1. Name of the District:Visakhapatnam
2. a)Total population of the District: 38,32,336
b) Total ST Population in the District : 5,57,572
c) ST Population in the Scheduled area : 5,03,874
(in 11 Agency Mandals)
Population of Scheduled Tribes
Male / Female / Total0-6 yrs. / 7-14 yrs. / Adults / 0-6 yrs. / 7-14 yrs. / Adults
29256 / 56493 / 192650 / 30081 / 52030 / 197062 / 557572
3. Percentage of literacy according the latest census
General Category : 59.96% / Male : / 69.68% / Female : / 50.12%Scheduled Tribes : 34.34% / Male : / 45.98% / Female : / 22.67%
4. Do all the children below 14 years attend the school ? :
5. What is the percentage of enrolment at elementary school level?
General Category : / SC: 96.52% / ST: / 99.53%6. What is the percentage of dropouts at elementary school level?
General Category : / SC: 3.46% / ST: / 0.84%7. What is the percentage of children attending middle school level?
General Category : / SC: 94.20% / ST: / 96.10%8. What is the percentage of dropouts at middle school level?
General Category : / SC: 5.79% / ST: / 3.89%9. What is the percentage of dropouts at High school level?
General Category : / SC: 3% / ST: / 2%10. What is the number of hostels run and maintained by the department of social welfare for SCs/STs ?
Institution / No. of institutions / StrengthBoys / Girls / Total / Boys / Girls / Total
Ashram High Schools
(Telugu Medium) / 37 / 17 / 54 / 12964 / 10036 / 23000
Ashram High Schools
(English Medium) / 5 / 11 / 16 / 705 / 2533 / 3238
Ashram UP Schools / 21 / 12 / 33 / 4170 / 2987 / 7157
S.T. Hostels / 12 / 1 / 13 / 2303 / 220 / 2523
T.W. Residential Schools / 8 / 2 / 10 / 3278 / 978 / 4256
T.W. Residential Colleges / 6 / 3 / 9 / 1438 / 1180 / 2618
KGBV / 0 / 8 / 8 / 0 / 1317 / 1487
Mini Gurukulams / 0 / 3 / 3 / 0 / 450 / 350
ST College Hostels / 20 / 17 / 37 / 2131 / 1609 / 3740
Total / 109 / 74 / 183 / 26989 / 21310 / 48369
11. How much amount is spent per boarder per month?
Category of Hostels / Class / Amount of Per monthAshram School Hostels / III to VIII : / Rs.473/-
VIII to X / Rs.535/-
College Hostels / Group – I (Eng. Medicine) / Rs.962/-
Group –II (PG, Professional Courses) / Rs.682/-
Group-III (Degree) / Rs.520/-
Group-IV (Inter and ITI) / Rs.520/-
12. Do all the SC/ST student receive pre-matriculation scholarship?
In order to provide quality education to the selected meritorious Tribal Students in the Best Available Schools in the District, 6 Best Available Schools have been recognized. Under this scheme Rs.14000/- upto 7th Class and Rs.17500/- for 8th to 10th classes has been paid per student per annum. The amounts disbursed year wise in Rs. Lakhs are as follows:
2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11Total Number / 831 / 780 / 1185 / 1593 / 1184
Amount disbursed / 78.47 / 82.55 / 150.08 / 214.32 / 135.14
13. What is the total number of post-matriculation scholarships sanctioned during 2006-07 to 2010-11 and what is the amount disbursed?
2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11Sanctioned
(No. of Students) / 15722 / 18300 / 21333 / 20906 / 29758
Amount disbursed / 714.26 / 93.87 / 1413.53 / 1504.29 / 1638.98
14. Indicate the efforts taken to sanction and disburse scholarship amounts in time?
In order to ensure transparency, timely sanction and disbursement of Post MatricScholarships, Government have initiated a programmecalled ‘Social Benefit Management System’ (SBMS) in consultation withWelfare Departments. One of the components of the SBMS is sanction anddisbursement of Post Matric Scholarships electronically. At present post matric scholarships have been disbursed to the bank accounts of the students through RTGS mode using the website epass(Electronic payment and application system of scholarships)
15. Do you feel the above arrangements are adequate?
16. What is the number of students who receive scholarship under the scheme of pre-metric scholarship to children of parents involved unclean occupation and the amount disbursed during
Years2005–06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10
Sanctioned / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
Amount disbursed / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
17. What is the total number of agricultural farmers?
ST : 1,74,086
18. What are the crops raised by them?
The Major crops raised in 11 agency mandals of ITDA, Paderu are Paddy, Ragi, Maize, Jowar, Sama, Turmeric in Khariff and in Rabi they cultivate Paddy & Rajma. In some mandals the ST families grow Cashew, Ginger, Pippallu, Pineapple and Jackfruit.
19. Do they follow the improved method of agriculture?
Only few farmers follow the improved methods to some extent only. Majority of the farmers apply very low fertilizers and less use of pesticides.
20. What is the total number of landless agricultural labourers in the district?
Sl. No. / Name of the Mandal / Agriculture Labours1 / Ananthagiri / 4621
2 / Arakvualley / 3766
3 / Chinthapalli / 2991
4 / Dumbriguda / 2416
5 / G.K.Veedhi / 1866
6 / G.Madugula / 1277
7 / Hukumpeta / 2573
8 / Koyyuru / 5857
9 / Munchingiput / 1711
10 / Paderu / 3076
11 / Pedabayalu / 1310
Total / 31464
21. What is the nature of occupation they take up?
The ST landless agricultural labourers involve in agricultural operations like transplantation, manual weeding, harvesting etc. besides they also go for operations in Coffee gardens and Silver oak. Under Mamhatha Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme guaranteed wage employment has been provided to them.
22. What are your suggestions to improve their economic conditions?
If the agricultural operations are included in NREGS works, they can get remunerative labour charges. The labour charges must be paid in accordance with labour rates prescribed by the District Collector. These farmers must be provided non-agricultural loans to generate some income during agricultural off seasons.
23. What is the number of ST educated unemployed who have registered their names with the employment exchange? (as on 08.08.2011)
Boys : / 22081 / Girls: / 10383 / Total / 3246424. Out of the above please indicate the number of individuals in the following category
Skilled / 25813Unskilled / 2505
Arts Graduates / 2797
Science Graduates / 1349
Doctors / Nil
Technically Qualified / Nil
Total / 32464
25. Does the SC/ST Financial Corporation have any special schemes for such individuals?
Under TRICOR 2010-11 under Self Generation Schemes the Financial Cooperation has sanctioned the following units for Unemployed Tribal Youth:
Sl / Scheme / Units / subsidy / Beneficiary Contribution / bank loan / Institutional Finance / MMS1 / Fiber boats / 9 / 60000 / 9000 / 51000 / 0
2 / Auto / 3 / 90000 / 30000 / 255000 / 0
3 / Bamboo basket / 173 / 940000 / 256000 / 300000 / 384000
4 / Fancy / 4 / 100000 / 20000 / 80000 / 0
5 / Kirana / 127 / 2435000 / 371000 / 1937000 / 102411
6 / leaf plate making / 1 / 30000 / 20000 / 60000 / 0
7 / Shandy / 284 / 3880000 / 670000 / 2733000 / 477513
8 / Sheep / 1 / 20000 / 0 / 20000 / 0
9 / Veg-vending / 49 / 227000 / 72000 / 74000 / 81000
Grand Total / 651 / 7782000 / 1448000 / 5510000 / 1044924
During the year 2011-12, it is proposed to sanction 610 units benefiting 610 unemployed youth with an outlay of Rs. 287.00 Lakhs under various schemes.
Under Youth Employment to Tribals (RAJIV UDYOGA SRI) the training and placements are being provided to the Unemployed youth were being provided Training and Placement in various sector.
Sl. No / SECTOR / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / TOTALTrained / Placement / Trained / Placement / Trained / Placement / Trained / Placement / Trained / Placement / Trained / Placement
1 / IKP Labs / 95 / 76 / 153 / 139 / 227 / 142 / 78 / 75 / 553 / 432
2 / G4-Security / 257 / 238 / 300 / 276 / 140 / 65 / 46 / 44 / 743 / 623
3 / TexTiles (Skilled) / 255 / 236 / 242 / 228 / 180 / 104 / 109 / 107 / 786 / 675
4 / TexTiles (Un-Skilled) / 349 / 322 / 345 / 329 / 210 / 136 / 144 / 141 / 1048 / 928
5 / EWRC / 85 / 72 / 220 / 140 / 122 / 120 / 153 / 135 / 580 / 467
6 / Gems & Jewellery / 165 / 152 / 124 / 54 / 97 / 95 / 386 / 301
7 / Tally / 57 / 36 / 85 / 20 / 24 / 22 / 135 / 105 / 301 / 183
8 / Skylark / 60 / 45 / 87 / 22 / 20 / 18 / 167 / 85
9 / Construction (NAC) / 432 / 410 / 521 / 306 / 508 / 506 / 577 / 478 / 2038 / 1700
10 / Construction (MAYTAS) / 38 / 24 / 205 / 131 / 233 / 231 / 476 / 386
11 / DTP / 64 / 45 / 68 / 48 / 120 / 46 / 77 / 75 / 329 / 214
12 / AUTO CAD Training / 44 / 35 / 62 / 48 / 92 / 32 / 19 / 17 / 217 / 132
13 / Nursing Training / 40 / 29 / 115 / 45 / 155 / 74
14 / Si Police / 0 / 0
15 / Air Hostess / 10 / 9 / 10 / 8 / 17 / 15 / 37 / 32
16 / Constable / 45 / 30 / 102 / 42 / 44 / 42 / 191 / 114
17 / Hotel Management / 79 / 60 / 70 / 61 / 135 / 76 / 66 / 65 / 60 / 52 / 410 / 314
18 / Indiramma Housing / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000
19 / Sahithi / 50 / 35 / 50 / 35
20 / Direct Placements / 160 / 0 / 160
TOTAL / 1200 / 1048 / 3115 / 2900 / 2573 / 1369 / 1604 / 1573 / 975 / 965 / 9467 / 7855
26. Mention various schemes implemented by the SC/ST financial corporation along with largest and achievements during last 5 year (attach separate statement for each year)
Sl. No. / Name of the Scheme / Sector / TARGET / ACHIEVEMENTPhysical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Physical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs
1 / Agriculture / 1970 / 83.730
2 / Horticulture
3 / Fisheries
4 / ISB / 2291 / 135.810
5 / Minor Irrigation
Minor Irrigation (GIA) / 513 / 273.690
6 / Animal Husbandry / 2578 / 164.840
7 / Trainings / 270 / 33.540
8 / NSTFDC / 1 / 4.800
9 / COFFEE PROJECT / 7327 / 665.39 / 7418 / 665.390
TOTAL : / 7327 / 665.39 / 15041 / 1361.80
Sl. No. / Name of the Scheme / Sector / TARGET / ACHIEVEMENTPhysical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Physical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 / Agriculture / 9873 / 14293 / 216.75
2 / Horticulture / 1530 / 1540 / 28.20
3 / Fisheries
4 / ISB / 1383 / 1441 / 209.09
5 / Minor Irrigation / 73 / 210 / 181.48
Minor Irrigation (GIA)
6 / Animal Husbandry / 1178 / 151.970
7 / Trainings
9 / COFFEE PROJECT / 32000 / 815.80 / 32612 / 1456.952
10 / APMIP / 2 / 0.420
TOTAL : / 44859 / 815.80 / 51276 / 2244.86
Sl. No. / Name of the Scheme / Sector / TARGET / ACHIEVEMENTPhysical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Physical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 / Agriculture / 17175 / 163.75 / 12931 / 275.19
2 / Horticulture / 6450 / 571.36 / 3862 / 141.57
3 / Fisheries / 211 / 10.50
4 / Sericulture / 350 / 18.53 / 200 / 6.00
5 / ISB / 106 / 160.10 / 249 / 19.96
6 / Minor Irrigation / 1155 / 237.50
7 / Animal Husbandry / 125 / 48.75 / 702 / 30.61
8 / Trainings / 250 / 25.00 / 250 / 25.00
9 / COFFEE PROJECT ( COFFEE & SILVER OKE) / 44045 / 2266.37 / 32381 / 769.66
TOTAL : / 69867 / 3501.86 / 50575 / 1267.99
Sl. No. / Name of the Scheme / Sector / TARGET / ACHIEVEMENTPhysical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Physical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 / Agriculture / 18089 / 616.45 / 11304 / 117.13
2 / Horticulture Including Coffee Project / 58333 / 5380.38 / 13013 / 691.34
3 / Minor Irrigation / 2500 / 525.00
4 / Sericulture / 246 / 43.80 / 100 / 1.75
5 / Fisheries / 590 / 14.00 / 100 / 10.00
6 / Animal Husbandry / 794 / 179.60 / 30 / 3.40
7 / ISB / 508 / 472.60 / 407 / 76.13
8 / Employment Generation & Skill Up gradation / 100 / 10.00 / 167 / 9.02
TOTAL / 81160 / 7241.83 / 25121 / 908.76
Sl. No. / Name of the Scheme / Sector / TARGET / AchievementPhysical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs) / Total outlay / Physical / Financial
(Rs. In Lakhs)
1 / Agriculture / 12218 / 92.13 / 184.25 / 13805 / 181.08
2 / Horticulture / 6251 / 53 / 122 / 2562 / 115.36
3 / Coffee / 12253 / 119.57 / 478.30 / 12253 / 119.57
4 / Sericulture / 60 / 0.66 / 1.33 / 57 / 1.32
5 / Fisheries / 50 / 3.75 / 7.50 / 8 / 1.20
6 / Animal Husbandry / 620 / 49.00 / 98.00 / 320 / 79.40
7 / ISB / 234 / 60.70 / 243.50 / 634 / 156.19
Total / 31686 / 378.43 / 1134.50 / 29639 / 654.12
8 / Employment Generation & Skill Upgradation (Building Technics by NAC, Hospitality, Fashion Technology, Brick Making etc) / 100 / 10.00 / 10.00 / 2.67
GRAND TOTAL / 31786 / 388.43 / 1144.50 / 29639 / 656.79
27. What is the number of SC/ST colonies in the district without proper drainage facilities toilers etc.,
There are 245 Colonies in the Agency area. 31 Toilets have been constructed, but Drainage facility is not available.
28. What is the number of house site pattas distributed to the SCs/STs during the last 10 years (Taluka/ Mandal wise with extent of land given per head)?
Total 89,799 house site pattas
29. What is the number of house sites where houses have been constructed (Mandal wise information)
Sl. No. / Name of the Mandal / No. of Pattas distributed in last 10 years / No. of houses sanctioned / BBL / BL / LL / RL / RC / ISL1 / Ananthagiri / 7339 / 7910 / 161 / 1042 / 764 / 1199 / 4149 / 24
2 / Arakuvalley / 8422 / 9074 / 438 / 751 / 764 / 1203 / 5266 / 0
3 / Chinthapalli / 9095 / 9958 / 131 / 1983 / 867 / 1460 / 4649 / 5
4 / Dumbriguda / 8087 / 9137 / 494 / 662 / 875 / 1502 / 4554 / 0
5 / G.K.Veedhi / 5603 / 6473 / 140 / 1278 / 393 / 693 / 3099 / 0
6 / G.Madugula / 11109 / 11602 / 193 / 971 / 1175 / 2086 / 6684 / 0
7 / Hukumpeta / 12708 / 14025 / 359 / 1369 / 1760 / 2088 / 7112 / 0
8 / Koyyuru / 7011 / 7688 / 285 / 930 / 681 / 1071 / 4042 / 2
9 / Munchingiput / 6270 / 7064 / 220 / 797 / 486 / 1368 / 3399 / 0
10 / Paderu / 7942 / 8753 / 163 / 729 / 576 / 1363 / 5111 / 0
11 / Pedabayalu / 6213 / 7274 / 330 / 649 / 587 / 841 / 3806 / 0
Total / 89799 / 98958 / 2914 / 11161 / 8928 / 14874 / 51871 / 31
30. Are there rural cooperative housing societies for the SCs/STs (if so please furnish details)?
There is no Rural Cooperative Housing Society for SC/STs. A.P. State Housing Corporation Ltd, Hyderabad, State Govt. of Andhra Pradesh is sanctioning houses to houseless tribals with a limit cost of Rs.65,050/-. PTGs are also being sanctioned housing.
31. Is there any special programme for the construction of houses on these sites?
Prior to 2006-07 the houses were constructed under Rural Permanent Housing Programme. Now the houses have been constructed under INDIRAMMA Housing Programme and IAY (Govt. of India) on a saturation made.
32. How many SC/ST colonies do not have link roads
639 habitations are not connected with any roads. Some of them are having only path ways.
33.Are there any special schemers for their purpose?
- Under MGNREGS (Special Stream) 2nd phase proposals are being prepared to connect possible number of habitations with all weather link roads and internal roads.
- Under Article 275(1) and NABARD (RIDF) Programmes BT Roads are being executed in a limited manner according to priority.
34. How many villages do not have street lights?
Out of 244 Grama Panchayats and 3574 habitations, Electrification has been completed in 3184 habitations. There are 390 un-electrified habitations. Street lights are available only in Panchayat Head Quarters.
35. What is the programme of the Government to provide this facility?
During 2011–12, proposals has been sent to the Government of India for electrification of 250 habitations in entire Paderu agency area with conventional method with an estimated cost of Rs. 18.18 Crores and for the balance 140 habitations proposals have been sent to the Government for electrification with DDG Project with an estimated cost of Rs. 45.37 Crores.
36.How many villages do not have potable drinking water?
47 Villages are not covered.
37.What is the programme of the Government to cover all the villages by the facility?
During 2011-12, Works are taken up under World Bank Grant
38. Are they getting the essential provisions like rice, wheat, Kerosene, etc., from the public distribution system?
In agency area essential commodities have been provided through the D.R.Depots run by Girijan Co-operative Corporation Ltd.
BPL Cards :
White Cards : 121992, AAY Cards : 29399, A.P : 590, Total : 151981
Total Requirement as per cards:
Rice: 27322.59 Qts, Sugar : 1519.81 Qts, P.Oil : 151981 Litres,
R.G.Dal : 1519.81 Qts, K.Oil – 311263 Ltrs.
Scale of distribution of Essential Commodities.
Rice: Rice to the BPL families shall be distributed @ 4 Kgs. Per head per month subject to maximum of 20 kgs per family at Rs. 2.00 per kg.
Sugar: Shall be distributed 1 Kg. per card @ Rs. 13.50/- for the month of August, 2011.
P.Oil : Shall be distributed 1 Ltr. to the card holder per month.
R.G.Dall : Shall be distributed 1 Kg. per card @ Rs. 50/- per month.
K. Oil : Shall be distributed 3 Lts. Per card in Mandal Head quarter, and 2 ltr in Rural areas and LPG/ Deepam cardholders @ 1ltr. @ Rs. 15/- per month
It is submitted that all the registered BPL cards i.e., 151981 are existing in the Division are drawing their entitlements i.e., Rice, Sugar, P.oil, R.G.Dal and Kerosene monthly under the Public Distribution System from 236 DR Depots in the Division.
39. Are the fair price shops under the PDS being provided in the SC/ST colonies where the required no. of family cards are available?
Yes, through 236 DR Deports.
40. Have all the SC/ST villages in the district particularly in tribal habitations been covered by health facilities?
All the villages / Habitations in the Tribal area of Paderu division were covered by Health activities with 36 Primary Health Centres connecting with 195 sub-centres, 2 Area Hospitals, 2 Community health Centres, 4 CHNCs and at present 145 MPHA(M), 177 MPHA(F), 175 2nd. ANMs are working at sub-centre level and discharging their duties covering all Habitations. At Habitation level 3227 ASHAs are closely implementing Health activities in the tribal area of paderu division.
41. Are there any diseases, which specifically affect the SCs/STs?(Please furnish the number of deaths reported among the SCs/STs due to Malnutrition and due to contagious diseases.
Maximum member of Tribal population is suffering from Malaria, Water born diseases and TB. And border mandals of Odesa state Anthrax cases are reported, some endemic Goiter cases are present. In addition to these the PTG population is suffering from food poison due to in take of staled and half boiled meet. The same population is also suffering from Malnutrition but there is no deaths are recorded due to malnutrition in the last year. Last year (2010) 11 Malaria deaths, 17 Food poison deaths occurred. In the year 2011 up to 08-08-2011 3 Malaria deaths, 2 T.B. deaths, 4 deaths due to Anemia and 1 death due to severe malnutrition are occurred.
2011 deaths are as follows.
1 / G.Madugula / G.Madugula / G.Anitha, KG.B.V.School (Hostel), G.Madugula / Fch/ 12 / 04.04.2011 / Anemia2 / Pedabayalu / Rudakota / Pangi Gurumuni Kojjariguda village / F/65 / 06.04.2011 / Anemia
3 / Koyyuru / R.J.Palem / Kandoji Ganesh, S/o.Venkataramana, ChenthalapudiVillage / 3/Mch / 28-06-2011 / Gross anemia,
4 / Ananthagiri / Ananthagiri / Korra Gowri D/o Gopal Ananthagiri / 12/Fch / 21.04.2011 / Heart failure with Severe anemia
5 / Pedabailu / Pedabailu / Chekudu Venkatesh S/o Laxmanarao of Labjiri village / 16 Years Male / 26-04-2011 / TB
6 / Hukumpeta / Uppa / Jumbu Hari Prasad, S/o.Simhachalam, Gandhirapa Vill. / 10 Mch / 1/7/2011 / Pulmanary TB
7 / Chinthapalli / Tajangi / Daliya Saikumar,S/o.Trinadharao, TajangiVillage / 13/M / 4/7/2011 / Malaria
8 / Dumbriguda / Killoguda / Vantala Purnima, 5th. Class, PithamarrigudaVillage / 10/m / 1/8/2011 / Malaria
9 / Pedabailu / Pedabailu / Kakari Seethamma, W/o.Bojjanna, LaxmipetaVillage / 35/F / 3/8/2011 / Malaria followed by jaundies
42. Do all the SC/ST villages have their own burial grounds?
All Villages having Permanent Burial grounds
43. If not how do they dispose of the dead bodies?
44. Are there any problems in this regard?
45. Are there “ double tumbler” system prevalent in the villages? If so the no. of such villages and the action taken by the Government to abolish the same?
All the habitations in the Paderu Division are declared as scheduled area. No such instances noticed.
46. Are there any other form of un-touchability practiced? If so what are the steps taken by the district administration? Whether untouchables prone areas have been identified?
No such cases reported in the area
47. How many community certificates have been referred to the collector’s office for verification (please indicate the present status of sub cases)?
62 cases, where the Tahsildar, Dumbriguda issued “ Kondakapu” certificates have been referred to District level Scrutiny committee.
48.Mention the no. of cases booked during the last 3 calendar year under the PCR Act and the POA Act separately and their present stage?
19 cases
49. Is there the practice of cleaning dry latrine in this district by the safai karamchares
50.Do people take to conversion of the dry latrines to flush out/pour flash latrines
51.Do you think that the programme is popular?
Not Applicable
52. If not what is the suggestion of the Collector in this regard?
Does not Arise
53. Was there any social unrest in this district during the last 10 years? If so, give the details thereof.
54.Give details of allocation and expenditure under each scheme in the district – furnish separate details from State Plan (TSP) and Special Central Assistance (SCA)
During the year 2010-11, an amount of Rs.395.41 Lakhs has been sanctioned under SCA benefiting 29639 ST beneficiaries against the release of Rs.388.43 Lakhs for implementation of various schemes.
During the year 2011-12, the Action Plan has been approved with an amount of Rs. 395.226 Lakhs to benefit 25870 beneficiaries. The implementation of the various schemes under 2011-12 is under process.
55. What are the suggestions of the District Collector to improve the socio economic condition of SCs/STs?
56.Is there child labour in this district? If so, please furnish the details viz., the industries/ occupation in which they and the action taken by the State Government to prevent it?
57.a) No. of Anganwadi Center/midday meal schemes in SC/ST habitations.
Main AWCs-1122
Mini AWCs-1100
b) No. of SC/ST children benefiting from such schemes
c) No. of SC/ST habitats which do not have Anganwadi Center/middy meal scheme?
Uncovered Habitations-11
d) No. of children in 0-6 years. Age group among SC/ST children who do not have access to anganwadi center/midday meal scheme
No. of Children in 0-6 years -112
( Correct Survey is needed & it should be done)
All the ROFR, assigned lads and patta lands are to be developed and to be provided irrigation facilities, so that STs get sustained incomes, for which action is being initiated this year.
Employment opportunities are to be provided to all educated/uneducated youth, so that they get more opportunities and better their socio-economic conditions, which is under implementation.
58.a) Allotment of Forest Land Pattes to Scheduled Tribes for regularization of Forest encroachment ( No. of claimants area involved in Ha.)
Title deeds distributed to STs under ROFR Act. / Individual / Extent in Acres / VSS / Extent in Acres28899 / 50628.00 / 328 / 115229.00
b) MinorForest Produces – access Scheduled Tribes.
MinorForest Produce (MFP) is lifeline to Tribal live in the forests as they depend on MFP for their domestic consumption, stable source of income and employment generation.
The Primary objective of the Girijan Coop. Corporation (GCC) Ltd., is to procure entire MFP gathered by about 10 lakhs tribal families live in the agency area of Andhra Pradesh.
GCC has monopoly to procure Minor Forest Produce and Agriculture Produces from Tribals in Scheduled area. Although middle men interference effects badly to Tribles as well as GCC. While procure or MFP by Middlemen, the Tribles may get loss due to practice of underweighment etc.