
Rev. Brother Provincial of the Marist Brothers

and the community of

Marist Brothers Sector House Community, Petaling Jaya

deeply regret to inform you of the death of

Brother Michael Lim Hiow Choo, FMS

who died on 9thJuly,2017

in the 79th year of his age

and the 55th year of his religious profession

Your pious suffrages are requested for the eternal repose of his soul.

Wake will be held on 9-10July 20178:00 pm at St. Francis Xavier Home, Cheras

And on 11-12 July 2017 evening at St. Theresa Hall, Gajah Berang, Melaka

Funeral will be held on 13thJuly 201710:00 am at St. Theresa’s Church, Melaka andburial will be at Catholic Cemetery of Jelutong, Melaka

Brother Michael Lim Hiow Choowas born in Melaka on 27/09/ 1938. He entered our Juniorate in Singapore in 1953. He was sent to USA for his novitiate training in 1961andmade his first profession on 15/08/1962. On 15/08/1967 he made his perpetual profession. He attended the Spirituality Course in 1977 at Champagnat Centre in General House at Rome. He followed a sabbatical course at Hawkstone Hall, UK.in 2002.

He completed his secondary school study at Catholic High School, Singapore. He did his tertiary education in Marist College (1962-1965) in USA. After graduation he was sent to teach in Catholic High School, Petaling Jaya and was appointed as Assistant Master of Juniors. In 1967 he became the Master of the Juniorsand taught in the same school. Then in 1971 he was appointed as Headmaster of Catholic Primary School, Melaka (1971-1973). In 1974 He was sent to study for a Diploma in Education in University Malaya. After that he taught in Catholic High School, Melaka and later was appointed as Principal of that school (1974-1981) with a 6-month break in 1977 to attend the Spirituality Course at Rome.Then in 1982 he was appointed the Master of Juniors again and continued to teach in CHSPJ. His term as Master of Juniors ended in 1988 but he extended his teaching ministry for another 6 months. From 1989 onward he dedicated himself in pastoral ministry in local churches. He served in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur (1989-1994) and Diocese of Melaka-Johor (1995-2001). He continued this ministry in the Parish of St. Theresa, Melaka from 2003 until his retirement in 2010.

In 2010 he retired at Marist Brothers Sector House community, Petaling Jaya and on March that year he was sent to St. Francis Xavier’s Home under the care of the Little Sisters of the Poor until our Good Lord called him on 9 July, 2017

He was a strict disciplinarian as a Principal but in spite of that many students remember him and like him. As a pastoral worker he has touched many lives through his seminar and preaching.