1. True or False? When putting into action what you have decided in conscience is the right course of action, it is important to be a reactor, not an actor.
  2. True or False? A well-formed conscience will never make mistakes.
  3. True or False? Following one’s conscience does not mean one can do whatever one wants to do.
  4. True or False? Peer pressure is primarily just a problem with teens.
  5. True or False? Some conformity can be good, some can be neutral, some can be bad.
  6. True or False? Archbishop Oscar Romero knew that if he did the right thing it would likely lead to his death.
  7. True or False? It is sick not to admit that there is much evidence of sin in society and individuals.
  8. True or False? When confronted with their sin, Adam and Eve admitted their wrongdoing.
  9. True or False? Following the story of the fall of Adam and Eve, the Old Testament proceeds with an account of God’s love for humanity.
  10. True or False? Sin in the context of rebellion referred to the violation of the rights of others or to Israel’s infidelity to God.
  11. True or False? All of human history has been marked by mortal sin.
  12. True or False? Instinct makes it possible for human beings to sin mortally.
  13. True or False? Venial sin occurs when we fail to follow the moral law in less serious matters.
  14. True or False? According to the CCC, deliberately and unreported venial sins dispose us little by little to commit mortal sin.
  15. True or False? A central theme of Jesus’ teaching is the unlimited mercy of our loving God.
  16. True or False? Catholics are obliged to minimally confess any personal sin at least once a year.
  17. True or False? Jesus proclaimed that he came to abolish the law.
  18. True or False? The Church teaches that all people have a basic right to worship and adore God as their conscience dictates.
  19. True or False? People have a duty to worship God even if they must be forced to act against personal religious convictions.
  20. True or False? The Old Testament prohibition against making “graven” images was absolute.
  21. True or False? Prayer is not optional for human beings.
  22. True or False? God deserves our worship and praise simply because he is God and we are not.
  23. True or False? To deliberately fail to observe the worship of God on Sunday is a venial sin.
  24. True or False? If we do not love ourselves, then it will be nearly impossible to love God or other people.
  25. True or False? Children must obey an immoral command given by a parent or any other authority figure.
  26. True or False? Catholics are required to honor all lawful officials, both in the Church and civic communities.
  27. True or False? Paying taxes, voting, and aiding fellow citizens in time of peril are duties of responsible members of a just society.
  28. True or False? The Church teaches that to participate in the political process is optional.
  29. True or False? The Bible condemns all killing.
  30. True or False? The Church teaches that public authorities have the right and duty to defend citizens against unjust aggressors, even if this might lead to the death penalty or a defensive war.
  31. True or False? Although some people who support the death penalty are motivated by revenge, Jesus taught that revenge can never be a motive for our actions.
  32. True or False? Sociologists have found that the death penalty does help to deter crime.
  33. True or False? According to the CCC, non-violent means of protection against aggressors are preferred in protecting public order and safety.
  34. True or False? The Catholic Church always prefers to promote peaceful settlement of conflicts over war.
  35. True or False? The use of nuclear weapons, as well as chemical and biological weapons, is totally condemned by the Church.
  36. True or False? The Church denounces citizens who serve in the military out of loyalty to their country.
  37. True or False? Prenatal procedures engaged in for the purpose of abortion, medical experimentation or genetic manipulation that is nontherapeutic are all seriously wrong.
  38. True or False? Direct euthanasia is sometimes wrong, despite one’s good intentions.
  39. True or False? The Church holds that one is not guilty of the sin of euthanasia when a decision is made with the patient’s approval to withhold aggressive medical treatment.
  40. True or False? A person may not take painkillers to lesson suffering, if one’s life might be shortened.


  1. Conscience
  2. Virtue
  3. Vice
  4. Fortitude
  5. Martyr
  6. Capital sins
  7. Concupiscence
  8. Personal sin
  9. Mortal sin
  10. Venial sin
  11. Social sin
  12. Reconciliation
  13. Repentance
  14. Contrition
  15. Absolution
  16. Faith
  17. Hope
  18. Charity
  19. Covenant
  20. Humanism
  21. Freudianism
  22. Materialism
  23. Self-esteem
  24. Ageism
  25. Euthanasia
  26. Abortion
  27. Assisted suicide
  28. Prudence
  29. Temperance
  30. Justice


  1. Heresy
  2. Incredulity
  3. Voluntary doubt
  4. Schism
  5. Apostasy
  6. Idolatry
  7. Sacrilege
  8. Simony
  9. Atheism
  10. Agnosticism
  11. Blasphemy
  12. Vulgarity
  13. Swearing
  14. Perjury
  15. Obscenity
  16. Pride
  17. Avarice
  18. Lust
  19. Envy
  20. Gluttony


  1. What is a seer?
  2. What are the two important principles regarding conscience?
  3. According to the Declaration on Religious Freedom, who is the teacher of truth?
  4. What is destroyed each time we go along with the crowd?
  5. What is the ultimate act of fortitude?
  6. What is the Good News that Christians have to share with the world?
  7. Explain the meaning of the Hebrew word hattah.
  8. What is the root of all sin?
  9. What is the only “unforgivable sin”? What is meant by this?
  10. What is sin (according to the textbook)?
  11. What is the first sin mentioned in the Bible?
  12. What two religious practices have helped Christians grow in holiness?
  13. What was the Sinai Covenant?
  14. What is the First Commandment?
  15. What are two ways to violate the virtue of hope?
  16. What is the Second Commandment?
  17. What is the meaning of the name God revealed to Moses?
  18. Whose names are holy for Christians?
  19. What is the Third Commandment?
  20. Why do Christians commemorate the Sabbath on Sunday?
  21. How did Jesus summarize the Law?
  22. What is the Fourth Commandment?
  23. What was the original intention of the Fourth Commandment?
  24. What is the Fifth Commandment?
  25. Why is suicide a serious evil?
  26. Who exemplified the virtue of faith in the Old Testament? Who is the perfect New Testament model of faith?
  27. Identify one of the six incomplete or wrong ideas of conscience being described below: (3 points)

a) Conscience is the creation of organized religions to help control people through guilt.

b) Conscience is the leftover rules of childhood that we carry around in our subconscious.

c) Conscience is an internal voice that lives inside us, dictating to us what we should do.

d) Conscience is simply a matter of doing what the crowd does.

e) Conscience is making decisions based on what feels right or acting on a hunch.

f) Conscience is what the individual creates as his or her own moral rules.

  1. What are three aspects of conscience revealed in the definition from the Second Vatican Council? (3 points)
  2. What 3 descriptions of sin does one find in the New Testament? (3 points)
  3. What three things does Jesus ask of all sinners?(3 points)
  4. List the three conditions for a mortal sin.(3 points)
  5. List the 3 effects of Original Sin. (3 points)
  6. What are 3 concrete ways we can strengthen our faith?(3 points)
  7. What are the three purposes of punishment? (3 points)
  8. List three of the seven conditions for a “just” war.(3 points)
  9. How does abortion challenge the ethics of Jesus? (3 points)
  10. What type of love is agape? How is this related to the word caritas? (3 points)
  11. Who exemplified the virtue of faith in the Old Testament? Who is the perfect New Testament model of faith? (3 points)
  12. What are some false measures of acceptability? (3 points)
  13. What does it mean to say that humans are born into the condition of Original Sin? (3 points)


Apply the SEER method to solve a particular case. To answer this essay you are required to answer what each of the acronym stands for, what it means and how it is applicable in this particular situation.


The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi