Revision Grid – complete the blank boxes based on your knowledge of ‘Submarine Demon’

Technique / Example / Effect / Analysis / Other Example of Technique / Effect / Analysis
Personification / ‘A pulse but it is not any that ruled My life’ / Emphasises the narrator’s appreciation/ admiration of the Earth / By giving the Earth a pulse the poet suggests it is a living being... / ‘Tucks and puckers of the skin of the world’
Punctuation / ‘I switch on my torch at last, can stand, Can stumble, walk, forward just, back
But on and on then,’ / The use of commas breaking up the lines conveys the staggering movement of the Demon. / ‘But I don’t sink I drive I fin I power’
‘It’s all alive!’ ‘It’s all alive I tell you!’ / Enthusiasm/ arrogance conveyed by lack of commas.
Great enthusiasm/ energy conveyed by lots of exclamation marks
Metaphor / ‘factories Of particles‘ / Emphasises the scale of what the Demon is seeing. / The word ‘factories’ suggests a production line and...(effect)
(could look at under simile but antithesis is more effective) / ‘Above you, shark and whale and whale shark Dwindle to points like plankton,’ / Emphasises the incredible depths the Demon is descending to – huge creatures looking so tiny.
Enjambment / ‘...It’s serious
Below.‘ / Emphasised both words – links them together – mirrors descent?
A pulse but it is not any that ruled/My life or yours, friend / Personification - By giving the Earth a pulse the poet suggests it is a living being. This emphasises the narrator’s appreciation/ admiration of the Earth.
Word Choice - Because the demon narrator addresses the reader as ‘friend’
I switch on my torch at last, can stand, Can stumble, walk, forward just, back
But on and on then,’ / Punctuation - The use of commas breaking up the lines conveys the staggering movement of the Demon. This emphasises how difficult and extreme the conditions are, but also the determination of the demon to explore.
Word choice – ‘torch’ is incongruous – emphasises how dark it is but also raises questions – why would a demon need a torch? – makes us question our preconceptions and if we are wrong about demons maybe we are wrong about our preconceptions of the deep being a barren, lifeless place.
But I don’t sink I drive I fin I power / Enthusiasm/ arrogance of the demon narrator conveyed by lack of commas
It’s all alive!’ ‘It’s all alive I tell you! / Punctuation - Great enthusiasm/ energy conveyed by lots of exclamation marks.
Repetition of ‘alive’ conveys how much life is there and how amazed the demon is at that life.
factories Of particles / Metaphor - The word ‘factories’ suggests a production line and emphasises the scale of what the Demon is seeing.
Above you, shark and whale and whale shark/Dwindle to points like plankton, / Antithesis
(could look at under simile but antithesis is more effective) Emphasises the incredible depths the Demon is descending to – huge creatures looking so tiny.
...It’s serious
Below. / Enjambment - Emphasised both words – links them together – mirrors descent?
Tucks and puckers of the skin of the world / Personification – suggests the Earth can feel as our skin is very sensitive. ‘tucks and puckers’ suggest how ridged and tactile the surface is and emphasises how much the demon is enjoying the experience/how special the Earth is.
I love it at the bottom of the sea / Word choice – the word ‘love’ is a very strong positive emotion and this emphasises the strength of feeling. This subverts our expectations because we do not expect a demon to have this positive emotion.