WIB Update Report for PY 13 revised 4/26/13
WIB:Return this report with the region’s WIA PY 13 Contract submission.
1. Chief Elected Officials (CEO) Agreement:
Have any modifications been executed since July 1, 2013? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, please provide a copy of your modified CEO agreement.
2. Local Grant Recipient or Local Fiscal Agent:
Have any modifications been executed since July 1, 2012? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, please provide a copy of your local agreement between the grant recipient and the designated local area grant sub-recipient.
3. Workforce Investment Board Membership:
a. Provide a copy of the PY 13 WIB Board Membership list. The membership list must include the following information for each member:
· member’s name and business address;
· member’s position within the organization;
· category representation; and
· term of appointment.
b. Per Section 117 of the Workforce Investment Act, please identify members of the Board that represent:
i. Businesses in the local area which:
· are owners of businesses, chief executives or operating officers of business, and other businesses, executives or employers with optimum policy-making or hiring authority:
· represent businesses with employment opportunities that reflect the employment opportunities of the local area:
· are appointed from among individuals nominated by local business organization:
ii. Local educational entities, including local education boards, entities providing adult education and literacy activities, postsecondary education:
iii. Labor organizations:
iv. Community-based organization including organizations representing individuals with disabilities and veterans:
v. Economic development agencies including private sector agencies:
vi. Each of the One Stop partners:
c. How many positions are there on the region’s Board?
i. What vacancies, if any, are there in Board membership?
ii. Please indicate the timeline and plans to fill any vacancies:
iii. Of the current Board membership, how many members represent
Category 3.b.i. (above) businesses in the local area?
4. Board Committees:
a. Identify standing WIB committees and their membership:
b. Are Youth Council responsibilities (identified in Section 117 of WIA) shared with other committees?
Yes ___ No ___
If so, please identify the committees sharing Youth Council responsibilities:
c. How are youth legislative requirements met?
5. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU):
Please provide a list of the mandatory organizations (DOL, SDE, BRS/BESB, DSS (and/or other Title V sponsor as applicable), Housing Authority, and Community Services Block Grant) with which there are MOUs and indicate the renewal or projected renewal date (note “continuous renewal”, as applicable) for each such MOU.
Please provide a list of any MOUs the region has with other organizations that are not mandatory, using the same list to identify them and provide either the renewal or projected renewal date for each such MOU or note “continuous renewal”, as applicable.
6. One-Stop Operator Contract:
Identify the One-Stop Operator and provide a copy of the following parts of the contract with the One-Stop operator:
· the face page and
· scope of work only.
7. Consortium Agreement (if applicable)
Provide a copy of the following parts of the Consortium Agreement if a consortium administers the One-Stop:
· the written consortium agreement,
· list of the members of the consortium (name, address and liaison for contact)
· the lead organization for the consortium and
· any additional written agreements (beyond the consortium agreement) that specify the duties of the individual members of the consortium.
If not applicable, please check here: ______
8. Client Flow and Registration Policy for Adults and Dislocated Workers:
Have any modifications been executed since last year’s submission?
Yes ___ No ___
If yes, provide a copy of the modified process.
9. Supportive Services and Needs Related Payments:
Does the region have a supportive services and/or needs related payments Policy? Yes ___ No ___
10. Financial Management System and Procurement:
Federal regulations require recipients and sub-recipients to have financial systems that implement and utilize fiscal control and accounting procedures in accordance with the “Uniform Administrative Requirements” applicable to their respective organization:
· 29 CFR Part 97 for State and Local Government or
· CFR Part 95 for Higher Education and Other Non-Profit Organizations.
Indicate whether changes have been made, or are in the process of being made, to each of the following items since July 1, 2012 by indicating “Same” or “Changed.”
If any of the elements listed below have been modified (“changed”), attach the full, revised policy package.
Item / Same / Changeda. / Organizational structure with assignments of all financial responsibilities
b. / Organization's payroll system
c. / Financial planning and review system
d. / Internal controls to safeguard assets and ensure their proper use, including separation of key financial functions among staff
e. / Obligation control system, including information pertaining to sub-grant and contract awards, obligations, un-obligated balances, assets, liabilities, expenditures and income
f. / Cash management system
g. / Financial and administrative monitoring and internal audit capability
h. / Capability to report accrued expenditures
i. / Charging of costs and cost allocation
j. / Comparison of actual expenditures with budgeted amounts or each sub grant, contract, and internal costs
k. / Source documentation to support accounting records
l. / Tracing of program income and other funds that are allowable except for funding limitation
e / Procedures to stay within administrative cost limitations
n. / Procedures for audit, audit resolution and debt collections
m. / Allowable costs
o. / Procurement procedures
p. / Property management procedures
q. / Insurance and Bonding
r. / Reimbursement of travel expenses
s. / Procedures to require that sub-grantee and contractor financial systems provide fiscal control and utilize accounting procedures in accordance with applicable Uniform Administrative Requirements at 29 CFR Part 97 for State and Local Government or 29 CFR Part 95 Higher Education and Other Non-Profit Organizations.
t. / Reimbursement of travel expenses (provide a copy of all applicable travel regulations);
u. / Procedures to ensure sub-grantee and contractor financial systems provide fiscal control and accounting procedures that are in accordance with applicable “Uniform Administrative Requirements.” (29 CFR part 97 for State and local governments or 29 CFR part 95 higher education and other non-profit organizations
11. Personnel System:
Please indicate whether or not changes have been made to each of these WIB personnel areas since July 1, 2012.
If any of the elements listed below have been modified (“changed”), attach the full, revised policy package.
Item / Same / Changeda. / Hiring and/or firing
b. / Rules and regulations regarding time and attendance
c. / Disciplinary action
d. / Leave
e. / Promotions
f. / Salary regulation
g. / Exempt and non-exempt employees
h. / Job descriptions for each position within the organization, including new positions
i. / Oversight responsibilities
j. / Staff complaint and discrimination policies
12. Administrative Organizational Structure:
Provide a detailed organizational chart, which includes both names and position titles.
The organizational chart should identify individual/position responsibilities for all of the following functions under WIA Title I:
· Administration
· Planning
· Fiscal management
· Program operations
· Program monitoring and evaluation
13. Complaints and Grievances Policy and Procedures:
Have any modifications been executed since July 1, 2012? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, please describe:
· local area grievance procedures:
o as required by WIA Regulations, Section 667.600 and
o as required in AP 05-07 Grievance and Complaint Procedures; and
· procedures for processing complaints alleging discrimination under:
o WIA Section 188 and/or
o Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 37.
14. Eligibility Documentation Policy and Procedures:
Have any modifications been executed since July 1, 2012? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, please describe the procedures for documenting applicant eligibility and what is done with ineligible applicants. Include the process for complying with WIA Section 189 to ensure registration of participants in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act.
15. Workforce Investment Board Contact Information
Please provide specific contact information for those individuals in your area whom you have identified as the primary recipient of each type of information disseminated by CTDOL:
WIA PolicyMemos (APs) / WIA Informational
Memos (WIMs) / Rapid
Response (RR)
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