African Development Bank
Temporary Relocation Agency
CorporateProcurement Division
Fax Number: + (216) 71835 249
Letter of Invitation
Dear Sir/ Madam,
The African Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as “AfDB “or the “Bank”) requests your Proposalfor Implementationof a High SpeedPoint-to-Point Clear Channel and MPLS Backbone connectivity for The African Development Bank’s 33 Office Locations in Africa and Japan as specified in this Request for Proposal (RFP), Annex I of this RFP.
- This RFP includes the following letter of invitation together with its annexes and the appendices to these annexes:
Annex 1 / : / RFP Data Sheet
Annex 2 / : / Terms of Reference & technical specifications
Annex 3 / : / Contents of the Proposal to be submitted
+ Appendix A, B, C, DF, and Appendix G Checklist of required documents/ information
Annex 4 / : / Evaluation Criteria
Annex 5 / : / List, addresses and physical locations for sites.
Annex 6 / : / List of the Member Countries of the Bank
Annex 7 / : / Contractors Performance evaluation Form
Annex8 / : / Form of Contract
Annex 9 / : / Service Level Agreement
Annex 10 / : / General Terms and conditions
- Only those bidders that are nationals of member countries of the Bank and whose items and services that are provided originate from the member countries of the Bank are eligible to submit a bid in accordance with the RFP. The list of member countries is given asin Annex 6.
- Your proposal must be received on or before the date and time specified in the RFP data sheet bymail, courier or hand-delivery at the addresses given below:
Postal Address:
African Development Bank,Corporate Procurement Division (CGSP.2)
ADB Temporary Relocation Agency (Tunis)
Angle des trois rues: Avenue du Ghana, Rue Pierre de Coubertin, Rue Hedi Nouira
75BP: 323
1002 - Tunis Belvédère
Delivery Address: Annex 5
- Proposals should be enclosed in a sealed envelope (with both the technical and the financial proposal in separate sealed envelopes) and addressed to the Bank at the address given below.
Each bidder will submit their proposal in one original and four copies:the original proposal must carry the mention “original” and each of the four copies the mention “copy”. The technical proposal (one original + 4 copy) and the financial proposal (one original + 4 copy) will each be placed in two separate sealed envelopes (the “internal envelopes”).
The following shouldappear on each internal envelope:
a)The purpose of the present bid
b) “Technical Proposal” or “Financial Proposal” as the case may be.
c)Thename and address of the bidder.
The two internal envelopes should be placed together in a large single sealed envelope called “external envelope”, which must be anonymous and, carry only the label specified in the RFP data sheetwhich should be photocopied and placed on the external envelope. Please ensure that you fill out and include the Proposal checklist in the external envelope.( Refer to Annex 3 Appendix F)
- It is the sole responsibility of the bidders to ensure that the sealed envelope containing the proposal reaches the above address before the time and date indicated in paragraph 4 above. When delivered by hand, the proposals must be delivered at the above address during the Bank’s working hours from 0800 hrs to 1200 hrs and from 1400 hrs to 1800 hrs, Monday through Friday except for holidays observed by the African Development Bank. Delivery to any other office of the African Development Bank will be at the risk of the bidder and will not constitute timely delivery. Proposals received after the above-mentioned closing time or deadline shall be rejected. If the deadline for submission happens to be a holiday, the proposals will be opened at the same time on the next working day. The Bank may extend the deadline for submission of proposals at any time without incurring any liability to the bidders. Opening of the technical bids will occur at the date and time specified in the RFP data sheet.
- A prospective bidder requiring any clarification in relation with the bidding documents may notify the Bank in writing to the Bank’s mailing address indicated in these documents. All requests for clarifications must be received by telefax (at the fax number +216-71 835249) or by electronic mail: , no later than the date stated in RFP Data Sheet. If a Bidder feels that any important provision in the documents will be unacceptable, such an issue should be raised at this stage. The Bank will respond within a week in writing to all prospective requests for clarification or modification of the bidding documents that it receives before the date stated in RFP Data Sheet. Written copies of the Bank’s response to questions raised by telefax or electronic mail (including an explanation of the query but with no indication of its source) will be sent to all prospective bidders that have received the bidding documents.
- At any time before the submission of proposals, the Bank may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by the Bidder, amend the RFP. The amendment shall be sent in writing by telefax or email to all invited firms and will be binding on them. The Bank may at its sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of proposals.
- Proposals must be submitted in the English or French language in One Original + Four Copies (any attachments or appendices and annexes thereto must also be submitted in One Original + Four Copies). The Technical Proposalmust include information in sufficient detail to allow the Bank to consider whether your company has the necessary capability, experience, knowledge, expertise, and the required capacity to perform satisfactorily the services specified along with any other information that may be requested by Annex 3 of this RFP and a checklist required as per Appendix F.
- It is mandatory for the bidders to submit the Financial Proposal by using the bid submission form, attached asAppendix B of this RFP, including a description of the proposed items and services.Any deviation from the requested requirements (see TOR on Annex 2) shall be highlighted and explained. Please note that the Bank will only consider those deviations that have an effect of improving the items and services requested.
- The evaluation method of the proposal is described in detail in Annex4. For this procurement, evaluation will be based on combined technical and financial proposals.Only bidders, whose technical proposal meet or exceed the minimum qualification points, will be considered for financial evaluation.
- By submitting the proposal, the bidders confirm that they have taken into account all the documents of this RFP including the addenda (if any), all the annexes and as the case may be, the appendices to annexes. The Bank is not bound by any other terms and conditions unless agreed in writing by the Bank.
- The prices quoted shall be net free and clear of all applicable taxes including withholding tax duties, fees, levies or indirect taxes including customs duties. Prices must be expressed in Euros/dollars. Surcharges imposed by, or pursuant to the laws,statutes or regulations of any governmental agency or authority as the Bank, its property, other assets, income and its operations and transactions are exempt from any obligation relating to the payment, withholding, or collection of any tax or duty, by virtue of article 57 of the Agreement establishing the Bank.
- By submitting their bids, each bidder also warrants that they are legally authorized to provide the items and perform the services and that they are not in default with the tax and social security obligations in their country. The Bank may, at its sole discretion, ask any bidder to provide documentary evidence establishing the same.
- Proposals should remain valid for a period of not less than ninety (90) days after the deadline date specified for submission.
- The Bank will award the contract to the bidder whose technical proposal has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest financial proposal in accordance with the evaluation criteria given in Annex4. Responsiveness will be judged by conformance to all the terms, conditions and specifications of the RFP.
- The Contract shall be governed by the Terms of References attached in Annex2of this RFP and, the draft contract (Annex8). Any such contract will require compliance with all factual statements and representations made in the proposal.
- Unless otherwise specified in this RFP, the rates quoted should be fixed for the duration of the contract and should not be subject to adjustment on any account.
- Notwithstanding the above, the Bank reserves the right to amend the content of this RFP and to accept or reject any or all proposals and to cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the award of the contract without incurring any liability to any bidder.
- Please note that it is the policy of the Bank that bidders, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Bank will reject a bid if it determines that the Bidder has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.
- The Bank encourages sustainable procurement, a healthy work environment and social responsibility, therefore the Offerors are equally motivated to observe and support the initiative by indicating on their response how they are intending to be environmentally and socially responsible. Environmental issues will be factored in the evaluation.
- We look forward to receiving your proposal and thank you for your interest in the African Development Bank.
Division Manager,
Corporate Procurement Division (CGSP. 2)
Annex 1
African Development Bank
Temporary Relocation Agency
Corporate Procurement Division
Fax Number: + (216) 71835 249
The numbering below refer to the appropriate numbering of the RFP
1.The Items and services to be delivered are listed in the Price Schedule (Appendix D) and clearly described in the TOR (Annex 2)
3The deadline for submission of proposals is 19th December 2013 at 15.00 hours Tunis Time.
The text to be photocopied and placed on the external envelopeis the following:
Corporate Procurement Division, CGSP.2EPI Block B Building
Office 2A2
African Development Bank
ADB Temporary Relocation Agency (Tunis)
Angle des trois rues: Avenue du Ghana, Rue Pierre de Coubertin, Rue Hedi Nouira
BP: 323
Closing Date and Time: 19th December 2013at 15.00 hours Tunis Time
5.The opening of the technical bids will occur 19th December 2013at 15.30 hours Tunis Time in the Banks’s premises according to addresses indicated above.
6All requests for clarifications must be received by telefax or by electronic mailoneweek before the deadline for submission.
- Introduction
In the framework of its mission, the Bank requires extensive communication not only worldwide but also in the Bank’s Group network including its head quarter, 2 regional resource centers and 31 Field Offices, located in African countries and Japan.
The Bank currently operates a broadband integrated telecommunications Wide Area Network (WAN), as part of its IT and Telecommunications infrastructure which contribute to the enhancement of the communication among the staff within the Bank, between the Bank and its member countries, partners, and sister institutions.
The Bank’s WAN includes three components optimally integrated and simultaneously implemented.
The first component which is a satellite based solution is an end to end Internet Protocol over VSAT network (IPoS) connecting currently 33 Field Offices (FO) to a satellite Teleport located in Fuchsstadt, Germany USA. This component is a fully managed platform through standard C-Band Intelsat Satellite IS 901. The second component which is a terrestrial solution is a fiber optic STM-1 backhaul connecting TRA to the same satellite Teleport located in Fuchsstadt through an IP Gateway located in Frankfurt, Germany. The third component of the Bank’s one infrastructure is the MPLS backbone connecting the TRA, the head quarter and 2 regional resource centers. The resulting overall network architecture design of BITS is a VSAT Star Topology combined with fiber optic backhaul link.
- Purpose of the current Request For Proposal (RFP)
2.1The objective of this document is to attract proposal from potential bidders for Implementation of a 100Mbps fiber Clear Channel Point_to_Point link between Abidjan, Ivory Coast and Pretoria, South Africa and MPLS Backbone ConnectivityServices covering its Headquarters in Abidjan, Ivory Coast and its Regional Resource Centers(RRC) and Field Offices, all of which are located in Africa and one regional representation located in Japan.
2.2The proposal for providing the services mentioned in item 2.1 shall cover a minimum period of 36 months with a possibility for extension for an additional period of one year twice.
2.3The proposal for services mentioned in item 2.1 is for high quality voice, high definition videoconferencing, transactional applications, bulk data traffic and internet browsing for the use of the Bank.
2.4The technical proposal includes two (2) different lots. The Lot 1 of the RFP is MPLS Connectivity Backbone Services covering its Temporary Relocation Agency (TRA) in Tunis, its Headquarters in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, its RRCs and FO, all of which are located in Africa and one regional representation located in Japan.The Lot 2 of the RFP is100Mbps fiber Clear Channel Point_to_Point link between Abidjan, Ivory Coast and Pretoria, South Africa.
2.5Any solution proposed should be able to function efficiently with bandwidth optimization and WAN Acceleration functions.
- LOT 1 Fiber optic MPLS solution
3.1The Bank is requesting the implementation of a fully managed high speed turnkey MPLS backbone connectivity solution.
3.2The proposed high speed MPLS backbone connectivity should be end-to-end fiber optic link connecting all of the RRCs and FOs. The full list of all locations and related physical addresses is attached to the present RFP as annex 5. Among the 33 location, there will be a datacentre in Tunis, Pretoria and HQ in Abidjan. Nairobi, Dakar and Abuja are considered as “big field offices”. The bandwidth requirement for the above and there remaining Field offices is categorized in to 5 groups as shown in the table hereunder
Locations / MPLS Bandwidth Requirement for eachAbidjan-Ivory Coast, Tunis-Tunisia / 50Mbps
Pretoria-South Africa, / 30 Mbps
Nairobi-Kenya / 20 Mbps
Abuja-Nigeria, Dakar-Senegal, Addis Ababa-Ethiopia, Yaoundé-Cameroun, Accra-Ghana / 10 Mbps
Maputo-Mozambique, Antananarivo-Madagascar, Dar es Salaam-Tanzania, Lusaka-Zambia / 8 Mbps
Kinshasa-Democratic Republic of Congo, Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso,Bamako-Mali, Ndjamena-Chad, Libreville-Gabon, Cairo-Egypt, Lilongwe-Malawi, Rabat-Morocco, Freetown-Sierra Leon, Kigali-Rwanda, Kampala-Uganda, Lome-Togo, Khartoum-Sudan, Luanda-Angola, Algiers-Algeria, Bujumbura-Burundi, Tokyo-Japan, Monrovia-Liberia, Bangui-Central Africa Republic, Juba-South Sudan, Harare-Zimbabwe / 4 Mbps
Consideration shall be made to include additional sites and scale up the bandwidth for each site when the need arise. Modalities on how to handle additional sites in future will be discussed before the contract is signed.
3.3The proposed MPLS backbone architecture shall be detailed and show the MPLS backbones, the last mile (local loop) and MPLS access technology used. The CE devices and link to the cloud shall be provided and managed by the supplier.
3.4The MPLS backbone solution looked for shall be implemented through other WAN access links than the Bank’s existing VSAT WAN connectivity to serve for redundancy and as disaster recovery alternative when needed.
3.5Apreliminary assessment ofthe Bank's LAN/WAN infrastructurewould berequired to identifythe prerequisitesforthe implementation ofMPLSaccess indifferent sites and its integration to the existing networks.
3.6 The MPLS backbone connectivity shall allow a high secured IP Access services to the Bank’s critical applications and data hosted at the Bank’s Datacenters in Tunis, Abidjan and Pretoria. The proposed solution should be flexible to switch multimedia voice, data and video traffic as well as to provide bulk data, voice and video conferencing services base on IP Protocol.
3.7The minimum requirements of services the Bank is looking for are:
A protocol-transparent solution that can support voice, data, video IP, with fully managed turnkey services for the interconnection to the LAN of the selected location
Prioritization mechanisms based on Class of Services (CoS) or based on applications granting good response time for sensitive applications (voice and real time applications)
Fully integrated and scalable solution
Full suite of customers care services based on ITIL best practices
Customer Services center supporting 24 x 7 in French and English
Business everywhere function: enabling remote users to securely, reliably and simply connect the corporate systems, resources, services and applications
Business acceleration function: improving visibility, management and performances of applications and services
Focusing on end-to-end network management.
Full redundancy and resilience based on alternative routing paths with different fiber optic cables, nodes and POP.
End-to-end bandwidth guarantees from CE to CE through the MPLS network, including the last mile (local loop).
Flexible, customized IPVPN solution enabled to support existing and future business- critical applications with security and firewalls and service levels agreements (SLAs) to guarantee the reliability of the network and Quality of Service Reporting