PO Box 485
Newberg, Oregon 97132
Request for Proposal
RFP #1-2-2014
Pricing for Fee for Service, Net Off Invoice, and Cash Rebate for all Oregon Department of Education Approved Commodity Processed Items
School Year 2015-2016
Issue Date – January 5, 2015
Proposals Due Not Later Than 1:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
Monday, January 26, 2015
Proposals to be opened at 1:35 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Monday, January 26, 2015
Issuing Office
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition
PO Box 23295
Tigard, Oregon 97281
Contact Person
Janet Beer, RD
Co-Executive Director
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition
Proposals to be mailed or delivered to:
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition
c/o Cathy Clark, Food Service
Tigard-Tualatin School District
6960 SW Sandburg St.
Tigard, Oregon, 97223
The Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition (OCNC) is a joint cooperative buying group that represents about 170,000 students in 80 school districts in the State of Oregon. A list of current members can be found on Appendix A on page 12. Additional districts may join OCNC during the term of this RFP and would be entitled to the pricing offered.
The RFP may or may not be awarded by individual districts for the processing of diverted commodity products.
A number of the individual school districts intend to issue contracts to manufacturers for the purchase of commodity-processed products. The manufacturer shall accept USDA commodity product diverted by OCNC member districts under the Federal Food Distribution program. The manufacturer shall be permitted to use commodity product for sale to third parties in connection with its normal business operation if allowed by USDA. The manufacturer shall make and deliver commodity processed products as directed by districts.
The majority of members will participate in taste testing on January 30, 2015, during the OCNC meeting at the Kliever Memorial Armory, Portland, Oregon. Information about the meeting is posted on the OCNC web site at www.ocnc.org under the Mnft/Broker Info tab. Some districts may choose to perform their taste testing at other locations and on other dates.
OCNC is soliciting Fee for Service pricing, Net Off Invoice pricing and Cash Rebate pricing without a commitment for volume.
The prices being requested are:
1. Fee for Service
Districts may elect to have commodity processed items delivered by SYSCO Portland to the school district on mutually agreed upon dates. The manufacturers shall establish a Fee for Service charge and shall bill the school district directly for the processing and the shipping to SYSCO Portland. SYSCO Portland shall establish fixed fees for handling and delivery to the school. SYSCO Portland shall bill the school district those fees directly. Fee for Service pricing forms are located on the OCNC web site at
Make additional copies as needed. A sample of the completed Fee for Service Pricing form is on page 25. (Individual districts may negotiate shipping on Fee for Service items either to their own warehouses or to third party warehouses at the time of award.)
2. Net Off Invoice
Districts may elect to purchase commercial products and receive Net Off Invoice (NOI.) These products shall be purchased from SYSCO Portland. NOI pricing pages are located on the OCNC web site at:
Make additional copies as needed. A sample of the completed Net of Invoice form is
on page 26. Items must have sufficient volume to be handled by SYSCO Portland. Manufacturer’s offering NOI must also fill out the Fee for Service pricing pages so that in the event the product does not get enough volume to come through the distributor it can come through a third party warehouse or direct to the district with the Fee for Service pricing. Failure to quote Fee for Service pricing on NOI items may result in canceled orders if the distributor does not carry the item, as school districts will not have legal bids on which to base the purchase.
3. Cash Rebates
Districts may elect to purchase commercial products and receive cash rebates. These products will be purchased from SYSCO Portland. Cash Rebate pricing forms are located on the OCNC web site at
Make additional copies as needed. A sample of the completed Cash Rebate form is
on page 27.
Finished products shall be delivered to either SYSCO Portland, to the school district or to a third party warehouse. Shipping charges shall be estimated to zip code 97070 as of January, 2015.
Individual districts will evaluate the prices offered, nutrition qualifications and the results of taste testing to award the RFP.
Information on the products diverted and the amounts diverted for the 2014-2015 school year is on Appendix B on pages 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Manufacturer’s who offer electronic product calculators for commodity diversion must still fill out the OCNC pricing pages
The State of Oregon has established one full truckload of diverted product for the entire State as the minimum for a manufacture to participate in commodity processing for any school districts in the State. The State may combine a number of partial trucks with other state orders to achieve the full truckload level. Failure of the manufacturer to receive diversion poundage totaling one truckload from the entire State of Oregon or one combined truckload as coordinated by the State shall result in the State canceling those orders. The solicitation for this RFP for that product would then be canceled.
January 5, 2015 Advertise Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce
RFP posted on OCNC web site at:
RFP officially issued
January 6, 2015 Vendor Information Meeting – 9:00 am to 10:00 am SYSCO Food Services of Portland
26250 SW Parkway Center Drive
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070
January 9, 2015 Deadline for error and clarification submission
January 15, 2015 Final posting of addendums on website
Deadline for submission of protest
January 26, 2015 Proposal due by 1:30 PM
Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J
January 26, 2015 Open Proposals
1:35 PM Pacific Standard Time
Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J
6960 SW Sandburg Street
Tigard, Oregon 97223
January 30, 2015 Product Testing for the majority of members
OCNC Commodity/New Product Show
(Show information at: www.ocnc.org)
10:00 AM – 1:30 pm Pacific Standard Time
Kliever Memorial Armory
10000 NE 33rd Dr.
Portland, Oregon 97211
On or After March 1, 2015 Individual district to issue Intent to Award as required by Oregon law and award contract for purchase.
Fee for Service, Net Off Invoice, and Cash Rebate Pricing for all Oregon Department of Education Approved Commodity Processed Items
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition (OCNC) is requesting sealed proposals for Fee for Service, Net Off Invoice, and Cash Rebate Pricing for all Oregon Department of Education Approved Commodity Processed Items without a volume commitment for the 2015-2016 school year. The purpose of the RFP is to solicit pricing and rebate information only. The individual school districts shall evaluate the pricing offered, the nutrition qualifications and the results of their taste testing and they individually may or may not issue an award of contract.
Two hard copies of the written RFP response must be submitted and two copies of the same proposal electronic recorded on a CD or memory stick with individual PDF files of the SEPDS, Nutrition Facts Labels, and a printed copy of the CN label with a watermark stating “Copy not for documenting Federal Meal Requirements” or with the Federal Inspection Legend removed/redacted if applicable or signed Manufacturer’s Product Formulation Statement for all items must be received by 1:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday, January 26, 2015 at the Tigard-Tualatin School District 23J, 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, Oregon, 97223. Proposals received after the designated time and date will be returned unopened.
Each RFP will be opened on January 26, 2015 at 1:35 PM but no information other than the respondent’s names shall be disclosed. Notice of intent to award shall be issued by the individual school districts as required by Oregon law.
The majority of members that are diverting commodities will do their taste scoring at the Commodity/New Product Show, January 30, 2015. Members may also request samples to test at their districts.
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition members reserve the right to reject all bids and reserve the right to waive any and all irregularities in the best interests of Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition members.
Copies of the Request for Proposal document and information about the Commodity/New Product Show are on the OCNC web site at:
Dated this 5th day of January 2015.
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition
PO Box 23295
Tigard, OR 97281
Janet Beer, Co-Executive Director
(503) 705-6408
Publish: January 5, 2015 Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce, 2015
1. Preparation of RFP’s
RFP’s must be submitted in ink or typewritten and electronically. Portion sizes shall be defined using traditional food based menu planning. Portion size for entrees shall not be less than one meat/meat alternate. Portions for fruit and vegetable products shall be equal to one quarter cup fruit/vegetable. The processor shall define portion sizes for all other items.
Three pricing options may be offered, including:
a. Fee for Service
b. Net Off Invoice
c. Cash Rebate
Pricing pages are located on the OCNC web site at:
Signature on bids must be in ink to be considered acceptable. List each product for which pricing is being offered individually. More than one product should be listed per page.
2. Bid submission
All bids shall be sealed in an opaque envelope and addressed to:
Oregon Child Nutrition Coalition
c/o Cathy Clark, Food Service
Tigard-Tualatin School District
6960 SW Sandburg Street
Tigard, OR 97223
For each product submit the following as individual electronic PDF files:
· Summary End Product Data Schedule
· Nutrition Facts label
· Ingredient Statement
· Child Nutrition Crediting Information
o a printed copy of the CN label with a watermark stating “Copy not for documenting Federal Meal Requirements” or with the Federal Inspection Legend removed/redacted or
o Signed Manufacturer Product Formulation Statement (sample USDA forms are located on the OCNC web site at www.ocnc.org under the Mnft/Broker Info tab.)
Only submit information on products for which pricing is offered. Do not submit information for additional manufacturer’s products or for items not listed on the pricing pages. Submit files for products individually. Do not scan multiple products and send as a single file.
3. Errors and Corrections
No erasures permitted. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections made adjacent but must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. Verify your bids before submission as they cannot be withdrawn or corrected after being opened or withdrawn after the specified time period has elapsed.
4. Acceptance of Proposals
Late proposals or proposals submitted by facsimile or other electronic means will not be accepted.
Individual school districts will make their decisions based on the Fee for Service, Net Off Invoice or Rebates offered combined with their evaluation of the nutrition qualifications and their food tasting scores. Individual school districts may or may not choose to award a contract to purchase.
5. Bid Signatures
All proposals must show the firm name and must be signed in ink by a responsible officer or employee fully authorized to bind the organization to the terms and conditions herein. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled.
6. Warranty/Quality
The supplier, manufacturer, or his assigned agent shall guarantee the food products against all defects.
7. Pricing – Term of Contract
Contract term is one (1) year. Quoted prices must stay in effect for one (1) year beginning on July 1, 2015.
8. Shipping
Shipping fees are to be calculated as if the minimum delivery of product was shipped to zip code 97070 as of January, 2015.
OCNC understands that the actual shipping cost will vary, but is requesting this pricing at a single point in time so it may be evaluated as a part of cost.
Districts may negotiate shipping to their warehouse or to a third party warehouse. Shipping charges to these locations shall bear a proportional relationship to the proposed shipping charges as described above, adjusted as appropriate for location and volume. Final actual shipping charges by successful vendors may not increase more than actual verifiable increases in shipping costs, adjusted as per shipper’s standard terms for volume.
9. No Minimum or Maximum Quantities, Order Charges or Limitations upon Number of Orders.
The OCNC cannot guarantee the number of truckloads of each USDA commodity a manufacturer may receive. Orders are placed by individual members and OCNC cannot guarantee quantities. Diverted amounts for the 2014-2015 school year are on Appendix B on pages 13, 14, and 15.
10. ODE Vendor Approval
The vendor must be an approved USDA commodity processor by the Oregon Department of Education and the USDA. Food items shall be processed in accordance with the agreement between the manufacturer, the State of Oregon and USDA. In addition, vendor must receive a minimum of one total truckload diversion from all sponsors in Oregon (not just OCNC members) or a combined truckload as defined by the State.
11. Cancellation
Terms of cancellation of contract shall be included in each individual school boards award.
12. Buy America Clause
All USDA commodities provided to OCNC members must be of 100% domestic origin. Any substitutions for those commodities made by a processor must be 100% domestic origin. Processors may combine commodities with other non-domestic ingredients to achieve a new product only if 51% or more of the final processed product consists of agricultural commodities that were grown or raised domestically.
13. Oregon Products
Pursuant to ORS 279A.120, goods manufactured or produced in Oregon shall be preferred if price, fitness, availability and quality are otherwise equal. If an item bid is produced or manufactured in Oregon, indicate “Produced in Oregon” by inserting next to the item. If item bid is partially produced or manufactured, indicate “Partially Produced in Oregon” by inserting next to item.
14. Federal, State and Local Regulations
All items delivered to the OCNC members shall conform to applicable requirements of federal, state, or local statutes and/or regulations. It is the responsibility of each bidder to examine the entire solicitation, seek clarification in writing and check its offer for accuracy before submitting the offer. Lack of care in preparation of the offer shall not be grounds for withdrawing the offer after the offer due date and time nor shall it give rise to any contract claim.