Richard Bennett PTSA 2.3.22
General Membership Meeting MINUTES
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Location: Bellewood Multipurpose Room

  1. Sign in
  2. Call to orderby Kim R at7:04pm
  3. President’s Welcome
  4. Welcome New Officers
  5. Approved minutes from May General meeting
  6. Motion to approve by Anna Fowler, seconded Jennifer Munson, vote passed unanimously
  7. Approval of Standing Rules
  8. Made no modifications this year as extensive revisions made last year by Kim R. Motion to approve made by Amy Stonehocker, Anna Fowler seconds, vote passed unanimously
  9. Treasurer’s Report and approve budget
  10. Kim T giving report as Forrest Hayes is not present: Changes: increased revenueby $10,000, made small modifications to some expenditures, starting the year with$40,000 we will raise $150,000 and end year w $0. Money used for aide support, field trips,fundraising/community events.
  11. ByJune 30th need enough money in account to fulfill commitment made to Bennett, as well as operating expenses, this year it was $90,000.
  12. Motion to pass budget made by Anna Fowler, seconded by Ann Kolovyansky, budget passed unanimously.
  13. Kim R reports on breakdown of donation requirements:
  14. 420 students at Bennett roughly $450 per student, which is broken down into 3 categories of funding.
  15. First, instructional support for reading literacy, math, and safety, at roughly 42% of budget.
  16. Next, curriculum enhancement—field trips--fully paid for by PTSA $60,000 spent there.
  17. Last category is community events at $50,000, includes book fair, art night, fundraising events.
  18. In addition, collectively need 10,000 volunteer hours or 24 hours per student.
  19. Working on a third fundraiser for this year. Waiting to see how Walk-A-Thon does this year to determine.
  20. In the past, we operated on a surplus but it is spent down, so if we want to continue to spend as we have in the past we need to raise the funds.
  21. Lisa Ford: Teacher Experiences are being talked about for mid-year.
  22. Matching contributed $20,000 last year so need to keep that going.
  23. Box Tops raised nominal amounts last year due to low participation. Amazon Smiles and EScrips, Amazon Smiles, nominal funds raised.
  24. Committee Reports
  25. Walkathon—Kim R reporting for BaretLarsen who is not present
  26. Packets sent out Thursday
  27. Assembly on Friday
  28. Walk-A-Thon is Sept 30
  29. Please volunteer
  30. Theme is Star Wars: Bennett Awakens.
  31. Curriculum Enhancement—Anna Fowler
  32. This committee has one parent per grade level that works w teachers to pick field trips for that year.
  33. A lot of the events kick up later in the winter.
  34. Always a request for chaperones, please go.
  35. A lot of fun events through year, 4th grade oceanography no longer, you will learn more at Curriculum night what will be planned.
  36. After-School Activities—Dell Wilkinson
  37. Survey at end of last year w lots of feedback, working on minimizing volunteering, working with district to nail down facility.
  38. Activities include: Yoga, lego, computing, gaming, art, theater and will expand with more come in winter.
  39. More info on website to come soon.
  40. Membership
  41. Recruit of open positions—Kim R
  42. Become a member if you are not already.
  43. Encouraging all to sign up for open positions, especially for our biggest fundraisers which need co-chairs:
  44. Walk-A-Thon- Baret Larson
  45. Cirriculum Enhancement- Anna Fowler
  46. After School Activities- Dell Wilkinson
  47. Many open positions and if people do not step up to lead they will no longer be offered.
  48. Principal’s Report—David Staight
  49. Says those in attendance today are the core of the PTSA, but Bennett has a lot of families, so find a friend to come along to the meetings and spread the wealth that PTSA provides to the school.
  50. State of the School Address: Things are beginning to work. 407 kids in building and 420 by next week. Class rooms of low 20s. Meet and greet wonderful for teachers and staff, as well as kids. Worked on getting kids used to new building.
  51. Leah Kumar is new Asst. Principal. Looking forward to new year.
  52. Reaching out to people about participating in Walk-A-Thon. Funds for instructional assistance spent, so now need to raise money with the fundraisers.
  53. Classified staff highest scoring staff in district for job satisfaction/happiness.
  54. Anna Fowler asked about parking lot and flow. Mr Staight thanks parents for using buses and reminds everyone it is efficient to ride the buses.
  55. Staff Report
  56. Ms. Berhands gives K-2 report on what students are working on at the beginning of the year.
  57. Ms. Friesegives report on grades 3-5 and what they are working on at the beginning of this year.
  58. New Business
  59. New email alias
  60. Kim R:Changed to
  61. Announcements
  62. PTSA Survey—Kim R reporting for Jeny Staiman who was not present
  63. To be sent in Oct, please participate to help us understand how PTSA can improve in the spirit of the “New Bennett”.
  64. Adjournmentby Kim R at 7:40pm