Mrs. Sondra Fritts RN, BSN

School Year: 2007-2008Term: Spring

Course Title: Medical Diagnostics

Units of Credit: 1

Prerequisites: NONE

Grade Level: 10th –12th

Course Description: The student will learn the ways diagnostic medicine creates a picture of an individual’s health at a single point in time. This could include but is not limited to cardiology, imaging, medical laboratory, radiology and other forms of diagnostic medicine.

Curriculum Standards/Learning Expectations: See attached Competencies (Skills) Sheet.

Topics Covered:


Patient history

Professional role

Radiation protection

Anatomy on medical images



Facility Guidelines

Multi-cultural diversity

Electronically & Manually Transmit Client Records

Patient Status

Heart Anatomy

Conduction Pathways


Cardiac Rhythm Strips

Cardiac Output

Pulse Oximeter & Capillary Refill



Calibrate Equipment

Collect, label, and process artificial samples of body fluids and tissues

OTC Screening

Relate Lab Results to specific disease


Artificial blood glucose test

Artificial urine test

Renal (Kidney) Anatomy

Eye Anatomy

Optical Equipment


Optical prescription

OSHA/Standard Precautions

Fire, Electrical, & Equipment Safety

Emergency Protocols

Client comfort

Maintaining & Recording Vital Signs

Alternative Care

IV maintenance

Positioning, transporting, & transferring patients

Roles/Academic Requirements of Radiography, Nuclear Medicine, & Ultrasonography

Roles of Medical Technology, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, & Subspecialties

Educational Requirements, Certification, and Licensures of ECG/EKG, telemetry, & vision care professions

Continuing Professional Development

Legal/Ethic issues

Policies and Procedures

Anatomy & Physiology Cardio/Respiratory

Respiratory Procedures

Gas Laws

Oxygen Therapy Devices

Safety Precaution with Medical Gases

CPR/First Aid Skills


Conditions in Occupational Therapy 2nd edition Lippincott, Williams, Wilkins

Educational Videos

Educational Software

Computer Lab

Course Requirements:

Paper, Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, 2” note book

I will notify the class in advance if additional equipment is need.

Student Expectation:

  1. Be prepared for class
  2. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings
  3. Be respectful to others/Follow school rules
  4. Turn in work organized, completed & on time
  5. Be responsible for yourself

Grading Scale: All grades will be given as points acquired/points possible, the totals will be divided to determine a percentage, and the letter grade will be based on the given point scale.

93 - 100 = A

85 - 92 = B

75 - 84 = C

70 - 74 = D

69 & Below = F


*Grades will also be based on the student’s ability to comply with the classroom policies. Points will be deducted for tardiness, work handed in late, misbehavior, and being disruptive anytime, especially, when there is a substitute teacher or a guest in the classroom.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be given along with a deadline. Extra credit will not be accepted late.

Contact Information:

Mrs. Sondra Fritts RN, BSN

539-8670 ext. 610

Office Hours:1st term: 3rd period12:32pm – 1:52pm

2nd term: 3rd period12:32pm – 1:52pmConferences: by scheduled appointments. If you are unable to contact me to schedule an appointment, please call Kathy Hobson @ 693-3511 and she will be able to reach me.

Make-up Sessions: Schedule a make-up session with the teacher before or after school. You are responsible to turn in your make-up work within 3 school days of your return. If you do not schedule a make-up session, fail to come to your scheduled make-up session, or do not turn in your make-up work within 3 school days you will receive a zero for that work.

Help Sessions: I am available before and after school for individual help. Please see me to arrange for individual help. If you are unable to contact me please call Kathy Hobson at Byington-SolwayVocationalCenter @ 693-3511 and she will be able to reach me.