Condition – Floors, walkways / Yes / No / NA / Comments
Floors clean and free of oil/grease /  /  / 
Floor surface free of holes, openings, large depressions /  /  / 
Water/Spills wiped up immediately /  /  / 
Wet floor/caution signs used, placed before mopping /  /  / 
Wet floor/caution signs removed when floors are dry /  /  / 
Walking aisles free of obstructions, sharp projections and tripping hazards /  /  / 
No aisles difference level/no soil irregularity (gravel, concrete…)
Aisles and walkways marked as appropriate /  /  / 
Vegetation in walk aisles /  /  / 
Cords running across floor secured with tape /  /  / 
when working, the flexible pipe and safety cable are not left on the soil /  /  / 
The tasks are made by falling back /  /  / 
Condition – Mats, carpet
Floor coverings are in good condition and tear-free /  /  / 
Mats, drainage, or false floors provided for wet processes /  /  / 
Absorbent mats provided where slippery conditions exist/doorways /  /  / 
Mats/rugs are flat with no curled edges /  /  / 
Condition – Stairs, elevations
The stairs are equipped with ramps allowing users to have a strong point of support. /  /  / 
Stairs contain non-slip treads /  /  / 
Changes in elevation/ramps highlighted /  /  / 
Working platforms contain highlighted areas at edges /  /  / 
Condition – Lighting
Emergency lighting is operational /  /  / 
All areas properly lighted /  /  / 
Condition – Housekeeping
Containers readily available for disposal of trash /  /  / 
Absence of clutter throughout area /  /  / 
Condition – Walkways
Landscape and maintains materials removed from sidewalks/driveways /  /  / 
Sidewalks in good condition – level, free of holes /  /  / 
Non-skid/highlighted handicap ramps /  /  / 
Water drains away from walkway /  /  / 
Condition – Stairs, Elevations
Changes in elevation highlighted /  /  / 
Stairs in good condition – even, free of cracks /  /  / 
Handrails exist at stairs /  /  / 
Handrails in good condition, secure /  /  / 
Ramps contain handrails /  /  / 
Ramps in good condition – free of holes, large cracks /  /  / 
Condition – Parking
Parking areas free from uneven areas, large cracks, and potholes /  /  / 
Curbs in good shape and painted/highlighted /  /  / 
Water drains away from parking areas /  /  / 
Condition – Lighting/
All areas properly lighted /  /  / 
Employees work at a safe pace; do not rush /  /  / 
Employees observed using handrails /  /  / 
Employees do not carry more than what they can handle/items that obstruct vision /  /  / 
Employees do not jump from platforms/stairs/over obstacles /  /  / 
Employees do not take shortcuts through areas not meant as travel paths /  /  / 
Employees follow good housekeeping practices /  /  / 

Review of past slip, trip and fall anomalies

Identified best practices

Behaviour / Material