Team 4

Weekly Report

Week # 4

·  Action Items

o  Dan (Director):

§  Look over DFT code

§  Look at TCL/Tk

o  Mike (Producer):

§  Change Preliminary Report with the suggestions given by Greg

§  Write agendas for Sunday and next Thursday

o  Sarath (Admin):

§  Type up Weekly Report and Minutes

§  Get with Hani to review everyone’s schedules

§  Email Aaron for tomorrow.

o  Hani (Lib):

§  Update web page

§  Get with Sarath to review everyone’s schedules

o  Victor (QA):

§  Look over DFT code

§  Look at TCL/Tk

o  Everyone:

§  Look over source code

§  Read packet

§  Read over revised preliminary report

·  Outstanding Problems

o  To use S+ or to rewrite the entire Polar Graphing Tool (PGT)

o  Specifications desired by Aaron

o  How the System operates

o  Contract

·  Plans to address outstanding problems

o  We will attempt to rewrite the PGT in C++ but if does not work we will go to writing a wrapper around the current S+ code

o  Discuss specifications and have Aaron walk us through at the next client meeting (which is tomorrow)

o  Go over contract specs and meet at Sitterson Lobby at 6:00 pm on Sunday to complete

·  Hours

This Week / Total
Dan Chen / 4 / 6
Mike Smith / 3 / 5
Sarath Kolluru / 0.5 / 2.5
Hani Alkhaldi / 2 / 4
Victor Ibrahim / 0.5 / 2.5

o  No one gets hours for any meetings

o  Dan

§  Looked at code

o  Mike

§  Typed up Preliminary Report

o  Sarath

§  Typed up Weekly Report and Minutes

o  Hani

§  Updated webpage

o  Victor

§  Looked at book

·  Milestones

o  Accomplished:

§  Read handout given at Client Meeting

o  Approaching

§  Contract I and Schedule I

§  Second meeting with Aaron

o  Problems:

§  No Problems or slips as of now.