You are responsible for knowing the following:
Vocabulary (words listed on back)
Verbs-all six tenses, Active/Passive and how to translate each one. There are charts on pages 331-332 for all these forms.
Nouns, all five declensions, all five cases. There is a chart of these forms on page 323.
Adjectives-positive, comparative, and superlative forms and how to translate them, including the irregular ones on page 66.
Adverbs-positive, comparative, and superlative forms and how to translate them, including the irregular ones on the bottom of page 75.
quam + superlative adverb= as ______as possible.
Roman dates (pp. 88-89)
Deponent Verbs (pp. 98-100)
Cardinal Numbers (p. 111)
Place names, locative case (pp. 118-119)
Ablative of agent-a,ab with a passive verb means-by
Participles-perfect passive participles (pp. 50-51) and how to translate them.
Infinitives-present passive and how to translate them, page 33 on bottom.
qui, quae, quod and how to translate them, chart on page 4.
N.B. The format of the test will be varied. There will be vocabulary and principal parts, short answers, translations and multiple choice. Don’t wait until the day before to start studying. It will be too late!
finis-endvendo, vendere, vendidi, venditus-to sell
libertus-freedmandelecto(1)-to delight, amuse
mendicus-beggarquaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus-to seek, look for, ask for
insula-island, apt. buildingaccipio, accipere, accepi, acceptus-to receive, get
vis-force, amountminuo, minuere, minui, minutus-to lessen, reduce
incendium-firecomparo(1)-to buy, obtain, get ready
parvus-smallaffero, afferre, attuli, allatus-to bring, bring to, bring in
paries-wall (of a house)effundo, effundere, effudi, effusus-to pour out, pass. to spill
paene-almostaufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatus-to carry away, take away
caro, carnis-meatcompleo, complēre, complevi, completus-to fill
pretium-priceirumpo, irrumpere, irrupi, irruptus-to burst in
umquam-evercreo(1)-to appoint
autem-however, butposco, poscere, poposci-to demand, ask for
circum-(prep. + acc.) aroundmisceo, miscēre, miscui, mixtus-to mix
panis-breadsino, sinere, sivi, situs-to allow
regnum-kingdomcredo, credere, credidi, creditus-to trust, believe
ignis-firepercutio, percutere, percussi, percussus-to strike
pestilentia-plaguecorripio, corripere, corripui, correptus-to seize, grab
poculum-cup, gobletadimo, adimere, ademi, ademptus-to take away from
locus-placepersuadeo, persuadēre, persuasi, persuasus-to persuade
modus-way, methodconor, conārī, conatus sum-to try
collis-hillmoror, morārī, moratus sum-to delay, stay
deus-godvereor, verērī, veritus sum-to be afraid, fear
vulnus, vulneris-woundloquor, loquī, locutus sum-to speak, talk
timor-fearproficiscor, proficiscī, profectus sum-to set out, leave
gravis-heavy, serioussequor, sequī, secutus sum-to follow
adulescens, adulescentis-young manegredior, egredī, egressus sum-to go out, leave
rursus-againingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum-to go in, enter
tristis-sadregredior, regredī, regressus sum-to go back, return
eruditus-learned, scholarlyexperior, experīrī, expertus sum-to test, try
utilis-usefulmoneo, monēre, monui, monitus-to advise, warn
comes, comitis-companionmorior, morī, mortuus sum-to die
poena-punishmentcupio, cupere, cupivi, cupītus-to desire, want
nusquam-nowheredisco, discere, didici-to learn
quam prīmum-as soon as possibleaudeo, audēre, ausus sum-to dare (to)