Review Guide
Revised LEA Plans for Highly Qualified Teachers
Overall Recommendation:
_____ Accept Highly Qualified Teacher Plan
_____ Accept Highly Qualified Teacher Plan, subject to revisions described below
Comments to support recommendation:
Requirement –Approval: Information on Page 1 of the revised plan must identify a local superintendent-designated, single point-of-contact to work with teachers and the SDE on highly qualified teacher issues. The revised plan must be approved locally by whatever mechanism is required for the local school system.
Y/N/U/NA / EvidenceIs the plan signed by the local superintendent?
Does the plan provide the name and contact information for a designated single point-of-contact?
Is there an indication that the plan was approved locally and is the approving person or entity named?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided; NA=Not applicable
___ Approval Requirement has been met
___ Approval Requirement has been partially met
___ Approval Requirement has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 1: The revised plan must be based on aNeeds Assessment that reflects an accurate and thoughtful assessment of local needs as is required by NCLB Section 2122.
Y/N/U/NA / EvidenceDoes the needs assessment include the number and percentage of core academic subject teachers who are NOT highly qualified?
Does the needs assessment include the number and percentage of core academic subject classes taught by teachers who are NOT highly qualified?
Does the needs assessment include the number and percentage of core academic subject teachers who did NOT receive high-quality professional development during the 2005-2006 school year?
Does the needs assessment indicate core academic subjects, grades, and student groups in which the LEA did NOT make AYP based on Spring 2006 statewide assessments?
Does the needs assessment identify core academic subjects and grades that have teaching vacancies that the LEA CANNOT fill with highly qualified teachers?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided; NA=Not applicable
___ Requirement 1 has been met
___ Requirement 1 has been partially met
___ Requirement 1 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 2: The revised plan must identify and provide relevant, descriptive information on highly qualified teacher status in each school. Based on identification of the Target Audience, the LEA must summarize highly qualified teacher needs in the LEA.
Y/N/U / EvidenceDoes the target audience chart provide the names and relevant, descriptive information about schools that have teachers who are not yet highly qualified? At a minimum, “relevant information” must include:
- Name of the school
- Percentage of CIP
- Accountability Status
- Grades/subjects/classes taught by teachers who are NOT highly qualified
Does the revised plan include an accurate summary of information presented in the target audience chart?
Does the target audience information indicate clearly which schools, subjects, grades, and teachers must be addressed by the LEA during the 2006-2007 school year?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 2 has been met
___ Requirement 2 has been partially met
___ Requirement 2 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 3: For each LEA that has fewer than 90% of core academic subject classes taught by highly qualified teachers, the LEA plan must be developed collaboratively with the SDE. Members of the Planning Collaboration team must be named in the plan and must include individuals who are directly responsible for ensuring that all core academic subject teachers are highly qualified.
Y/N/U / EvidenceDoes the Planning Collaboration chart include names and corresponding positions of members of the planning team?
Does the list of positions include, at a minimum:
- the local superintendent
- the designated contact person shown on Page 1 of the plan
- one or more SDE representatives
- a local school administrator
- a core academic subject teacher who is already highly qualified
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 3 has been met
___ Requirement 3 has been partially met
___ Requirement 3 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 4: The revised plan must describe LEA actions that will be implemented to ensure that all teachers are highly qualified by the end of the 2006-2007 school year. If applicable, the plan must include LEA actions to ensure that poor and minority students and those in schools identified for improvement are not taught by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers at higher rates than other students. Additionally, the plan must include information about how the LEA will monitor implementation of the SDE-approved plan.
Y/N/U / EvidenceDoes the revised plan include the four SDE-required actions that were embedded in the plan template?
Does the revised plan include for each LEA action the name of the person responsible, resources, and completion date?
Are LEA actions focused on addressing needs identified in Requirements 1 and 2? If applicable, are there specific strategies to address teacher quality and professional development needs in high-poverty schools and/or schools not making AYP?
Does the revised plan provide information about specific programs and strategies the LEA will implement to ensure that all teachers are highly qualified by the end of the 2006-2007 school year.
If applicable, does the revised plan provide information about specific programs and strategies the LEA will implement to ensure that poor and minority students and those in schools identified for improvement are not taught by inexperienced, unqualified, or out-of-field teachers at higher rates than other students?
Does the plan include specific programs and services the LEA will implement to provide on-site, subject-specific and high-quality teacher mentoring to teachers who are inexperienced, not highly qualified, out-of-field, or ineffective?
Does the revised plan provide specific information about how, when, and who will conduct periodic monitoring of implementation of the plan?
Does the revised plan provide specific information about actions the LEA will take if agreed upon actions are not implemented in an effective and timely manner toward the goal of having all teachers highly qualified by the end of the 2006-2007 school year.
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 4 has been met
___ Requirement 4 has been partially met
___ Requirement 4 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 5: The revised plan must provide specific actions and strategiesthe LEA will implement to increase the likelihood of hiring only highly qualified core academic subject teachers. Strategies included must address how federal funds will be used for this purpose. Additionally, if the LEA has fewer than 90% of core academic subject classes taught by highly qualified teachers, the plan must describe how LEA policies, procedures, and practices for recruiting and hiring teachers will be refined for this purpose.
Y/N/U / EvidenceDoes the revised plan include the four SDE-required actions that were embedded in the plan template?
Does the revised plan include for each LEA action the name of the person responsible, resources, and completion date?
Does the revised plan include specific evidence-based programs and strategies the LEA will implement to ensure that only highly qualified core academic subject teachers are hired?
Does the revised plan describe, specifically, how federal and other available funds will be used to accomplish this requirement?
Is there evidence that planned programs and strategies will be supported by the LEA’s policies and procedures for recruiting and hiring teachers?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 5 has been met
___ Requirement 5 has been partially met
___ Requirement 5 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 6: The revised plan must provide specific actions and strategies the LEA will implement to increase the likelihood that effective teachers will continue teaching in the LEA. Strategies included must address how federal funds will be used for this purpose. Additionally, if the LEA has fewer than 90% of core academic subject classes taught by highly qualified teachers, the plan must describe how the LEA will develop or refine policies, procedures, and practices for inducting and retaining core academic subject teachers.
Y/N/U / EvidenceDoes the revised plan include specific, evidence-based programs and strategies for improving the retention rate of effective teachers?
Does the revised plan include programs, strategies, and mechanisms for providing high-quality, content-specific professional development, particularly to inexperienced and ineffective teachers?
Does the plan describe how subject-specific coaching and/or teacher mentoring will be provided for inexperienced and ineffective teachers?
Does the plan provide evidence for the probable success of the strategies it includes?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 6 has been met
___ Requirement 6 has been partially met
___ Requirement 6 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative:
Requirement 7: The revised plan must include a set of assurances that address NCLB requirements for achieving and maintaining the goal of having all core academic subject teachers highly qualified.
Y/N/U / EvidenceHas the local superintendent addressed each of the seven (7) assurances?
Is the assurance page signed by the local superintendent?
Y=Yes; N=No; U=Undecided
___ Requirement 7 has been met
___ Requirement 7 has been partially met
___ Requirement 7 has not been met
___ Additional information needed to make determination
______Date Requested______Submission Deadline
Supporting Narrative: