Name (First & Last)
Parent/Guardian’s NameEmergency Phone
Doctor’s NamePhone #Date of last Tetanus shot
AllergiesCurrent Medications
Previous/Current Medical Conditions
Insurance InformationOther Information
Dates: Nov 15 – Nov 17, 2013
Depart: Meet at Forcey at 4:15 p.m. (we will eat dinner when we arrive)
Return: Arrive back to Forcey by 1:30 p.m. on Sunday
If paid by:
Sun, Oct 13 - $100
Sun, Nov 3 - $110
After Nov 3 - $120
*$10 OFF each sibling
ADD $20for paintball or horseback riding$10 for giant swing & specify on registration form(optional additional cost; paid with registration)
What to Bring
Bible, pen, basic toiletries, towel, soap, deodorant (please), sleeping bag or bedding, pillow, warm clothes you can run around in, and a good attitude
What NOT to Bring
You will not need your iPod, phoneor any electronics – so feel free to leave them at home!!
Emergency Contact
Since student’s phones will be off, you may call Mike at 301-651-8751 for any emergency needs.
NOVEMBER 15 – 17 2013
8th – 12thGrades
What is the purpose of the retreat?
The purpose of retreats is to get us away from the normal routine and noise of life so that we are able to slow down, have fun, and reflect on our lives – specifically how God fits into our lives and the changes that He wants to make as we serve Him.
What will we be doing?
Lots of things! Retreats feature team competitions, athletic games including gym and field activities, non-athletic games, art, non-art, skits, hanging out time, good food, an adventure game, a selection of specialized activities (paintball or zipline, and best yet – King-sized beds in each room…okay, wooden bunks, but they’ll do!
Where Is It?
This year’s retreat is at River Valley Ranch in Manchester, Maryland. They have a beautiful campus only about 90 minutes from us. Check out more about their great retreat center at
How to Register
Cut off side portion of this brochure and return to Mike or Lauren with payment. A student is not enrolled until payment is received. Need-based scholarships are available – email or call for that.
This year’s theme:
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in the Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
-Colossians 2:6-7
This retreat will focus on disciplines of the faith: the personal devotional life, friendship and accountability, prayer, and timeless habits of godliness. Our prayer is to re-emerge from the weekend more deeply rooted in Jesus, with both the passions and the skills to strive after Him more earnestly.
TBA soon!
Mike Maslin, Director of Youth Ministries
301-651-8751 /
Lauren Powers, Administrative Assistant
301-520-7911 /
Registration/Parent Permission FormStudent Name:___ DatesNov15 – 17, 2013
Optional Activity : ___ Horseback($20) ___ paintball($20) ___ Giant Swing ($10)
Parent/Guardian’s NameEmergency Phone
I hereby give my permission for my child, named above, to attend the Teens Fall Retreat sponsored by Forcey Bible Church on the above specified dates. I authorize any of the Forcey Teens Staff to act on my behalf in any emergency situation including those requiring medical attention. Complete the information on the reverse side.
Parent/Guardian’s signatureDate