Richlands High School

AP Calculus BC Syllabus

Teacher: Stephanie Williams


School Phone #: 910-324-4191

Course Description and Philosophy

This course is intended to provide students with a sound understanding of the concepts of calculus. The course covers an extensive study of functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, definite integrals, polynomial approximations and series and applications of all the above. Students will have the opportunity to emphasize the connections between topics such as functions and how you can express them graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. The primary goal for this course is to develop student understanding and skills that will help the student succeed in college.

Course Materials

3 ring binder and paper OR notebook and folder


Graphing Calculator (I have a classroom set, but these cannot be taken home)

Course Outline

Chapter 1-5 ReviewChapter 10: Vectors and Geometry

Chapter 6: Applications of IntegrationChapter 11: Vector-Valued Functions

Chapter 7: Integration TechniquesChapter 12: Functions of Several Variables

Chapter 8: Infinite SeriesChapter 13: Multiple Integration

Chapter 9: Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates


The majority of grades in this course will be teacher made tests. Homework will be graded on occasion. Each chapter will have a homework packet that is handed out on day one of the new chapter and due on test day. Students need to become less dependent on homework grades to help out the overall grade and focus more on learning.

Grading Policy





Please make every effort to come to class everyday on time. Math is dependent on previous knowledge and is very important to stay on top of your work. You are allowed 10 absences from class. Anything after 10 will result in no credit for the course. Do not be late for class. Three tardies will result in a phone call home; four tardies will result in after school detention; five tardies will result in two days after school detention; six tardies and beyond will result in an office referral.

Make-Up Work:

Late assignments will not be accepted except in the case of an absence. It is your responsibility to ask for your make-up work and to turn in all your assignments. If you are absent, ask me for your work. The due date will be at the top of the page.

Classroom Rules:

  • Be respectful to yourself, others, me, and the classroom.
  • Be on time with all materials ready.
  • No food or drinks allowed. (Water in a clear bottle is acceptable)
  • No Profanity.
  • No lotions or sprays are allowed out in class. (I am allergic)

If you choose to not follow these rules:

  • Warning (Level 1 Referral)
  • After School Detention with Parent Contact (Level 2 Referral)
  • Referral to Administration (Level 2 Referral)
  • Anything severe will be an automatic Level 3 Referral)

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at any time.