Revenue Reporting Overview



From the Billing/Accounts Receivable Menu

Choose the Period End Reports, Revenue Reports, Revenue Breakdown Report.

Revenue Reporting

For Procedure Revenue

For this information:Use this report:

Revenue from all charge procedures posted during selected period

  • sorted by Department Revenue Breakdown Report
  • sorted by Charge Category Revenue Breakdown Report

Revenue from last closed period and eleven previous periodsRevenue Breakdown Period Comparison Report

For Insurance Revenue

Revenue processed in current and past eleven periods for all Revenue Breakdown Period

accounts with selected insuranceComparison Report

Revenue from all accounts associated with selected insuranceRevenue Breakdown Report

For Summary Revenue

All charge procedures posted in current period and YTDRevenue Breakdown Period Comparison Report

For the Revenue Breakdown Period Comparison, you define a Major and Middle sort (both required), as well as an option for a Minor sort. You always sort by either all corporations, a specific range of corporations or just one corporation in the database. You then choose to:

Sort by:And additionally sub-total by:

  • Account TypeInsurance Group
  • Department Insurance
  • InsuranceAcct Type, Department, Procedure

Use this report to compare corporations’ total revenue for a selected period to the total revenue for the preceding periods in the fiscal year to date. For example, if you select to print the report for the twelfth period in the fiscal year, you can compare that period to the previous eleven periods.

You can use the information on the report to confirm business cycle trends and assist in preparing a budget.

You select the corporations for which you want to compile revenue information. Then, you can break down the information on the report into categories and include sub-totals for each category, if necessary.

In Conclusion:

Please note that all rejections must be corrected on a daily basis – they will not move to the patient’s account to be billed until corrected. These will be monitored on a daily/weekly basis by PFS and you will be notified if they are not being corrected timely. Please identify the person in your department that will be correcting errors. They will be trained in a separate training.

Thank You for your time today!!!!

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