Return to Work Discussion

Return to work interviews must be conducted after every period of absence and where possible managers should carry this out on the day the employee returns.

Date of discussion
Name of interviewer
Full Name:
Job Title:
Start date of absence
Date of return
Reason for absence
Was the setting notified of the absence in line with the required practice/policy?
From today’s date, how many day’s absence has there been in the last year?
Over how many occasions?
When and how did the injury or illness occur?
Did s/he seek medical attention?
Did s/he speak to a doctor?
Did s/he visit a hospital or clinic?
Is s/he taking any medication?
Is there any part of the employee’s job that may aggravate the condition?
If yes what can be done to support the employee?
If applicable, has the employee previously been informed that their absence record is of concern to the setting?
Has the employee been updated on any issues that occurred during his/her absence? / Yes / No
If the period of absence has been long term does the employee require any retraining? / Yes / No
Any issues that the employee wishes to raise following their recent absence?
Does the employee consider themselves to have a disability? Yes No
If yes, please provide an explanation of the disability and if any support is required.
Do any reasonable adjustments need to be considered? Yes No
If yes, please provide details of the reasonable adjustments.
Details of support offered to employee (actions agreed, including timescales)
Please include any additional information discussed at the return to work interview
I understand that this information will be used for the purposes of recording and monitoring sickness absence.
Signed Employee / Date
Signed Manager / Date