proclamations, Resolutions

4.1 A Proclamation honoring the Richmond Girls High School Basketball


Chairman Jim Pearson presented Molly Bishop and Tracy Blagden and the Richmond Girls High School Basketball Team with a Proclamation for their outstanding efforts, sportsmanship, maturity, and leadership for the 2007 Basketball Season.

5.0 Public Hearings, Presentations:

5.1 Big Brother, Big Sister-Connie Hartley, Executive Director

Connie Hartley spoke on the importance of having a program placed in the Richmond area, she stated that there are currently three (3) children on the waiting list all of which are from single parent homes. Also, spoke on establishing an organization within the school and establish “School-Based Mentors” as a mentor, you are matched with a child in a school setting and meet once a week for an hour throughout the school year. Activities may include lunch together, playing card games, creating a craft or just talking and listening, along with outreach from the Police Department and Fire Department as a “Community Partner” the organization would provide the agency with five volunteers to be matched with a child in the school based mentoring program. The selectman would like a write-up placed in the May Newsletter based on the handout information.

5.2 Community Development Block Grant Public Hearing

Darryl Sterling submits several handouts, pictures, drawings, etc. Discusses the CDBG in the amount of $150,000. and how these funds will be used for façade and streetscape improvements in the downtown. Establishing a time line over the next 60 days working on details, facades, environmental study, with a construction starting date of July 1st completed by November 1st although this is an ongoing program. Construction and facades will follow the State Guidelines as well as the Town of Richmond Ordinance keeping in mind the historic nature of the town. Participants cannot deviate from terms it will take the CEO, Economic Development Director, Town Manger and others to make sure all plans and maintenance are followed through.

Darryl Sterling talks about the improvement of the crosswalks adding texture, depth, and color, the possibility of decorative street lamps, and flower boxes.

Also, he has been in constant contact with Maine DOT and that with condition of the town roads there is no guarantee on striping, the town is not scheduled for road resurfacing for another four (4) years. Also, speaking with CMP about being placed on a lease program for fourteen (14) light fixtures.

Jeff Snedden speaks on the outstanding effort put forth by Darryl Sterling and affiliates on implementing the façade program. He has seen many towns start a revitalization project and never follow through. It’s great to see the hard work and dedication and the soon to be outcome of everyone’s efforts.

Richard Goodall would like someone to look into getting a “yellow blinking” light by the fire station.

The Selectmen question the sidewalk project which was to start at the bottom of the hill (Main Street) to Tulip Street. Darryl reads a letter by MDOT, “unofficially no answer.” The selectman would like Tom and Darryl to either submit a “letter on behalf of the board” or set up a meeting to look into pre-engineering the project.

6.0 Administrative Items/Unfinished Business-None

7.0 Administrative Items/New Business-None

8.0 Miscellaneous Business/Oral & Written Communications

8.1 Public-None

8.2 Selectmen

Richard Goodall-Spoke in regards to the meeting with Maine DOT and Seth Berry regarding the Alexander Reed Road engineering plans and bond issue. Burt Batty-would like to make some recommendations regarding the website at the next meeting. Dave Thompson-Budget workshop scheduled for April 30, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. Leighton Carver-would like to look into implementing a safety plan for the town park/docks, place signage that pertains to “no jumping-swimming in this area.” The police cannot enforce this until some rule/sign is implemented. Also to look into getting the harbormaster involved with this issue. Jim Pearson-questions the wellbeing of “Dick LaChance,” also would like to mention how impressed he was with the Richmond Fire Department and what an excellent job was done by handling the calls and distresses from the Patriot’s Day Storm.

8.3 Town Manager

Tom Fortier-Would like mention that the town office staff is doing a great job, also that the CEO, Doug Marble is done as of May 3rd and that the employment ad has been placed in the Kennebec Journal and Times Record.

8.4 Boards and Committees-Emergency Management-Glenn Dewitt

Glenn Dewitt submits a timeline with description of the Patriot Day Storm “happenings.” Also a recap of the storm claims, including:

1. RUD-A manhole on the inflow section of the sewage system collapsed. Bricks from the manhole went through the sewage pump and check valves. Estimated repair cost at $265,000., this figure may be reduced by insurance.

2. Public Works-Cost of material and wages to repair washouts, etc. at $6,000.

3. Fire Department-Payroll at $3,051., Food at $242.22., Truck Expenses at $452., Roof and interior damage at $2,500. The roof is covered by insurance with a $1,000. deductible.

9.0 Warrants

9.1 Request for action regarding all disbursement warrants.

Motion made by Leighton Carver, seconded by Richard Goodall, passed (3-0).

10.0 Adjournment

Motion made by Richard Goodall to adjourn at 8:45, seconded by Leighton Carver, motion passed (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted by:______

Laurisa Loon

Selectmen Minutes of 4/26/07 Page 1