Revival Steering Committee 2016 Application
Name:______Cell number:______
Major:______Student ID #______
GPA(Freshman: current grades):______Age:______Shirt Size: ______
1. What activities both on and off campus are you involved in?
2. Are you involved in a local church?
3. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
4. Why do you want to be involved with Revival?
5. Do you have a job? If so what are your hours?
6. What is your vision for Revival 2016?
7. Define commitment. How are you willing to commit to Revival?
8. What are your top 3 committee choices?
9. What type of person do you work with best?
10. Our mandatory steering committee retreat is October -16-17.Do you have any conflicts with this date?
11. As a member of Revival Steering Committee, we encourage you attend ABIDE, the statewide prayer conference, the fourth weekend of January.
12. Please attach a copy of your personal testimony.
Revival Committees
Community Outreach/Visitation: This committee is responsible for contacting collegiate church leaders (can be lay people) in the community and asking the leaders if they would serve in a group which will encourage and develop ways to involve the community in Revival. The involvement hoped for is to see an increase of local adults investing in the lives of UMHB’s college students. Using the group we hope to broaden the sphere of influence.They are also responsible tovisit all organizations, businesses, and anyone on campus to promote Revival. Build relationships with those outside campus and get the word out that Revival is not just for UMHB.
Discipleship: Gather spiritually equipped people to counsel and disciple those who make decisions at Revival, plan discipleship training days, select discipleship materials and tracts to be used, and follow-up with people who make decisions. Bring a challenge to our committee members weekly and carry out the vision of bringing up disciples and awakening our campus long before the Revival event takes place.
Hospitality: Organize Revival sub-committees’ weekly volunteering to bring food to meetings, give testimonies at meetings, and the weekly writing of thank you letters to Revival speaker and band. Send the thank you letters. Help our guests feel at home for the week. Arrange goodie bags, plan meals, serve as guide, and supply any needs.
Logistics: Work with UMHB’s Media Support Technician to negotiate and finalize media needs. Work with any resource for set-up and prep (Tent place- Reserve the tent/ Facility Services- Reserving the QUAD and Stage/ IT- Reserving the media support team and projectors, and soundboard). Organize and facilitate community group set-up. Organize and brake down the chairs under the tent. Clean up all trash each night before Revival begins.
Prayer: Schedule members within the committee to lead devotionals at each meeting (remember to remind them of their day). Plan one prayer meeting a week. Plan and organize several prayer events. Work with publicity to design prayer event publicity. Create a prayer calendar for committee members for each month, and team up with the BSM prayer team to get more ideas for prayer activities.
Publicity: Design logo for all advertising (T-shirts, flyers, internet, chalking, and letterhead). Organize a time for the committee to post flyers around campus and community, and work with visitation to get media out.Design and edit one professional promotional video.
*Applications are due Thursday, Sept.24thin the BSM. Sign-up for an interview time when you turn them in.*