The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission Meeting on Thursday, January 5, 2017 at 7:00 P.M. in the Airport Conference Room. Present were Vice Chairman Douglas R. Crociati and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith and Paul G. Worcester. Also present was Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler, DuBois & King, Inc. and Airport Manager Thomas Maher. Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick and Commissioner Thomas W. Hurley were absent.

Disclosure: These minutes are not verbatim – they are the secretary’s interpretation of what took place at the meeting. - Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A§22.

ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES: Vice Chairman Crociati advised the Commission that the minutes of the December 1, 2016 and December 14, 2016 Commission meeting were still being worked on and would be deferred until next month.

Major Robert Yaeger introduced his replacement the new Commander of Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Major Phil Balboni.


7:00 PM Meeting with Jeff Adler, D&K regarding -

1)  Runway extension project – Mr. Adler advised that the close-out paperwork has been completed and submitted. The AGIS survey is complete and needs to be submitted then the final payment can be processed.

2)  Conservation restriction – Tabled.

3)  Environmental Assessment

a)  Natural Heritage grassland bird study, - Continuing item.

b)  Delta taxiway, - Mr. Adler advised that public meetings need to be scheduled for the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Notice of Intent.

c)  Re-designation of stop way to displaced threshold – Continuing item.

4)  Tank farm project – Manager Maher has met with a consultant regarding removal, replacement, location and permitting of the Mo Gas tank. Manager Maher briefed the Commission that he had a concern due to a discrepancy with the metering readings and as a precaution has requested that Dependable Petroleum test the system.

7:15 PM Walter (Sonny) Zaverucha, proposed hangar Gate 1 – Mr. Zaverucha submitted a proposal for multiple hangars in the vicinity of the CAP building at Gate 1. He noted the importance of the CAP and is proposing to lease them a 250 SF area in the new building for 3 -4 years for $1 a year. After having met with Major Yaeger, CAP, this weekend Mr. Zaverucha acknowledged that CAP operation requires more space than anticipated and he wondered if there would be additional space in the Airport Admin Building to offset the 250 SF they have set aside for CAP. Commissioner Burke inquired about CAP’s previous request to rehab the historic building. Major Yaeger advised that they were not prepared to consider that proposal at this time. Commissioner Worcester noted their previous position to not congest that area and having denied Mr. Turner from building in that area for the same reasons. Commission Smith requested that they consider another area. Mr. Zaverucha noted his concern with a location in the town of Carver because he heard they can be hard to deal with. Manager Maher will work with Mr. Zaverucha to identify a more appropriate location and will reach out to Carver regarding the possibility of streamlining the process. Commissioner Burke made a motion to table the request. Commissioner Worcester seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.


1.  Review report concerning New Hangar Construction, Mike Orla – Manager Maher advised that Mr. Orla expected the Contractor to be here January 15th.

2.  Review reports concerning new construction, Ben Bailey –Manager Maher spoke with Mr. Bailey and he advised that he would have a decision for the next meeting. Manager Maher requested the Jeff Adler, DK, review the proposal prior to the Commission making a decision.

3.  Review Noise/Safety Complaints – Manager Maher advised that there were multiple complaints regarding the State Police and he has been trying to mitigate concerns with the pattern they use. Mr. Stearns continues to have concerns regarding the State Police helicopters.

4.  Engineer Selection – The Commission discussed the impressive qualifications of all of the selections that they received. They also discussed the trust they have in our current Engineer Jeff Adler and the company DuBois & King and their significant track record at Plymouth which the Commission feels is worthy of continuing. Commission Worcester made a motion to select DuBois & King as the Airports Engineer for the next 5 years. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

5.  Foundation master plan non-aviation – Jessica Casey from the Industrial Development Foundation (IDF) is involved with Economic Development and met with Manager Maher regarding possible funds to do a basic master plan for the non-aviation development on the south side of the airport. Further information and clarification of the scope of work are forthcoming. She also noted a potential prospect, a Rehabilitation Center, looking for a site in Plymouth. Manager Maher expressed his concern with FAA compliance and the impact of a Rehab Center on the airports sewer treatment plant and suggested that it may not be an appropriate use for an airport. Manager Maher thinks they will develop a plan with the current limitations versus studying the prospect of upgrading the airports sewer plant. Vice Chairman Crociati favored the idea of a non-aviation master plan for providing a road map of acceptable/compliant uses with the airport to assist when and if the airport decides to develop. Commissioner Smith suggested that the south side infrastructure and future taxi lane for gaining access to potential hangars should be planned prior to creating a master plan for non-aviation uses that may not be changed later.


1.  New Admin building status – Tabled.

2.  Boys Scouts Aviation Camporee – Tabled. The 1st planning meeting is scheduled for Jan 11th at 7 PM.

3.  4C update – Manager Maher and Chairman Fosdick met with the new Director of Cape Cod Community College, Stan Manckiewicz. He updated them on the schools progress and advised that they were applying for FAA approval to begin Power plant certification and recently advertised a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a turbine aircraft to use for that class.

4.  Airport buildable land drawing – Manager Maher prepared a basic concept plan of buildable land area.

Vice Chairman Crociati recommended that the Communication group get together and develop a 2 page plan. Commissioner Worcester recommended a workshop on how to get the message out and define what means are to be used. The Commission scheduled Thursday January 19th at 1:30 PM for the workshop.

Commissioner Hurley invited everyone to the Aero Clubs Annual Hot Soup Social at the Cape Cod Community College facility on January 22, 2017 at Noon.

As there was no further business at this time Commissioner Burke made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.


Douglas R Crociati

Vice Chairman