Rev. Bonnie J. McCubbin
2009-2012Wesley Theological Seminary
4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington, DC20016
(202) 885-8600
Master of Divinity, with Honors
2005-2009St. Mary’s College of Maryland
18952 E. Fisher Road, St. Mary’s City, MD20696
(240) 895-2000
Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude
Majors: Anthropology; History; Minor in Mathematics
2001-2005 C. Milton Wright High School
1301 N. Fountain Green Road, Bel Air, MD21015
(410) 638-4110
High School Diploma, Graduated 11/468
September 2013-PresentSt. Mary’s Outreach, Board Member
Serve a non-profit organization dedicated to social services for senior citizens in the 21211 zip code of Baltimore
(Hampden and surrounding communities).
July 2013-PresentGood Shepherd United MethodistChurch, Pastor
- ServeGoodShepherdUnitedMethodistChurch (Hampden, MD), an aging urban congregation in the heart of Baltimore with a goal of revitalization and starting new ministries to serve and reach our community. Responsible for weekly service leadership and preaching; congregational care and visitation; and overseeing a staff of 4. Oversee the management of a multi-million dollar endowment.
June 2012-PresentUnited Methodist Historical Society/Conference Committee on Archives and History
- Serve the joint committees to preserve the heritage and history of local churches and United Methodism in our area.
July 2012-June 2013Patapsco-LodgeForest Cooperative Parish United MethodistChurch, Pastor
- Served the Patapsco-Lodge Forest Cooperative Parish (Patapsco UMC—Dundalk, MD; Lodge Forest UMC—Edgemere/Sparrow’s Point, MD), a multi-site, suburban church in eastern BaltimoreCounty. Responsible for weekly service leadership and preaching; congregational care and visitation; and overseeing a staff of 15. Sponsored a weekly homeless feeding ministry on Fridays called “Helping Hands” that fed 150 persons/week. The congregation at LodgeForest grew from 25 persons to 50 persons per week in worship. The congregation at Patapsco stabilized for the first time in almost 20 years (no net loss). Both congregations paid 100% of apportionments for the first time in their combined ministry. Tripled participation in Bible Study from 10 to 30. Took in: 26 new members; 15 professions of faith; 16 baptisms; 7 confirmands; and grew the children’s and youth ministry from 10 to 50. Oversaw the hiring of a new Director of Music (at Patapsco), and the Children’s/Youth Coordinator (parish-wide).
May 2012Commissioned a Provisional Elder at the Annual Conference of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the UnitedMethodistChurch (anticipate full-member ordination in 2015)
January 2010-June 2012Deer Creek Charge United MethodistChurch, Pastor
Pastor: Licensed Local Pastor—Student (July 2011-June 2012); Pastor: District Superintendent Hire (January 2010-June 2011)
- Served the Deer Creek Charge (Deer Creek UMC—Forest Hill, MD; Mt. Tabor UMC—Bel Air, MD), a rural 2-point charge in HarfordCounty. Responsible for weekly service leadership and preaching; congregational care and visitation; and administration for the charge. Experienced phenomenal growth: over 200% at Deer Creek and 35% at Mt.Tabor. Grew the combined congregation from 12 to 75 persons in worship, started a Sunday School Program, and began outreach ministries. 50% of the congregation at Deer Creek was under age 40. 50% of combined congregation engaged in Bible Study.
Summer 2006, 2007-December 2009, Summers 2010-Present WestRiver United MethodistCenter: West River, Maryland
Program/Resource Staff
- Over-night weekly summer camp for youth and adults in the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Assist the site director in daily operation of camp: coordinate/provide materials to assist weekly volunteer counselors and directors of camps; provide supervision and instruction for activities that require advanced training or certification; provide leadership for games, nature center, arts/crafts, meals, music, religious education and worship. Assisted in office work for camp: using computers, spreadsheets, and answering phones. Acted as liaison between the camp and guests using grounds on weekends for picnics. Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Mentor, Summer 2009. Provided leadership and guidance to 16 and 17-year-olds who are learning to be counselors. Led daily reflection meetings, and created and maintained CIT database.
Retreat Host
- Greeted and assisted guests on weekend retreats. Managed all operations of camp in absence of the manager. Repaired minor maintenance problems, hosted meals, provided supervision and leadership for activities that needed certification.
Volunteer Director
- Recruit, train, and lead a staff of volunteer counselors for one week each summer to supplement the hired staff.
National Honor Society inducted Fall 2003.
Phi Alpha Theta National honor society in History. Inducted Spring 2007.
Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society. Inducted Fall 2007.
Alpha Lambda National honor society in Anthropology. Inducted Spring 2008.
Geneva Boone Awardpresented as financial support and recognition for outstanding thesis projects. Spring 2009.
Published original research in the May 2007 issue of the Mulberry Tree magazine on the “Shoe Tree,” a campus piece of material culture. Article can be provided upon request, or use this link: <
Published 4 articles for the Young Adult Network (online). Featured writer for November 2007. Articles can be provided upon request.
Published an article promoting retreat and camping ministries in the 8 April 2009 edition of the UMConnection, the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the UnitedMethodistChurch’s newspaper. Article can be provided upon request, or use this link:
Published original research on CokesburyCollege (see below) in an article in the Fall 2009 River Gazette newspaper. Designed for a non-scholarly audience and a short-spread. Article can be provided upon request, or use this link: <
Published an original research projectin the Maryland Historical Society Magazine, a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Spring 2012 edition. Article can be requested from the Maryland Historical Society Magazine, per copyright agreement. This publication was an outgrowth and revised version of a senior thesis project (completed Spring 2009), “Mystery Unearthed: CokesburyCollege—An Investigation into the History and Demise of the FirstMethodistCollege.” The research was originally presented to the Phi Alpha Theta Regional History Conference, the scholarly community, and at CokesburyMemorialUnitedMethodistChurch (Abingdon, MD) twice. The research, which investigated a 1795 arson through archaeological data and the solving of a hidden historical riddle, caught the attention of the media, including The Baltimore Sun, The [Bel Air] Aegis, The Chronicle of Higher Education, MSNBC affiliates in multiple states, the Archaeology Today website, WYPR-Baltimore Radio (88.1 FM, Baltimore NPR) twice, numerous blogs and other sources spanning North America and Europe. CD copies of the thesis and photocopies of some of the media coverage can be provided upon request, or you can use the links provided.
- The Baltimore Sun Newspaper: A front-page, above the fold spread on 3 June 2009:
- The Aegis: Local newspaper on 3 June 2009: <
- The Chronicle of Higher Education, 8 June 2009: <
- NBC affiliates in multiple states, including local Baltimore station WBAL-TV11: <
- Archaeology Today website
- WYPR-Baltimore Radio (88.1 FM): Maryland Morning with Sheilah Kast
- On 22 December 2009: <
- Re-broadcasted on 24 December 2010: <
Scholarships and Grants Received: Baltimore-Washington Conference Ministerial Education Fund (every semester of seminary); Wesley Theological Seminary Governor’s Merit Scholarship (every semester of seminary); St. Mary’s College of Maryland Merit Scholarship (every semester); Maryland Delegate’s Scholarship from Del. Susan McComas (every year of college); Maryland Senatorial Scholarship from Sen. Bob Hooper and Sen. Barry Glassman (every year of college); Fallston United Methodist Church Scholarship (three times during college and seminary); Maryland Destination Imagination Scholarship Winner (Fall 2005).
Destination Imagination 1996-Present. Participant (1996-2005), appraiser (2005-Present), and Regional Challenge Master (2012-Present) for creative problem solving teams.
Kingsville, MarylandIndependence Day Parade 1998-Present. Ground Producer for pre-parade show, 2002-Present, providing coordination between reviewing stand, parade officials, entertainers and public safety personnel. Acts as the marching unit controller, directing units evenly past the reviewing stand and apprising the MC of unscheduled changes in the marching order.
Homeless Shelter Volunteer Fall 2011-June 2012. Volunteer at Harford County Day Shelter serving food and providing a pastoral presence twice per month.