Review Guide: Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Ch. 8.1-8.3 and Ch. 10)

1. What is an Earthquake?

2. What do we call a large fracture in Earth along which Earthquakes occur?

3. What is the point beneath the surface of Earth where an Earthquake originates?

4. Describe the Elastic Rebound Hypothesis in 3 steps.

5. What is the difference between an aftershock and a foreshock?

6. What 2 types of plates boundaries are Earthquakes mostly associated with?

7. What is the machine called that records Earthquake waves?

8. What is the actual recording of the waves called that either prints out or is on a computer screen?

9. What are the 3 types of waves released by an Earthquake?

10. Which wave travels the fastest?

11. Which wave causes the most damage?

12. Which waves are longitudinal waves?

13. Which waves are transverse waves?

14. What is the wave that arrives second?

15. What types of materials can p-waves travel through?

16. What types of materials can s-waves travel through?

17. How many seismographs are necessary to locate an epicenter?

18. What is this process called?

19. What percentage of Earthquakes happen in major Earthquake zones?

20. What are the 3 scales used to measure Earthquakes?

21. Which scale best estimates the energy released by an Earthquake?

22. Which scale is based on the largest seismic wave produced?

23. Which scale measures magnitude?

24. What is intensity? Which scale is used to measure it?

25. Which scale is most widely used?

26. What 3 factors influence the amount of structural damage from an Earthquake?

27. What are 2 things that could cause a tsunami?

28. What is liquefaction?

29. What 2 types of plate boundaries do volcanoes occur on?

30. Where is the greatest volume of volcanic rock produced?

31. What is intraplate volcanism?

32. What is an underwater volcano called?

33. What can you say about where earthquakes and volcanoes occur in relationship to plate boundaries?

34. What is the definition of a volcano?

35. Describe a shield volcano.

36. Describe a cinder cone.

37. Describe a composite volcano.

38. Does magma with high viscosity or low viscosity cause violent eruptions?

39. Which type of volcano has the most violent eruptions? Why?

40. Which type of volcano has the mildest eruptions? Why?

41. Which type of volcano erupts do to high gas content below the surface?

42. What are the 3 factors that affect a volcanic eruption?

43. What is pyroclastic material?

44. Which has high viscosity hot magma or relatively cool magma?

45. What is a sill?

46. What is a batholith?

47. What are 3 things that contribute to the production of magma?

Review Guide: Chapter 11 Mountains

  1. What is Deformation?
  1. What are the 3 factors that affect deformation?
  1. What are the 3 types of stress that can be put on a rock body? (draw arrows for each one)
  1. What are the 3 types of faults we learned about? What type of stress makes each one?
  1. What is an anticline?
  1. What is a syncline?
  1. Draw a picture of each fault type below.
  1. List and describe the 3 types of mountains.