Havant Local Children's Partnership
Strategic Board MeetingDate / Friday 18th June 2010
Time / 1400 – 1600hrs
Location / Cowplain Business Centre
Present / Linda Steele
Sandy Keefe
Gerry Lathem
Stuart Ashley
Brian Pope
Jackie Jones
Kim McCann
Penny Broadhurst
Susan Brown
Mike Newman
Will Schofield
Chris Anders
Ian Gray
Bob West
John McDougall
Colin Skinner
Jayne Ashberry
Mark Rose
Nicola Tettmar
Mary Lilley
John Timms
Jude Robinson
Joy Okwuadigbo
Lorrae Leonard
Michael Oakes
Jane McQuillan / District Manager, Children and Families
District Manager, Education and Inclusion
Headteacher, HulbertJuniorSchool
Area Director, Children and Families
Area Director, Education and Inclusion
Headteacher, BidburyInfant School
Starfish Children’s Centre Manager
Family Services Manager,Leigh Park CIP
Quality Development Officer, Extended Services
Quality and Performance Officer, Children's Services
Police Commander, Havant District
Headteacher, ParkCommunitySchool
Fire and Rescue Services, Waterlooville
Governor Services Co-ordinator, Havant Local Office
Principal, HavantCollege
Early Years Education and Child Care Unit, Business Manager
Extended Services Co-ordinator, Cowplain
Community Project Worker, East Hants
Headteacher, HartPlainJuniorSchool
Crookhorn LaneChildren's Centre Manager
Sharps CopseChildren & Families Centre Manager
Area Manager, post 14 learning
Head of Regeneration, Havant Borough Council
Orchard Children's Centre
Principal, South DownsCollege
Locality Clinical Manager
Apologies / None received
Sandy Keefe, District Manager (E&I), opened the meeting and welcomed all those present.Linda Steele, District Manager (C&F) minuted the meeting / ACTION
Sandy re-capped on the key event held on 5th May where the cluster groups had been agreedbased on the geography of the current Extended Services clusters.Sandyoutlined the need to share a common purpose and vision in order to improve the lives of children in the community. It was acknowledged that this would be a challenge, but also rewarding, in making a difference.
Sandy stated that there was a clear message from the government with regards to empowering communities at the local level but with less financial resources.
All partners at the meeting were asked to introduce themselves and identify what they could bring to the partnership.
A proposed agenda was presented to the meeting.Suggested dates of future meetings were confirmed as follows:
09/09/10 @ 0930hrs
09/12/10 @ 0930hrs
10/03/11 @ 0930hrs
09/06/11 @ 0930hrs
A suitable venue for future meetings was discussed and Ian Gray, Fire and Rescue, offered the use of Waterlooville Fire Station. This offer was accepted.
Admin support for the meetings was offered from Bob West, Hampshire Governor Services, and was accepted.
General discussion about the LCP followed. Gerry Lathem raised the fact that he was concerned about the division of funding and that Havant are to receive only £10K given the size of the LCP in Havant. This will be raised at county level by the District Managers.
Sandy requested nominations for a chair and co-chair. Sandy explained that at this stage this could be an interim position and it was acknowledged that the role or work load was unknown.
Mary Lilley, Crookhorn Lane Children’s Centre Manager volunteered as Interim Chair and Susan Brown, Extended Services, as Interim Co-Chair. Both Mary and Sue were thanked for volunteering for this role in the interim.
Discussion took place about what the LCP was going to look like and what difference it could make to children, young people and their families.
It was agreed that at the 9th September 2010 meeting the following would be discussed and agreed:
- Membership of the Group – 1 educational rep from each cluster group, fire, police, health, 2 DM's, college, chair and co-chair
- Clear Objectives for what should be achieved initially over the year.
Update given by Kim McCann, Starfish Children’s Centre.. The first meeting has been held, small working party formed, mapping of services and making links with agencies. Lots of work already being undertaken.
Identified 2 priorities : LCP 3 Providing opportunities and LCP 6 Removing barriers
Gerry Lathem stated that the cluster had identified 3 key priorities : LCP 1, LCP 2, LCP 3. First meeting due to be held on 22/06/10. Sandy Keefe to attend this inaugural meeting.
Leigh Park
Chris Anders reported that the CIP already have data and priorities and would build on this through the LCP work.
Nicola Tettmar, reported that the cluster were looking at 3 areas – Attendance, NEET and mental health.A concern was raised about the lack of research and information about what interventions work and make a difference.
Stuart Ashley gave an overview of the Social Care children care teams in the Havant district and discussed his ideas for co-location. Stuart will circulate a paper and asked for partner feedback.
Discussion took place in respect of NEET and the need to be proactive and break the cycle within the community. Concerns were raised regarding lack of funding and provision.
It was suggested that examples of good practice was shared across all the clusters. It was acknowledged that there was a need to map the services already in existence and focus on what is making a difference.
The current funding available to Havant LCP is £10,000. PurbrookPark school have been identified as the 'Banker school' and will hold this fund on behalf of the Havant LCP.
Sandy thanked the partners for attending and summarised the need for a vision and purpose of the Havant LCPStrategic Boardthat truly makes a difference to children and young peoples’ lives. We need to ensure that our discussions lead into actions that enhance children and young people’s life chances.
Next meeting of the HLCPSB:
0930 - 9th September 2010 – Waterlooville Fire Station
Please note that membership of this board has been slimmed down to the following representatives (as we discussed):
Linda Steele
Sandy Keefe
Gerry Lathem
Chris Anders
Nicola Tettmar
Jackie Jones
Susan Brown
Will Schofield
Ian Gray
Colin Skinner
Mary Lilley
Joy Okwuadigbo
Jane McQuillan
Jane Kent
Thank you for your support of this exciting new initiative.
Those present plus
Jane Kent