7244 E. Main St., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
Athletic Department
6699 E. Livingston Ave., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068
Jacob M. Perkins–AthleticDirector (614) 501-4020
Athletic Participation
The purpose of interscholastic athletics is to teach discipline, skills, teamwork, self-sacrifice, and to build character. With this purpose in mind, Reynoldsburg High School offers a wide variety of athletic competition for young men and women. Reynoldsburg High School offers the following sports:
BOYS / GIRLSBaseball* / Soccer / Basketball* / Swimming
Basketball* / Swimming / Bowling / Tennis*
Bowling / Tennis* / Cheerleading* / Track & Field*
Cross Country* / Track & Field* / Cross Country* / Volleyball*
Football* / Wrestling* / Soccer / Softball*
*denotes sports also offered in some capacity at the Junior High (7-8) level.
The Reynoldsburg City Schools Board of Education annually approves the Athletic Participation (PTP) Fee that is required to participate in Athletics. For current participation fee and other time sensitive information, please visit the athletics website at:
Please also be advised that there may be additional sport specific fees that pertain to uniform costs, etc.
Per Board policy and in an effort to reduce the PTP fees, team uniforms and other cloth items are not part of the athletic budget and are not to be purchased with said fees. Individual sport booster and parent organizations are required to purchase these items.
The Athletic PTP Fees go toward expenses that include, but not limited to: coaches salaries, school bus transportation to and from athletic contests, officials (referees/umpires), awards, basic equipment needs, etc.
In 2015, the Reynoldsburg Athletic Department partnered with FinalForms, an on-line program which enables parents and students to complete & file MOST athlete forms electronically. FinalForms is available for all Raider athletes. The ONLY form that you are still required to actually print, complete, and file with the Athletic Department, is pages 3 and 4 of the actual OHSAA Physical form. This page of the physical form must be completed by the Doctor and by law we are required to have a signed copy on file.If not up to date on FinalForms, Pages 3 and 4 of the OHSAAPhysical Authorization Formmustbegiventothecoach beforetryouts or any conditioning takes place forthat respectivesport. Once a student’s physicalis received by the athletic department from your coach, the expiration date will be inputted into FinalForms and then you will receive automatic notifications when your student’s forms need to be updated.
We are asking that ALL student-athletes (grades 7-12) and their parents register and use FinalForms @:
If you have any problems getting logged on, registered, or completing your forms – contact your coach or the Athletic Department and we can send you a step-by-step guide via e-mail.
Reynoldsburg City School District Board of Education Policy: IGD-R
TheReynoldsburgCitySchoolSystemestablishes excellence as a standard and strives to provideanactivitiesprogramthatbalances theacademic,athletic,extracurricularand cocurricularneedsofourstudents.Participation in the activities programis a privilege thatmayberegulatedtoenhancetheexperience for all students. Students violating the regulationsharmthemselves,their activityandtheirschool.
The constitutions and by-lawsoftheOhioHighSchoolAthletic Association, the Ohio Activities Association and the Ohio Capital Conference govern participation in cocurricularandextracurricular activities within in theReynoldsburgCitySchool System.Inadditiontothoseestablished regulations, the Reynoldsburg City
School System’s Interscholastic Athletic BoardofControlandthe Board of Education establishesadditional rules and regulations. Studentswillbeexpectedtoadheretoallof theserulesandregulationsonacontinuingbasisoncetheyhavesettherequirementsfor teamor activity membership as defined in Section IV of this policy. A continuing basis is definedasincludingtheentireacademicyear and related summer activities which includesbutisnotnecessarilylimitedtoanycontest,meeting,practiceor clubactivity that is on or off school groundsincluding weekend and/or summer activities that are part of preparation to participateand/orparticipationinanycocurricularandextracurricular activity. It iswithin the spirit and intent of this policy that students will adhere to these rules at all times throughout their school careeronce they become involved in one of the cocurricularand/orextracurricular activities.
Anyunexcusedabsenceonthedayofordayfollowing contest or applicable activity may deemthe student-athlete ineligible for the nextapplicablecontestinathleticsorinthe caseofanactivity,onethat occurswithinthenext two weeksfollowingtheabsence. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by Athletic Director.
In accordance with Ohio High School AthleticAssociationstandardsand/or Reynoldsburg Board of Education Policy, allstudent-athletes must remain in good academic standing. In order for students to beacademically eligible, they must meet the following criteria:
Eligibility for each grading period is determined by grades received in the preceding grading period. Semester grades and yearly grades have no effect on eligibility.
To be eligible for athletics at Reynoldsburg High School, a student must absolutely meet the OHSAA standard of having passed a minimum of five (5) one credit courses (or equivalent in the case of a double blocked class) in the most recently completed grading period and also the RCS standard of a minimum 2.0 GPA in that same grading period.*
All academic eligibility standardswillapplyattheendofthe first grading periodofthe seventh grade and thereafter.
For eligibility purposes, summer school and other educational options, including College Credit Plus, may not be used to substitute for failing grades received in the final grading period of the regular school year OR for lack of enough courses taken the preceding grading period.
*The RCS 2.0 GPA requirement may be waived for studentsenrolledinspecialeducationprogramsand/or having a documented IEP or 504 on file, as perstate and federal guidelines.Individual students with special circumstances may appealtheir casetothebuildingprincipalorhis designee. Students who pass five (5) one credit courses to meet the OHSAA standard, but have below a 2.0 GPA may be granted probationary eligibility on a one-time basis.
Eligibility Criteria:
GPAisbaseduponthemethodofreportinggradesasoutlinedinBoard RegulationIKAB-R.
A = 4 points; B = 3 points; C = 2 points;D=1point;F=0points.
A student’s GPA can be recalculated when an incomplete is made up.
When computing a GPA for the purposes ofthis policy, all subjects undertaken by the studentandforwhichafinalmarkis recorded are to be considered.
A failingmarkinanycoursewillnotmakeastudentineligible for participation ifthat studentmaintainsa2.0GPAinallsubjects and meets the OHSAA standard of passing a minimum of five one-credit courses or theequivalent which count toward graduation fromthe previous grading periods.
Ifapplicable,theclassroomteacherwillprovideaninterimprogressreportthatwillput studentsandparentsonnoticethat thestudent issubjecttopotentiallossofeligibility. However,itisfeasibleforastudenttobedoingsatisfactoryworkattheinterimandstill fail a course. Students and parentsshouldbeawarethatitis the student’s responsibility to check on his/her progress to insure that eligibilityrequirementswillbe met.
Ineligibilityand/oreligibilitywillcommence with the fifth school day/following the beginningofeachgradingperiodincompliancewiththeOHSAArequirements.
A student who becomes academically ineligible at any point prior to the awards presentationfor the respective sport will forfeit all earned awards for that sport. An appealhearingwiththeheadcoach,athleticdirectorandprincipalmaybegrantedif extenuatingcircumstancesexist.
Fall athletes who are ineligible fromthe last grading period of the previous year are ineligible for all participation for theentire fall season.
Winter and spring athletes who are ineligible for the gradingperiod priorto tryouts/firstpractice,butare eligible on the first day oftryout/practice(byteacher notification) are eligibleuntilthenext gradingperiod,asperguidelinesestablishedbythe headcoachoftheirrespectivesport.
Students should NOT change their course schedule or drop a course without first consulting their guidance counselor, coach, or athletic administrator to determine whether it will affect their eligibility!
Reynoldsburg City School District
Board of Education Policy: IGDJA
a. Informed Consent for Testing:
At the beginning of each school year, studentathletes and parent/guardian/custodianwill complete and sign the Reynoldsburg City AthleticCodeofConductandExpectations Informed Consent Agreement. Nostudentmayparticipateinpracticeor competitionuntilthis formisproperlyexecuted andon filewiththeAthleticDirector.
b. Sample Collection:
Samples will be collected as outlinedunder Vendor Requirements, Paragraph 6 below. Anystudentathleteselectedrandomlyforurinedrugtestingwhoisnotinschoolor unavailableonthedayoftestingwillbetestedatthenextavailabletestingtime.Any student unable to produce an adequate specimen of urine during the collection period, after consuming up to 16 ounces ofwater and waiting up to 60 minutes, will be suspected of not cooperating with the testing programand will not be allowed to compete in any scheduled competitionsuntilthe requiredtestingiscompleted.Studentsnotableto provide an adequate urine specimen at the next testing time will be viewed as refusingto testandsubjecttothisPolicy’sactionsin that regard. Arrangements may be made for special collections ata vendor Collection site with priorapprovaloftheBuilding PrincipalorAthleticDirector.
Random drug testing can be performed at any time, at the discretion of school administration and Athletic Director.
Whenever a student athlete’s test result indicates the presence of illegal drugs or banned substances, or adulterated, the following will occur:
The Building Principal or Athletic Director, within 24hours,willnotifytheparent/guardian/custodian first, then the student ofany positive results. A written notification fromthe Building Principal, by form letter, willbesenttotheparent/guardian/custodian bycertifiedmail.TheBuildingPrincipalmaykeep all test results so long asa student athleteisenrolledinReynoldsburgCitySchool.
The student will be notified and be required to submit to five additional urine screens over the next 12 months (at parents expense).
If the parent/guardian/custodian or student wishtocontesttheresults,theVendorwill arrange for the split portion ofthe specimen to be submitted to another laboratory approvedbytheBoardofEducationfortesting.Thisisdoneatparent/guardian/custodian or student expense. Sucha request must be made to the Building Principal in writing within five working days fromfirstnotificationofpositivetestresults.
The MRO may use quantitative results to determine ifpositive resultson repeat testing indicate recent use of illicit orbannedsubstances or the natural decline of levels oftheillicitorbannedsubstancefromthebody. If the MRO feels the quantitative levels determined to be above the established cutoffsdonotreflectcurrentusebutnatural decay,thenanegativeresultmaybereported.
An adulterated specimen will be treated the same as a positive test. Consequences for a secondor
thirdpositiveresultarenot based on whether the illegaldrugorbannedsubstance detectedisthesame as the preceding positive test result.
a.First Positive Result:
The student athlete shall be removed fromparticipation for 50 percent of the regularly scheduledcontests(regularly scheduled contests do not include scrimmages) of a particular sport of the regularly scheduled meetings of the activity. Any remaining percentage ofthe suspension not served shallberecalculatedandappliedtothenext activity/sportinwhichthestudent-athleteparticipates.Studentathletesmaycontinue to condition and practice with the teambut cannothave any other teamparticipation or association.
Thestudentathletehastheoptiontoreducetheremovalfromparticipation to 20 percent of the regularly scheduled contests oractivitiesbyseekinganassessment recommendation.Inthecaseofatobaccoviolation,thestudentathletehastheoptionof reducingthepenaltyasoutlinedabovebyenrolling in a quit smoking program. Failure to completetheprogramwillresultintheapplication ofthe original penalty. Any failure to follow the recommendation related to alcohol and controlled substances violations will warrantthereturntothe50percentremovalofparticipation.Astudentathletemust presentadoctor’snotecertifyingfitness to returnto participation.
b.Second Positive Result:
The student athlete may be removed fromparticipation for one calendar year. Student athletesmaycontinuetocondition and practice with the teambut cannot have any other teamparticipation or association. The studentathletehastheoptiontoreducetheremove of participation to 50 percent ofthe regularly scheduled contests or activities by seeking asassessmentfromacertifieddrugandalcoholcounselorandadheringto all assessment recommendations.Any failureto followrecommendationswillwarrantthereturntothe one calendar year removal fromparticipation. A student athlete must present a doctor’s note certifying fitness toreturn to participation.
c.Third Positive Result:
The student athlete may be removed fromparticipationfortheremainderofthe academic career. After one calendar year, an appeal can be made to the IABC by the athlete for reinstatement contingentupon substantiatedrehabilitation.
Alldrugtestresultsare consideredconfidential information and will be handled accordingly.ThosepersonshavingresultsreportedtothemassetforthbythisPolicy mustsignaConfidentialityStatement
at a minimum, the Vendor must be able to provide the following services:
a.RandomSelection of Student Athletes
Once provided a list of eligiblestudentathletes,theVendormustselecttherequired numberofstudentsinarandomandconfidentialmanner.Uptoweekly,aftertheinitial testing,theVendorwillarrangewiththeBuilding Principal a day and time to do the collection ofspecimens. The schedule willnot follow any recognizable pattern. The selected student names will be given to theAthleticDirectorattheschool,whowill arrange for these students to report tothe collection area.
b.Collection of Urine Specimens
The Vendor will oversee the collection of urine specimens as outlined in the Procedures for RandomUrine Drug Testing of Reynoldsburg City School District Students. Chain of custody forms will be provided by The Vendor that meet the criteria of this Policy and thatofthetestinglaboratory.Studentswillbegiven as much privacy as possible in the obtaining of the specimens.
c.Testing ofUrine Specimens
The Vendor will have all specimens tested forthespecifiedillicitorbannedsubstances byaqualifiedlaboratorycertifiedbytheSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) following the guidelines of the Department of Health and HumanServices(HHS).Thetestinglaboratory should have greater than 10 year experience in toxicology testingandchain-of-custodyprocedures. All specimens must be initially tested using a highly accurate immunoassay technique, with all presumptive positive results then confirmed by a Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectroscopy (GS/MS) confirmatory test.
The Vendor will provide MRO services by a licensed physician whoiscertifiedbythe Medical Review Officer Certification Council (MROCC) orthe American Association of MedicalReviewOfficersashavingprovenbyexamination to have had the appropriate medicaltrainingtointerpretandevaluatedrugtestresultsandthusqualifiedfor certificationasaMedicalReviewOfficer.Additionallythe MROmustdemonstratea willingness to abide by the Procedure forRandomUrineDrugTestingofReynoldsburg CitySchoolDistrictStudentAthletesastotheevaluationofpositivedrugtestsand reportingfindingstotheBuildingPrincipalinatimelyandconfidentialmanner.All resultswillbekeptonfileuntilastudentathlete graduates or moves away fromthe districtandisnolongerenrolledforaperiodofsixyears.
Reporting of RandomUrineTestResultsbyVendor:
TheMROwillcertifyallurinedrug screensasnegativeor positiveand reportby telephone positive findings in a confidential mannertotheBuildingPrincipal.TheMRO will also notify the AthleticDirector,byphone,thatadrugtest returnedpositivegiving only the dates of the collection and reporting. Ifeither of these individuals is notavailable, the MRO will provide the notification to the Superintendent.
Statistical Reporting and Confidentiality ofUrine Drug Test Results:
The Vendor, testing laboratory, or MRO may notreleaseanystatistics on the rate of positive drugtests to any person, organization,newspublicationor mediawithout expresswrittenconsentoftheReynoldsburgCitySchoolDistrictBoardofEducation. However, the Vendor will provide the BuildingPrincipalandSuperintendentwithan annual report showing the number of tests performed, rate of positive and negative rates, and what substances were found in the positive urine specimen.
Nostudentathletewillbe penalizedacademicallyfortestingpositiveforillegaldrugsor bannedsubstances.Theresultsofdrugtestspursuanttothispolicywillnotbe documented in any student’s academic records.Informationregardingtheresultsofdrug tests will not be disclosed tocriminalorjuvenileauthorities absent legal compulsion by validandbindingsubpoenaorotherlegalprocess,whichtheReynoldsburgCitySchool District Board of Education willnotsolicit.Intheeventofserviceofanysuchsubpoena or legal process, the student and the student’s custodial parent, legal guardian, or custodian will be notified atleast 72 hours before response is made by the Reynoldsburg CitySchoolDistrictBoardofEducation,totheextentpermittedbysuchsubpoenaor legal process.
For the purposes of this Policy, the following drug classes, substances or their metabolitesthatcanbetestedforareconsidered illicit or banned for Reynoldsburg City School District studentathletes:
Alcohol Amphetamines Anabolic Steroids Barbiturates Benzodiazepines Cocaine Metabolites LSD
MarijuanaMetabolites Methadone Methaqualone Nicotine
Opiates Phencylidine Propoxyphene Ecstasy
End of policy
adopted – June, 2001
amended – June 2011
Team/activity membership is determined by attendance at mandated sessions, academic standing,compliancewithallschoolrulesandregulations,generalattitude and conduct, athleticabilityoractivityselection or participation procedures.
A student-athlete becomes a memberof an interscholasticteamupon attending an official practiceor conditioningsessionandwiththeapproval ofthe coach.
Astudent-athletemay“try-out”forateamor activityforfivedaysandstillbeableto transfertoanothersportor activity without forfeiting eligibility for awards etc., or needingpermissionofthecoachoradvisor. Followingthefiveday“try-out”perioda student-athlete must remaina member of the teamor activity for the duration of the seasoninordertobeeligibleforawards. Any student-athlete who quits followingthe five day “try-out” period or is removed fromparticipation under this policy cannot transfer to another sport season or activity until the originalsportoractivityisconcluded. This does not preclude a student “cut” froman activity or sport by the coach or advisor from participatingin another activity or sport nordoesitprecludeastudentfrom participating in a combination of sport and activity that doesnotconflictasfarastime,ability,orother limitationsthatmaybeapplied.Anathlete with extenuating circumstances or his coach mayappealeligibilitytotheathleticdirectorandthentheInterscholasticAthleticBoard of Control in that order.
The student-athlete must abide by all rulesandregulationsassetforthbythe Reynoldsburg High School and Reynoldsburg Junior High School Student Handbooks and civil and criminal law. A student-athletewho is removed froma teamfor more than 20% ofcontests for disciplinary reasons will forfeit all earned awards for that season.A student-athlete who violates civil/criminal law or violates the Code of Conduct between the end ofthe season andthe awards presentationwill forfeit all earned awards. An appealhearingwiththeheadcoach,athletic director and principal may be granted. Additional behavioral expectations for specific programs may be issued in writing by the respectivecoachesoradvisors.Anyviolationsoftheserulescanresultina denial of participation
ALCOHOL-DRUG POLICY(includestobaccoandsteroids):
Successful and continued participation in athletics,cocurricularorextracurricular activities requiresthatastudent be prepared to meet the requirements of his/her activity. In order to prepare for those activities, the school district provides staff, facilities and support services. To complete that contract, the student needs to maintain sobriety and otherhealthypracticesthroughabstinenceinordertobenefitfromthevarietyof activities offered. (Religious ceremonieswhichincludealcoholaspart of the services are not within the scope of this policy).
Outofconcernforthewell-beingofourstudent-athletesthe following procedures will be followed:
When a student refers himself/herself or theparent/guardianrefers thechildtoacoach and/or school administrator within two schooldaysaftertheinfraction,therewillbeno penalties applied as outlined in SectionBbelowprovidingthefamilycompletesan assessment and the recommendations of a certified alcohol-drug professional. Failure to complywiththeassessmentoritsrecommendations will result in the appropriate penalties as outlinedbelowinSectionB.
Subsequentviolationswillresultintheapplication ofthe suspension process listed below in Subsection B.
Any student-athlete using, or possessing tobacco, alcohol or any otherillegalcontrolled substance(includingsteroids)shallberemoved fromparticipationincocurricularand extracurricular activities.
First Violation for Possession or Use:
The student shallberemovedfromparticipation for 50% of theregularlyscheduledcontests(regularly scheduled contests do not include scrimmages) of a particular sport or the regularlyscheduledmeetingsoftheactivity.Any remaining percentage of the suspension not served shall be recalculatedandappliedto thenextactivity/sportinwhichthe student-athlete participates. Student-athletes may continuetoconditionandpracticewiththe teambut cannot have any other team participation or association.
The student-athlete has the optiontoreducetheremovalfrom participation to 20% of the regularly scheduled contests or activitiesby seeking an assessment recommendation. In the case of a tobacco violation, the student-athlete has the option of reducing the penalty asoutlinedabovebyenrollinginaquitsmokingprogram.Failuretocompletethe programwill result in the application oftheoriginal penalty.Any failure to follow the recommendation relatedto alcohol and controlledsubstancesviolationswillwarrantthe return to the 50% removal of participation. A student-athlete must present a new physical cardcertifyingthattheyare healthyenoughtoreturn to participation.
Second ViolationforPossessionorUse: