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Revised proposals for a future exemptions regime under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 and the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011Response Form
11 August 2010
EO review
Response Form
Revised proposals for a future exemptions regime under the Radioactive Substances Act 1993 and the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2011
How to Respond
- This form is to assist you in your response to DECC. We would be grateful if you could send your response in electronic format to:
Please mark in the subject field of your e-mail “Response: Engagement - Review of Exemption Orders”.
- If you are unable to reply electronically, please send a hard copy to:
Stephen Allen
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Exemption Order Review Team
3-8 Whitehall Place
Enquiries: 0300 068 6101 or 0300 068 6108
- The closing date for the submission of views is 17:00 on 6October 2009.
- Any queries should be sent by e-mail to:
Please mark the subject field of your e-mail “Query: Engagement - Review of Exemption Orders”. Alternatively, queries may be addressed by post to Stephen Allen at the above address.
Part A: General Information
Please provide details of your organisation/company/sector association below.
Organisation / Company /Sector Association
Job Title
Part B: Questions relating to Regulations/Guidance
- Are the Environmental Permitting Regulations/Scottish Regulations/Northern Ireland Regulations (delete as appropriate) fit for purpose?
- Yes
- No
If no, please justify.
- Is the guidance fit for purpose?
- Yes
- No
If no, please justify.
Part C: Impact Assessment Questions
- As a user of exemption orders, how much of your time is currently spent working with them? If possible, please include the time spent familiarising with the requirements of EOs. Please attempt to separate:
User time; and
RPA time spent advising users.
- Do you agree with the assumptions made for Options 1 and 2 in paragraphs 2.5 and 2.6 in this impact assessment? If not, please provide specific examples why.
- Yes
- No
Please set out the reasons for your opinion, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, including the financial cost.
- How much of your time is currently spent working with exemption orders, ie familiarising with the requirements of EOs?
- How much time do you think a new user would take to familiarise themselves with the existing exemptions regime?
- Are you in agreement with the estimated cost and benefits highlighted for option 1? If not, please provide us with your best estimate for any time savings or costs.
- Yes
- No
Please set out the reasons for your opinion, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, including the administrative burden and financial cost.
- Are you in agreement with the estimated cost and benefits highlighted for option 2? If not, please provide us with your best estimate for any time savings or costs.
- Yes
- No
Please set out the reasons for your opinion, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, including the administrative burden and financial cost.
EO review
© Crown copyright 2010
Department of Energy & Climate Change
3 Whitehall Place
London SW1A 2HD
URN 10D/779