Old Crown
North Street
The premises licence issued to the Old Crown Public House is for the sale of alcohol and the provision of regulated entertainment.
The review has been requested on the grounds that the licensing objectives for the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, and the prevention of public nuisance have all been compromised.
The review application will lead to a hearing before a Licensing Sub-Committee, where the evidence provided by the police will be considered by the Councillors sitting on the panel. The sanctions that are open to the panel are that the licence could be revoked or suspended, or that additional conditions be attached to the licence.
A copy of the current licence, and the application for review, appears below:
Charnwood Borough Council
Part A
Premises licence number / PREM6514Part 1 – Premises details
Postal address of premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description
The Old Crown
49 North Street
Post town Rothley / Post code LE7 7NN
Telephone number 0116 2302807
Where the licence is time limited the dates
Start date : 05 June 2006
Licensable activities authorised by the licence
Playing of Recorded Music
Sale of Alcohol
Performance of Live Music
The times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities
Playing of Recorded Music
Sale of Alcohol
Performance of Live Music / Saturday to Thursday 11:00 to 00:00
Friday (Background) 11:00 to 00:00
Friday (amplified (Disco) music 20:00 to 00:00
Sunday to Wednesday 11:00 to 00:00
Thursday to Saturday 11:00 to 01:00
Saturday 20:00 to 00:00
The opening hours of the premises
Monday : 11:00 to 00:30
Tuesday : 11:00 to 00:30
Wednesday : 11:00 to 00:30
Thursday : 11:00 to 01:30
Friday : 11:00 to 01:30
Saturday : 11:00 to 01:30
Sunday : 11:00 to 00:30
Where the licence authorises supplies of alcohol whether these are on and/ or off supplies
Part 2
Name, (registered) address, telephone number and email (where relevant) of holder of premises licenceName: Gapfree Estates Limited
Address: Re: The Old Crown
C/o Hayhursts Chartered Accountants
First Floor
Hampshire House
169 High Street
Postcode: SO14 2BY
Telephone: n/a
Registered number of holder, for example company number, charity number (where applicable)
Name, address and telephone number of designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol
Name: Mr Kelvin Awang
Address: The Old Crown
49 North Street
Postcode: LE7 7NN
Telephone: 0116 2302807
Personal licence number and issuing authority of personal licence held by designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises for the supply of alcohol
Licence No: 881070577
Issuing Authority: Swindon Borough Council
Annex 1 – Mandatory Conditions
1.Mandatory conditions where licence authorises supply of alcohol
(1)Where a premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol, the licence must include the following conditions.
(2)The first condition is that no supply of alcohol may be made under the premises licence-
(a)At a time when there is no designated premises supervisor in respect of the premises licence
(b)At a time when the designated premises supervisor does not hold a personal licence or his personal licence is suspended.
(3)The second condition is that every supply of alcohol under the premises licence must be made or authorised by a person who holds a personal licence.
Other Conditions
The licensee will ensure that CCTV is installed following advice from the Leicestershire Constabulary Crime Reduction Officer and maintained in accordance with the Information Commissioner's CCTV Code of Practice. The monitor or monitors shall be placed downstairs in the bar area where they can be easily viewed by staff.
After 10pm each day the Licensee will ensure that no customers shall take glasses or open bottles from the premises or into the car park.
All doors are to be maintained as effectively self-closing and shall not be held open other than by approved devices such as electromagnetic releases operated by smoke detectors.
Signs shall be placed in suitably conspicuous positions in the car park and adjacent to exits requesting customers to be quiet and orderly when using the external areas for smoking or otherwise and when leaving the premises.
A noise impact assessment and management plan shall be devised in conjunction with Charnwood Borough Council Environment Protection and implemented to minimise disturbance to local residents.
All staff will receive suitable training and instruction for minimising noise and disturbance to local residents.
The Licensee or his/her nominated representative shall receive and respond positively to complaints received during noisy incidents or events.
This licence is subject to the conditions and undertakings contained in the attached copy of the operating schedule.
Prevention of Crime & Disorder
To be part of the Pub Watch Scheme.
Public Safety
Make sure there are no loose rugs and carpets, are in good repair. Ensure that lights are bright enough for full visibility. Ensure that there is electric and gas certificates available.
Prevention of Public Nuisance
Refusal of any drunk person and making sure that when people leave the premises they leave quietly and in an orderly fashion.
Protection of Children From Harm
Make sure that children leave the premises no later than 21:00 and that there are no obstacles in the way of paths and doors or that electrical sockets are closed.
Charnwood Borough Council
Part B
Premises Licence Summary
Premises licence number / PREM6514Premises details
Postal address of premises, or if none, ordnance survey map reference or description
The Old Crown
49 North Street
Post town Rothley / Post code LE7 7NN
Telephone number 0116 2302807
Where the licence is time limited the dates
Start date : 05 June 2006
Licensable activities authorised by the licence
Playing of Recorded Music
Sale of Alcohol
Performance of Live Music
The times the licence authorises the carrying out of licensable activities
Playing of Recorded Music
Sale of Alcohol
Performance of Live Music / Saturday to Thursday 11:00 to 00:00
Friday (Background) 11:00 to 00:00
Friday (amplified (Disco) music 20:00 to 00:00
Sunday to Wednesday 11:00 to 00:00
Thursday to Saturday 11:00 to 01:00
Saturday 20:00 to 00:00
The opening hours of the premises
Monday : 11:00 to 00:30
Tuesday : 11:00 to 00:30
Wednesday : 11:00 to 00:30
Thursday : 11:00 to 01:30
Friday : 11:00 to 01:30
Saturday : 11:00 to 01:30
Sunday : 11:00 to 00:30
Where the licence authorises supplies of alcohol whether these are on and/ or off supplies
Name, (registered) address of holder of premises licence
Address: Gapfree Estates Limited
Re: The Old Crown
C/o Hayhursts Chartered Accountants
First Floor
Hampshire House
169 High Street
Postcode: SO14 2BY
Registered number of holder, for example company number, charity number (where applicable)
Name of designated premises supervisor where the premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol
Name: Mr Kelvin Awang
State whether access to the premises by children is restricted or prohibited
No Children permitted on the premises after 21:00
Application for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate under the Licensing Act 2003
Before completing this form please read the guidance notes at the end of the form.
If you are completing this form by hand please write legibly in block capitals. In all cases ensure that your answers are inside the boxes and written in black ink. Use additional sheets if necessary.
You may wish to keep a copy of the completed form for your records.
I / Sean Moore Ps567
(Insert name of applicant)
apply for the review of a premises licence under section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the premises described in Part 1 below (delete as applicable)
Part 1 – Premises or club premises details
Postal address of premises or, if none, ordnance survey map reference or description
Old Crown,
49 North Street,
Post town Leicester / Post code (if known) LE7 7NN
Name of premises licence holder or club holding club premises certificate (if known)
Gapfree Estates Ltd.
Number of premises licence or club premises certificate (if known
Part 2 - Applicant details
I am
Please tick yes
1)an interested party (please complete (A) or (B) below)
a)a person living in the vicinity of the premises
b)a body representing persons living in the vicinity of the premises
c)a person involved in business in the vicinity of the premises
d)a body representing persons involved in business in the vicinity of the premises
2)a responsible authority (please complete (C) below)
3)a member of the club to which this application relates (please complete (A) below)
(A) DETAILS OFINDIVIDUAL APPLICANT (fill in as applicable)
Please tick
Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other title
(for example, Rev)
Surname / First names
Please tick yes
I am 18 years old or over
Current postal
address if
different from premises address
Post town /
Post Code
Daytime contact telephone number
E-mail address (optional)(B) DETAILS OF OTHER APPLICANT
Name and address
Telephone number (if any)
E-mail address (optional)
Name and address
PS567 Sean Moore,
Leicestershire Constabulary Licensing Department,
Mansfield House,
74 Belgrave Gate,
Leicester LE1 3GG
Telephone number (if any)
0116 222 2222 Ext 4330
E-mail address (optional)This application to review relates to the following licensing objective(s)
Please tick one or more boxes
1)the prevention of crime and disorder
2)public safety
3)the prevention of public nuisance
4)the protection of children from harm
Please state the ground(s) for review (please read guidance note 1)
1.The Old Crown is a traditional Public House in a residential area of Rothley.
2. The current premises licence has been held by Gapfree Estates Ltd., since June 2006. The current designated premises supervisor is Kelvin Awang who has been in post since June 2010.
3. The current licence authorises the sale of alcohol, playing of recorded music and performance of live music. The opening hours are from 11:00 to 00:30 Sunday to Wednesday and 11:00 to 01:30 Thursday to Saturday.
4. The purpose of this application is to address issues of noise and disorder which have arisen in relation to the operation of the licence.
5. The current hours and conditions on the licence flow from a previous review hearing which took place on the 19th March 2008 following an application by interested parties. I attached a copy of that application and the decision notice.
6. In November 2008 I attended a meeting at the premises between residents, Council licensing officers and police, following further complaints of noise and disorder. As a result I wrote to the then area manager of Gapfree Estates. I attach a copy of that letter.
7. In June 2010 licensing officer Paul Rush reported that the premises was to re-open following a period of closure and expressed concerns about the state of repair and public safety implications.
8. On the 4th August 2010 I received a telephone call from Mr Reynolds, a nearby resident, complaining about disorder at the premises the previous weekend.
9. On the 10th August 2010 Pc Rhodes reported conferring with the DPS regarding a recent fight at the premises.
10. On the 27th August 2010 I received a report from licensing officer Chris Lambert regarding entertainment licensing issues and possible breaches of conditions at the premises. He expressed concern about possible future disorder.
11. On the 11th September 2010 police attended a disturbance at the premises where the manager had been attacked and a female was injured following the use of a glass. This matter is currently under investigation but it has been noted that CCTV was not available despite the condition placed on the licence at the previous review.
12 I understand there have been other incidents of crime, disorder and nuisance relating to the premises which have not been reported to me directly but which may be within the knowledge of other interested parties who may make their own representations.
12. Whilst not wishing to fetter the discretion of the Committee they may wish to consider the following measures to address these concerns:
(a) amend the licence to terminate all licensable activities at 22:30 with the premises to close at 23:00 every day.
(b) remove public entertainment as a licensed activity.
(c) the removal of the current DPS.
(d) to warn the premises licence holder that any further undermining of the licensing objectives will, in all probability, result in the revocation of the licence.
Please provide as much information as possible to support the application (please read guidance note 2)
Please tick yes
Have you made an application for review relating to this premises before
If yes please state the date of that application / Day / Month / Year
If you have made representations before relating to this premises please state what they were and when you made them
Please tick yes
- I have sent copies of this form and enclosures to the responsible authorities and the premises licence holder or club holding the club premises certificate, as appropriate
- I understand that if I do not comply with the above requirements my application will be rejected
Part 3 – Signatures (please read guidance note 3)
Signature of applicant or applicant’s solicitor or other duly authorised agent (See guidance note 4). If signing on behalf of the applicant please state in what capacity.
Capacity Licensing Officer
Contact name (where not previously given) and postal address for correspondence associated with this application (please read guidance note 5)
Post town /
Post Code
Telephone number (if any)
If you would prefer us to correspond with you using an e-mail address your e-mail address (optional)Notes for Guidance
- The ground(s) for review must be based on one of the licensing objectives.
- Please list any additional information or details for example dates of problems which are included in the grounds for review if available.
- The application form must be signed.
- An applicant’s agent (for example solicitor) may sign the form on their behalf provided that they have actual authority to do so.
- This is the address which we shall use to correspond with you about this application.