Reynolds School DistrictReynolds Jr.-Sr. High School

Weekly Lesson PlanWeek of: 12/14/15-12/18/15

Teacher: Miss Erceg Subject: Business Math

Period: 6,7 Grade: 12 Room: 56

All plans are subject to change at the discretion of the teacher.

Monday 12/14/15

Lesson Objective: Chapter 8 Loans- Single-Payment Loans

Resources: Schultheis Kaczmarski Business Math textbook, Lange Rousos Mathematics with

Business Applications textbook, TI-84 Plus calculator, notebook, binder, pencil

Details: We will introduce what loans are and when they are used. Students will take notes on single-payment loans, how to calculate the interest for them, and what the maturity value of the loan will be. We will work through some example problems as a class.

Tuesday 12/15/15

Lesson Objective: Single-Payment Loans

Resources: Schultheis Kaczmarski Business Math textbook, Lange Rousos Mathematics with

Business Applications textbook, TI-84 Plus calculator, notebook, binder, pencil

Details: Students will look at banks’ loan advertisements for single-payment loans to compare and contrast them. They will complete an activity interpreting results from the ads.

Wednesday 12/16/15

Lesson Objective: Installment Loans- Calculating Down Payment/Financed Amount

Resources: Schultheis Kaczmarski Business Math textbook, Lange Rousos Mathematics with

Business Applications textbook, TI-84 Plus calculator, notebook, binder, pencil

Details: We will complete a warm up on the requirements for a loan application. Then students will take notes on what an installment loan is, how to calculate a down payment, and how to find the amount financed. Students will work on some book problems and we will go over the answers.

Thursday 12/17/15

Lesson Objective: Installment Loans- Calculating Down Payment/Financed Amount

Resources: Schultheis Kaczmarski Business Math textbook, Lange Rousos Mathematics with

Business Applications textbook, TI-84 Plus calculator, notebook, binder, pencil

Details: Students will work on word problems with a partner for calculating down payments and amount financed for installment loans.

Friday 12/18/15

Lesson Objective: Installment Loans- Calculating Down Payment/Financed Amount

Resources: Schultheis Kaczmarski Business Math textbook, Lange Rousos Mathematics with

Business Applications textbook, TI-84 Plus calculator, notebook, binder, pencil

Details: Students will look at bank advertisements for installments loans. They will complete word problems for finding down payments and amount financed and turn them in for points.