
Unit: Nomenclature and Chemical Reactions

Name: ______date: ______MOD: ______

Review Packet: Nomenclature and Chemical Reactions

  1. A student working in a lab places some Sodium in anAluminum sulfate solution and notices pieces of Aluminum drop out of the solution.
  1. Determine the reactants: ______
  2. Predict the products: ______
  3. Write the balanced equation: ______
  4. Identify the type of reaction: ______
  5. Explain why this type of reaction occurs:(refer to the activity series)


  1. Determine the type of reactions for the following:
  2. CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O: ______
  3. 2K + O2→ 2KO: ______
  4. 2NaCl → 2Na + Cl2: ______
  5. Zn + Pb(NO3)2 → Zn(NO3)2 + Pb: ______
  6. ZnSO4 + Pb(NO3)2 → Zn(NO3)2 + PbSO4: ______
  1. Read the word equation below and write the chemical equation that best represents the word equation. (This means balanced).
  2. Potassium metal reacts with barium chloride to produce barium metal and potassium chloride.


  1. Water reacts with magnesium metal to produce hydrogen gas and magnesium hydroxide.


  1. Write the correctly spelled formula for each of the following:
  2. NO2: ______
  3. NI3: ______
  4. N2O4: ______
  5. SF6: ______
  6. What are the two reactants that all combustion reactions have or use? ______
  7. What are the two exact products of combustion reactants? ______
  8. List the reactivity of the metals (Pb, Mg, Cu, and K) in order of most reactive to least reactive. (use the set of equations below) ______
  9. Mg + Pb(NO3)2 → Mg(NO3)2 + Pb
  10. Pb + Cu(NO3)2 → Cu + Pb(NO3)2
  11. Mg + KNO3 → NO REACTION
  12. Mg + Cu(NO3)2 → Cu + Mg(NO3)2
  13. What must be true in order for the reaction below to occur? Use the Activity series to help.

2Al + 3ZnCl2 → 2AlCl3 + 3Zn ______

Use the following equation to answer question number 9.

Chlorine + Potassium bromide → Potassium chloride + Bromine

Cl2 + 2KBr → 2KCl + Br2

  1. Is the equation above balanced? ______
  2. What are the symbol and coefficient for Chlorine? ______
  3. What are the symbol and coefficient for Bromine? ______
  1. What are the coefficients for each of the reactions below:
  2. CH4 + ___ O2 → CO2 + ___ H2O
  3. C2H4 + ___O2 → ___CO2 + ___ H2O
  4. ___ NaCl → __ Na + Cl2
  5. What are the coefficients for each of the following reactions:
  6. ____P + ___ O2 → ____ P2O5
  7. N2 + ___ H2 → __ NH3
  8. ___H2 + O2 → ____H2O
  1. Use the periodic table to determine the most likely charge on an ion of each element.

I = ____, N= ____, O= ____, P= _____, Ca= _____, Na=_____, S=_____

  1. A diatomic molecule is composed of ______atoms.
  1. List 7 elements which exist as diatomic molecules. ______
  2. Give the correct name for each of the following:
  3. CBr4: ______
  4. SO2: ______
  5. N2O4: ______
  6. Write the correct formula that would form between the following pairs of ions:
  7. Mg2+ and NO31- ______
  8. Ba2+ and SO42- ______
  9. Ba 2+ and PO4 3- ______
  10. Ca 2+ and OH 1- ______

Use the Activity Table of Metals given below to answer questions 17, 18, and 19.

Activity Series Table

Lithium (Li)
Sodium (Na)
Aluminum (Al)
Zinc (Zn)
Iron (Fe)
Silver (Ag) / Decreasing Activity
Metals can only be replaced
by metals above them on the
activity series.
  1. A strip of silver is added to a solution containing a compound of each metal. Which of the metals would silver replace? ______
  2. A strip of aluminum is added to a solution containing a compound of each metal. Which of these metals would aluminum replace? ______
  3. A metal is added to a solution containing compounds of sodium and iron. Which metals would replace the iron but not the sodium? ______
  4. What is the charge on the ion formed when
  1. Sulfur gains 2 electrons ______
  2. Phosphorous gains 3 electrons ______
  1. How many Oxygen atoms are represented by each formula?

Ca3(PO4)2 ______; Ba(OH)2 ______; Al(NO3)3 ______

  1. NO2 1- is called ______ion, while NO2is called ______
  1. Determine the complete coefficient and formula for the missing reactant or product for the complete combustion of C2H4?
  2. C2H4 + ______→ 2 CO2 + 2 H2O
  3. C2H4 + 2O2 → ______+ 2 H2O
  4. C2H4 + 2O2 → CO2 + ______