Newtown Middle School, 2018-2019
Academic English 7
Mrs. Parke
Room #219
Welcome to English class! I look forward to getting to know you better as we embark on an exciting year together. You can expect a rigorous program inviting you to explore, interpret, and enjoy the written word through rich and varied reading experiences. You will grow as independent and creative thinkers while translating those thoughts into personal essays, narratives, responses to literature, informational reports, conversations with your peers, and oral presentations.
Our theme this year is self-discovery. I hope the stories we read and the characters we meet will inspire you to discover that special person within—your gifts and your obstacles; your hopes and your fears; your humor and your humanity. I shall enjoy sharing that journey with you.
Classroom TextsUnits of Study
Glencoe Literature Anthology (short stories)Elements of Fiction
Elements of Literature writing textGreek Mythology
Poetry (Reading and Writing)
Class Novels Research
The Adventures of Ulysses (Evslin)
Stand Tall (Bauer)Vocabulary Concepts
The Miracle Worker (Gibson)Latin and Greek Roots
The Westing Game (Raskin)Prefixes and Suffixes
Witness (Hesse)Vocabulary from Readings
Self-Selected Reading Titles
Grammar ConceptsWriting Genres
Parts of SpeechExpository (Literature-based)
Parts of a SentenceCreative/Narrative
Run-ons and FragmentsReflective
SpellingSpeaking and Listening
Commonly Confused WordsGroup Participation
Public Speaking Techniques
Formal Presentations
Self-selected Reading: You are asked to read at least two books per month in order to accomplish the state standard of 25 books per year. These books should be of interest to you and should be at an appropriate reading level. You will complete a project related to your reading in either reading or English class.
Classroom Policies:
1) Respect one another: Each of us comes to the classroom with a unique perspective. We each have something to learn—and something to teach. We must listen to and encourage one another so that we do not miss out on the opportunity to learn and grow as students and human beings.
2) Obey school rules: While in this classroom, you laid out in the student handbook. Lateness to class will not be tolerated; you must have a pass from a teacher if you are going to be late. You must request a pass to leave the room while class is in progress.
3) Be prepared: You are expected to bring all necessary materials to class with you each day. You are expected to have the following materials:
a one-inch 3-ring binder (or section in a larger binder)
divider tabs labeled as follows: Vocabulary, Grammar, Literature, and Writing
plenty of loose leaf paper
at least two pencils in a zipper pouch
your agenda book
On occasion, I will ask you to bring the following special materials:
lined index cards (3 X 5)
standard size Post-Its
4) Be reliable: I will post all of your assignments on the black board well in advance of the due date. You should transfer all of your assignments into your planner each day. I expect all work to be turned in on time.If you have a family emergency which prevents you from completing your work on time, please bring a note from your parent/guardian.
Daily homework assignments: I will give you half credit if you submit the assignment one day late. After that point, you receive no credit.
Projects: You lose a certain percentage of credit for every day that your project is late. There will come a time after which point the project will no longer be accepted.
5) Be responsible: If you miss class for any reason, you are expected to make up the work assigned that day. You can check the team website, email me directly, or call a homework buddy to find out what you missed. Use the space below to write down the name of your homework buddy and another person you could call for your missed work. All missed work must be made up within a week of your absence. This is your responsibility!
Homework Buddy: ______Phone: ______
Alternate Name: ______Phone: ______
Grading policy—You will earn a letter grade in this class for each of the four marking periods; a final grade will also be given. Your grade will be based on the percentage of points you have achieved out of the points available. There is no extra credit available at any time. Homework is worth approximately 15% of your overall marking period grade. Assignments that are illegible or messy will not be accepted.
You will be given a Grade Record Sheet to help you keep track of your grades, and you and your parents can access your scores on HAC at any time. If you stay on top of your grades as they accrue, you will never be surprised at interim or report card time.
6) Don’t be afraid to ask for help: If you need extra help or would like to discuss something with me, please let me know. I am available for individual help before school, after school, and during clinic on Thursday afternoon. You must make an appointment with me before you come, however. If you receive a grade lower than a C on a test or major assignment, you can come in for extra help and earn back some course credit. You must make the arrangements to do this, however.
7) Be your absolute best! Please do not settle for less than your best. Strive for excellence each and every day. I promise to do the same.
I wish you great success this year! You are a valued member of this class and this school!
I have read the information above and understand my responsibilities as a student in this class.
Student SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate